MLS (Minibus Link Scheme) User Registration Form
User Number (to be filled in by MLS):
Please complete all questions and attach the relevant documents. We cannot accept incomplete applications. Please also read and sign the MLS User Registration Charter (attached). If you have any questions, please contact MLS by email: or telephone: 01432 343932.
Contact details
Name of Organisation: ......
Contact Person: ...... Position: ......
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………......
...... ………………………………………………………………… Postcode: ………………………………………………
Tel: …………………………………………………………………... E-mail: …………………………………………………
Not-for-profit status
Main activity of organisation: ………………………………………………………………………………………......
Is the organisation a registered charity? □ Yes, the charity no. is: …………………………… □ No
Is the organisation a school or college? □ Yes □ No
Organisations that are NOT schools or colleges must supply a constitution or other proof to confirm their status as not for profit.
Your MLS User Details
All member organisations, including lenders, may request to borrow a minibus through MLS at any time.
As a Lender:
We have minibus(es) or people carrier(s) that we wish to lend through MLS: □ Yes □ No
Organisations wanting to lend their vehicle(s) must complete the Lender Vehicle Registration Form supplied in the MLS User Pack or available online
As Borrower:
We would like to borrow minibuses through MLS: □ Yes □ No
Organisations wanting to borrow vehicle(s) must complete the Borrower Registration Form supplied in the MLS User Pack or available online
MLS (Minibus Link Scheme) User Charter
“We” refers to the organisation joining MLS.
1. We will familiarise ourselves with the requirements and procedures for minibus usage through MLS, as detailed in the MLS User Pack.
2. We agree to abide by those requirements and procedures at all times during our membership of MLS.
When borrowing a minibus through MLS:
3. We have fully completed, signed and returned a MLS Borrower Registration Form.
4. We will provide MLS with full details of our intended journey as specified on the Loan Request Form. We will make every attempt to notify MLS of this information at least 10 working days prior to our planned journey.
5. When a booking has been arranged verbally, MLS will send us a Loan Request Form to complete and return to MLS promptly.
6. We are aware that our driver or other nominated member of our organisation will need to complete and sign the Pre-Use Walk Around Check Form with the lender when collecting the vehicle.
7. We will ensure that vehicles are collected from and returned to the lender as agreed. If we find that we no longer require a vehicle as agreed, we will notify MLS at the earliest possible opportunity. If there is a change of plan within 3 days of vehicle collection, we will also notify the lender directly. Cancellations will still incur the £10 administration fee and unreasonably late cancellations, i.e. within 24 hours of the loan, may incur 20% charge of the hire cost.
8. We are responsible for ensuring that a driver is provided for our trip, either by nominating one of our own drivers or by requesting a volunteer driver through MLS. In either case, the driver must complete the MLS Driver Application Form, must be registered on the MLS scheme and must check they hold the correct minibus driver entitlement on their driving licence. We also understand that some lenders may insist on MiDAS trained drivers (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme, a nationally recognised assessment and training scheme for minibus drivers in the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors).
9. If we are transporting disabled passengers, it is our responsibility to ensure a PATS (Passenger Awareness Training Scheme) trained person is travelling on the minibus. PATS provides a nationally recognised standard of training to people whose role it is to provide care and assistance to passengers travelling by road.
10. If we are providing our own driver whilst transporting children or vulnerable adults, it is our responsibility to ensure he/she has received a successful, up-to-date DBS check.
11. It is our responsibility to purchase a Small Bus (Section 19) Permit for each vehicle we are using at any one time, and to ensure that it is on display at all times on the windscreen of the minibus we are borrowing.
12. If carrying children on a school-related trip, it is our responsibility to ensure School Bus signs are displayed in the front and rear of the vehicle.
13. We will encourage all of our members travelling on a minibus hired through MLS to adhere to a driver’s instructions. We will not distract the driver while the vehicle is in motion.
14. We will treat all vehicles which belong to other organisations with respect. If we return the vehicle in an unreasonably unclean state or damaged due to our misuse of the vehicle, we will be responsible for the full costs of repair and/or cleaning. We understand food and beverage must not be consumed on any hire vehicle.
15. We will inform the lender and MLS of any problems arising from our use of the vehicle, including breaking down, accidents, damage and disputes over vehicle condition and incidents relating to the vehicle where the lender may be contacted, e.g. involving traffic police, congestion charges or speed cameras.
16. If we have an accident or breakdown whilst using the borrowed vehicle, we will follow the written instructions from the lender regarding who to notify; these will be provided with the vehicle.
17. If we have an accident whilst using the borrowed vehicle, we will pay the lender’s insurance excess or the full cost of repair, whichever is less.
18. We will promptly pay the invoice we receive from MLS, which will be dispatched after the loan takes place.
19. We will report any problems or grievances relating to the scheme to MLS.
20. We are aware of and accept arrangements regarding the lender organisation’s responsibilities, outlined in clauses 21 – 35.
When lending a minibus through MLS:
21. We have fully completed, signed and returned a MLS Vehicle Registration Form for each vehicle we want to loan.
22. Our vehicle(s) has fully comprehensive insurance, covering minibus sharing and we have supplied MLS with a photocopy of the insurance certificate.
23. Our vehicle(s) is legally and functionally roadworthy, with a valid tax disc and MOT certificate. We have supplied MLS with a photocopy of the MOT certificate.
24. Our vehicle(s) has breakdown cover. We have supplied MLS with photocopy and contact details for this policy.
25. We will not attempt to loan our vehicle through MLS if there are any changes (including expiration) to our insurance, breakdown cover or any other legal implications for drivers without notifying MLS and supplying photocopies of any replacement documentation.
26. We will notify MLS of any changes in the availability of vehicles we have registered to the scheme.
27. When a booking has been requested MLS will send us a Loan Confirmation Form. We will complete and return a copy of this form to MLS promptly. If we are unable to accept a booking we will notify MLS by telephone or email upon return.
28. We will ensure that vehicles are available for collection and received back from the borrower as agreed. If we find that we are unable to lend our vehicle(s) as agreed, we will notify MLS at the earliest possible opportunity. If there is a problem within 24 hours before vehicle collection, we will also notify MLS and the borrower directly.
29. If we are providing our own driver with our minibus whilst transporting children or vulnerable adults, it is our responsibility to ensure he/she has received a successful, up-to-date DBS check. We will ensure he/she has completed the MLS Driver Application Form and return a copy to MLS.
30. We are aware that we will need to complete and sign the Pre-Use Walk Around Check Form with the Borrower driver/organisation when the vehicle is collected. Upon return we are responsible for recording used mileage and will send a copy of the Pre-Use Walk Around Check Form to MLS with our invoice for the loan.
31. We will provide minibuses to borrowers with enough fuel in the tank to get them safely to a station.
32. We will provide borrowers with full contact and procedure details of our breakdown cover for their journey.
33. We will invoice MLS promptly following the loan for the appropriate charge in line with costs detailed in the MLS Loan Cost supplied in the MLS User Pack or available online.
34. We will report any problems or grievances relating to the scheme to MLS.
35. We are aware of and accept arrangements regarding the borrower organisation’s responsibilities, outlined in clauses 3 - 20 in the MLS User Charter.
Please note:
· Members and minibuses will be accepted onto the scheme at the discretion of MLS.
· MLS reserves the right to terminate membership if a member acts in breach of any of the standards laid out in the User Charter.
· MLS does not guarantee the roadworthiness of vehicles in the scheme.
· MLS will endeavour to fulfil loan requests from members who give at least 14 days notice.
· However, MLS does not guarantee that a vehicle and/or volunteer driver will be found for your journey.
· MLS will endeavour to assist members with MiDAS driver training through certified training providers.
· MLS will endeavour to assist all members with the management and/or use of minibuses through the scheme when requested.
As an authorised representative of the above named organisation, I have read and fully understand the
requirements of this MLS (Minibus Link Scheme) User Charter.
We therefore agree to abide by these criteria in full while participating as a member of the MLS (Minibus Link Scheme) and accept that our continued membership is subject to the observance of these criteria. If we have any reason to doubt our ability to observe these criteria, we will notify MLS immediately.
Organisation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Name of Representative: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Position within Organisation: ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Signature of Representative: …………………………………………………… Date: …………………………...
Documentation checklist
Please remember to include the following:
□ Photocopy of constitution or other proof to confirm not for profit status (unless a school or college)
□ Completed Driver Application Form including photocopies of both parts of driver’s licence, if applicable
If you want to lend your vehicle:
□ Completed Vehicle Application Form
□ Valid MOT certificate photocopy
□ Minibus insurance (fully comprehensive cover with minibus sharing) photocopy
□ Breakdown cover policy photocopy
□ Recent service history photocopies (latest annual service, recent safety checks, recent tail lift check if
minibus has a tail lift)
Please return forms to: MLS (Minibus Link Scheme), hvoss, Berrows Business Centre, Bath St, Hereford HR1 2HE. Email: Tel: 01432 343932