Of Beetles and Angels
Reading Quiz #1
1. In what country was Mawi born?
2. To what country did Mawi and his family originally flee to?
3. What did Mawi think should be written on the sign “welcoming” the refugees to Awad?
Page 2-3 “Welcome, all you refugees…” Good luck. It is horrible here. We can’t help you but you have nowhere else to go.
4. For how many years did Mawi and his family live in Umsagata?
3 years
5. Who, besides the bullies, beat the children in the refugee camp and made them suffer? What do you think about this?
The teachers
6. Name two myths Mawi’s father heard about Amerikha.
- Money grows on trees.
- Streets are paved with gold.
- Big cars.
- Only had to work 2 hours per day.
- Everybody was rich.
- Paradise.
- Easy life.
- People are out to get you.
- No wars.
- Everyone has a house.
- Medicine; healthcare
- Everyone lives to be 100 years old.
- Free education
- Peace; food
7. Who did Mawi’s parents contact to help them flee to the U.S.?
World Relief Organization
8. Who was Beth Raney? What did Mawi’s mother do when she was around? Why?
She was the caseworker from World Relief. Mawi’s mother would leave the room when she visited to allow her husband time to speak with the important visitor.
9. Where did Mawi’s family spend the first two weeks in America? How do you think you would feel if you found yourself in a similar situation? Explain.
Motel 6 in Chicago
10. What is the significance of the title of this book? Explain.
- Of Beetles and Angels has to do with Mawi’s father and what he told his children. He told them that all people should be treated like angels, no matter if they appeared to be the lowliest of beetles. For example, Mawi’s father welcomed the homeless man – who appeared to be a beetle – into their home and treated him with the greatest respect.
11. What is Amnesty International truly concerned with?
Human rights
12. What has been happening to “vagrant” children in the capital of Sudan?
The children were rounded up and sent to special children’s camps.
13. Name three reasons people in Africa have been forcibly displaced from their homes.
- War
- Famine
- Disease
- The educated were killed and many fled
- Natural disasters: flood; drought
- Fighting
- Social disruption
- Mengistu Regime
14. What are the conditions like in the refugee camps? Give three facts about these conditions.
- Very difficult conditions
- Lack of food
- Lack of clean water
- Very crowded
- Hot, crowded, disease ridden
- Lack of medical supplies, no doctors
15. What do you think about the book so far? Give at least three reasons to support your ideas.