Coat "Elizabeth" by Ralph Lauren model….
Dear aspens! Many have asked me about the description of the coat "Elizabeth," I related to Ralph Lauren model. I tried to write a description as precise as possible. Just want to say that almost all schemes Aran I took in the profile topic, they were put there Katunja, for which she thanks! Harnesses and fancy harnesses I have not found in the printed form, and tried to describe in words (circuits can not draw, with computer literacy tight). If you do not understand - ask. Central scheme Arana also caused me difficulties in provyazki sample, so I started him on the scheme, and the crossing made on logic. More added to a thin braid 1/1 on both sides of the crossing Arana during 4 wide bundles (see photo), but it's, you know nebyazatelno. It is advisable to provyazhite sample patterns to navigate well in them. I really hope that everything will be clear - if not, ask!
Coat "Elizabeth" by Ralph Lauren model.
At the age of 3.5 - 4 years (an increase of about 100 cm)
Materials: 650 grams of Candy Vita, spokes № 3.5.
Patterns: See below.
Pearl binding. 1 p. - 1 lits.p., 1 WS. §
2 p. - 1 individuals. § 1 izn.p.
The density of individuals. surface of 25 x 37 § p. = 10 x 10 cm
The upper back:
Continue knitting by the pattern, closing on each side on every other row 2 times 2 sts 2 times 1 st At the height of 44 cm from the start of registration for the neck to close the central claim 22 further on each side close to every other row 2 times for 1 sts right at the height of 46 cm from the beginning to close the remaining sts.
The upper part of the right front:
Continue knitting by the pattern, closing on each side on every other row 2 times 2 sts, 2 × 1 pt After 4 rows from the beginning of armhole begin placing coquette trail. as follows: 7 persons. § 1 WS. paragraph, the following paragraph 71 should be reduced provyazyvaya WS. 2 and 3, etc., bringing their number to 27, subsection remaining sts on pattern. Next coquette fit zhemch. viscous. 10 p. from the beginning coquette make 2 holes for the buttons at a distance 6.5 cm (15 point) from each other. 24 p. repeat from start yoke hole. Another 6 p. issue throat closed at the beginning of p. 27p., Then every 2-m p. alternately n 3, paragraph 2, subsection 2, paragraph 1, knit and chat at a height of 46 cm from the beginning of the close-knit remaining sts
The upper left part of the shelf:
Knit like the right shelf, but without making holes for the buttons. Plot coquette (42 §) also bring to § 27
Dial 87 sts, knit 8 rows garter st (all claim WS. All p.) Next knit trail. as follows: § 6 zhemch. matings, 1 WS. § 6 persons. paragraph (braid), 1 WS. § 6 § zhemch. matings, 1 WS. § 10 paragraph on a "small diamonds", 1 WS. § 6 § zhemch. matings, 1 WS. § 9 persons. paragraph (large braid), 1 WS. § 6 § zhemch. matings, 1 WS. § 10 paragraph on a "small diamonds", 1 WS. § 6 § zhemch. matings, 1 WS. § 6 persons. paragraph (braid), 1 WS. § 6 § zhemch.matings. Knit schemes, with over 16 p. from the beginning of schemes to reduce by 1 st each side zhemch sites.matings (except the first and last), repeat reduction even after 16 p. After 17 cm from the start of mating added every 8th district. 4 x 1 st each side sleeves provyazyvaya their zhemch. viscous.
After 27 cm from the beginning of armhole issue, closing with each side every 2 - m p. consistently claim 3, 2n., 1H., 1H., 1P. Knit 10 p. directly. Next close to each side every 2 - m p. consistently claim 3, 4p., 5p., 6n, 7 § Close the remaining loop.
Second sleeve fit similarly.
Run the shoulder seams. Sew sleeves and sew them into the armholes. Sew buttons. Land on the edges of the front surface of the coat bend on the wrong side and on the reverse hem. If desired, sew lining.
Oformenie neck and collar:
On the edge of the neck loop and dial face knit stitch 8 p. Bend on the wrong side and on the reverse hem. On the inner side of the spout lift loops short edge 6 cm to each side and zhemch knit collar. viscous. After 14 rows close to each side every 2 - m p. consistently claim 1, 2n., 3p., 4p. Raise each closed loop with the rounded portion of the collar and connecting with the remaining loops collar knit piping persons. stitch. After 4 series change spokes on number 6 and knit one row. Back to the spokes № 3.5 and knit 4 more number of persons. surface. Fold in half along the central harness row and hem from the inside of the collar.
In the area of the waist at the back lift 11 item (see photo) and knit them on tape track. as follows: 2 persons. § 7 § zhemch. matings, 2 persons. § Continue to a length of about 36 cm, closed. On the other hand a similar tie tape. Tie a ribbon bow 2 and quietly fix it a few stitches.
Greater Scythe (pattern number 56)
Fantasy tourniquet.
Fit to claim 6, in the 1st district. crossed right the first 4 loops (2/2), in the 3rd district. crossed right last 2 loops with the first 4 loops (2/4). Repeat these 4 rows. On both sides of a central lozenge dorsally fancy strands run in a mirror image.
Central Aran.
Kos (lateral elements of the pattern number 43)
Small diamonds (pattern on the sleeves) Use the diagram № 16.20, only one knit rapport, framing the sides of one individual. paragraph (paragraph 10 total) All other item inside the rhombus purl.