Masters in Psychology and Education
Admissions Written Task
Please note: If you are applying for the 1-year full time MPhil or the 2-year part time MEd, please complete the task below. This route is not open to PGCE-MEd applicants.
Choose an area of interest to you in psychology and discuss it in relation to education. In writing this short essay (1500-2000 words), please refer explicitly to relevant theoretical or empirical publications using a critical and reflective lens. Essays beyond the word limit will not be accepted.
If you are interested in our BPS Accredited Course, please complete the attached form.
Please upload this with your other application documents. Applications cannot be considered unless the written work has been received.
MPhil / MEd Psychology & Education
BPS Graduate Membership (GM) and
Graduate Basis for Chartered membership (GBC)
The Psychology and Education route is accredited as a graduate conversion course by the British Psychological Society. Candidates can obtain BPS Graduate Membership (GM) and the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) by completing successfully the MPhil/MEd assessment requirements (of two essays and a thesis) AND completing successfully the BPS requirements of: two examinations (one on the core topics of psychology and one on research methods) and successfully writing up a report on each of the five set practical tasks, one in each of the five core topics. GM and GBC allows candidates to proceed onto courses offering a professional training as a Chartered Psychologist (in, for example, educational or clinical psychology).
Please be aware that taking this option will be very challenging for students who do not have considerable experience of studying psychology. Prior knowledge of basic quantitative statistics is advisable. Please also note that an additional fee applies for the BPS conversion course.
To be eligible to obtain GM or GBC, applicants must have the equivalent of 6 months study of psychology at undergraduate level (or 60 credits of previous psychology studies) prior to starting their MPhil or MEd in October (but not necessarily completed before applying).
Please fill in the form below to indicate how you have achieved, or plan to achieve, the prerequisites in Psychology before starting the course. There are many distance learning/ short courses that offer introductory Psychology modules. Any of these would be acceptable preparation for the BPS Conversion course. Please do not contact us to ask for advice on filling in this form before you apply. If an interview is offered, we will discuss your form with you and any questions can be addressed at that time.
Please also note that you will be asked to provide an original full transcript of these credits once they are completed and before the Masters begins.
Programme: MPhil (full/time) or (MEd part-time)?
Teaching Experience (years/age-phase):
Current post:
First degree and class:
Postgraduate qualifications:
BPS Graduate Membership (GM) &
Graduate Basis for Chartered membership (GBC)
Accreditation of Prior Learning
Evidence of having completed the equivalent of 6 months undergraduate level psychology/ 60 points
Course and awarding institution(s) / Date completed or intended to complete / Grades achieved / Equivalentproportion of a year
(in decimals)
(must equal or exceed 0.5 of a year)
Please do not contact us to ask for advice on filling in this form before you apply. If an interview is offered, we will discuss your form with you and any questions can be addressed at that time.
There are many distance learning/ short courses that offer introductory Psychology modules. Most of these would be acceptable preparation for the BPS Conversion course. You may also indicate modules from prior study where content was primarily psychology. Research methods courses count towards this.