PART-I TIME 09:00 A.M.
27.09.2014Saturday / Geography / IV / Climatology
Sociology / IV / Social Statistics and Applications of Computer in Sociology
Persian / IV / ادبیات معاصر فارسی
Statistics / IV / Data Processing & Statistical Computing
English Lit. / III / Academic Discourse
Pakistan Studies / III / Pakistan Society and Culture
Arabic / IV / الادب القصصی
Political Science. / IV / International Relations.
Punjabi / IV / خصوصی مطالعہ وارث شاہ
Monday / Psychology / III / Statistics
Botany / V / Cell & Molecular Biology & Bio-Statistics
Chemistry / V / Bio-Chemistry
Education / V / Educational Measurement & Evaluation
History / V / Historiography
Mathematics / V / Tensor Analysis & Mechanics
Saraiki / V / Saraiki waseb de tarkikh tay sakafat
Urdu / V / تنقید
Islamic Studies / IV / سیرۃ النبی
Economics / IV / Statistics for Economics (Old Course)
Descriptive & Inferential Statistics (New Course)
Applied Psychology / V / Research Methodology
Sociology / V / Cultural Anthropology
English(with Sp. In Lang/Lit) / V / History of English Literature
Tuesday / Geography / V / Statistical Geography(Use of Qualities Techniques in Geography)
Persian / V / تاریخ ادبیات فارسی برصغیر پاکستان و ہند
Philosophy / V / Logic
Statistics / V / Design & Analysis of Experiments
Pakistan Studies / IV / Constitutional Development in Pakistan (1947-1999)
Arabic / V / الادب الدینی Religious Literature
Political Science. / V / Genesis of Pakistan.
Punjabi / V / تاریخ پنجابی زبان و ادب
Wednesday / Psychology / IV / Methods of Behavioral Research
Botany / VI / Plant Ecology.
Education / VI / Methods and Techniques of Teaching
History / VI / State & Society during Muslim Rule in India
Mathematics / VI / Computer Applications & Programming for Math 1st (New Course)
Computer Applications, Mathematics & Fortan 90 (Old Course)
Saraiki / III / افسانوی ادب
Urdu / VI / ُ پا کستا ن زبانوں کا ادب
Zoology. / VI / Ecology, Wildlife and Zoogeography
Islamic Studies / V / تقابل ادیان
Economics / V / Islamic Economics (Old Course)
Monetary Eco. & Public Financial (New Course)
Applied Psychology. / VI / Statistics
English(with Sp. In Lang/Lit) / VI / Poetry
Thursday / Persian / VI / Junobi Punjab main Farsee Shaair
Sociology / VI / Social Psychology
Philosophy / VI / Introduction to Psychology
English Lit. / VI / TESOL or Stylistics (Old Course)
Pakistan Studies / V / Foreign Policy of Pakistan (1947-1999)
Arabic / VI / العربی الادب تاریخ
Political Science / VI / Research Methodology
Punjabi / VI / Look Adab
Friday / Psychology / V / Psychology of Human Relations
Urdu / I / کلاسیکی شاعری
Economics / VI / Major issues in Pakistan Economy (Old Course)
Development Economics (New Course)
Saraiki / I / سرائیکی زبان تے ادب دی تاریخ
Islamic Studies / VI / Islam kay Moasharty ,Moashi Iktdar –Tasavarat
Zoology / I / Cell & Molecular Biology
Physics / I / Methods of Mathematical Physics.
Thursday / Pakistan Studies / VI / Economic Development of Pakistan(1947-1999)
English Lit. / VI / Linguistics (New Course)
Political Science / I / Western Political Thought
Philosophy / I / History of Greek Philosophy.
Friday / Economics / VII / Islamic Economics (New Course)
Physics / II / Classical Mechanics Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
Psychology / VI / Psychopathology
Saraiki / II / کلاسیکی سرائیکی شاعریclassical Saraiki Shairee
Zoology / II / Bio-Chemistry
Urdu / III / و اسالیب نثر ارد
Islamic Studies / I / Mutala Tafseer Quran
PART-II TIME: 01:00 P.M.
FRIDAY TIME : 02:00 P.M.
23.10.2014Thursday / Persian / I / Insha Navesee -Pharsee Guftaree –w- Tarjamani
Physics / IV / Atomic and Molecular Physics and Photonics
Punjabi / IV / Look Adab
Economics / V-G-A(i) / Computer Applications in Economics
V-G-A(ii) / Labour Economics
V-G-A(iii) / Research Methods
V-G-A(iv) / Public Finance
V-G-A(v) / Managerial Economics
App. Psychology / V(i) / Organizational Behavior
V(ii) / Consumer Behavior
V(iii) / Human Resource Management
V(iv) / Marketing Management
English Lit. / XI / Linguistics
Mathematics / 411-Discipline-A / Measure Theory (Comp.)
421-Discipline-b / Mathematics Methods (Comp.)
431-Discipline-c / Methods of Optimization (Comp.)
Friday / Geography / XI / Hydro Geography
Saraiki / IV / Tahkeek Nazria tee amal
Zoology / Special-1-A / Entomology
Special-2-A / Endocrinology
Special-3-A / Physiology
Special-4-A / Phraseology
Special-5-A / Microbiology
Special-6-A / Fisheries
Special-7-A / Ornithology
Arabic / V(i) / الادب العربی فی شبۃ القارۃ
V(ii) / منھج البحث و التحقیق
V(iv) / Al-Elmul Arbi
V(iii) / لسانیات
Botany / Ad-Course-I / Stress Physiology
Saturday / Sociology / V / Social Problem of Pakistan
History / XV / North Africa under Muslim Dynamics 789-1837
Statistics / IV-V(ii) / Operation Research and Discussions Theory
Chemistry / I-C –Special / Physical Chemistry theory
Political Science / XI / Comparative local Govt System with Special Reference to Pakistan
Psychology / V(i) / Clinical Psychology
V(ii) / Guidance and Counseling
V(iii) / School Psychology
V(iv) / Medical Psychology
V(v) / Psychology of Military and Warfare
Urdu / V / Adab ka Taneesi Mutala
Monday / Persian / V / Zuban Shanasi-Wa-Mani, Wa Bayan
Philosophy / V(i) / Philosophy of Education
V(ii) / Philosophy of School Sciences
V(iii) / Political Philosophy
V(iv) / Philosophy of Science
Physics / A-I / Advanced Electronics
Punjabi / V / Qomi Adab
Economics / V(G-B)(i) / Advanced Mathematical Economics
V(G-B(ii) / Computer Economics System
V(G-B)(iii / Agricultural Economics
V(G-B)(iv / Financial Economics
V(G-B)(v / Human resource Development and Management
App. Psychology / VI(i) / Para Psychology
VI(ii) / Health Psychology
VI(iii) / Positive Psychology
VI(iv) / Educational Psychology
VI(v) / Islamic Prospective in Psychology
English Lit. / XII / Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics
Mathematics / 402-Group-ABC / Numerical Analysis
Tuesday / Geography / IX / Political Geography
Saraiki / V-Group-(i) / Trajama:Nazria tay amal
V-Group-(ii) / Ablageiyat de Mubadiyat
V-Group-(iii) / Umumee Lisaniyaat
V-Group-(iv) / Samje Lisaniyat ty Sariki Zaban
Zoology / Special-1-B / Entomology
Special-2-B / Endocrinology
Special-3-B / Physiology
Special-4-B / Parasitology
Spiecial-5-B / Microbiology
Special-6-B / Fisheries
Special-7-B / Ornithology
Arabic / VI(i) / Al Atrafa Almushro
VI(ii) / Al adab ul arbi fe undlas
VI(iii) / Al adab ul mutaraf
VI(iv) / Drastah al arbi al hadees
Botany / Add.Course-II / Plant Population and Evolutionary Biology
History / XVII / Muslim Institution and Civilization
Statistics / IV-V(iii) / Bio-Statistics Epidielogy and Survival Analysis
Chemistry / ABCDE(iv) / Industrial & Environmental Chemistry(Comp.)
Political Science / XII / Public Administration with Special References to Pakistan
Urdu / VI / Almee Adab ky shair ka tarifi Mutala
Wednesday / Philosophy / VI(i) / Philosophy of Art
VI(ii) / Philosophy of Language
VI(iii) / Philosophy of Law
Mathematics / B-Opt-422 / Fluid Mechanics
B-Opt-423 / Solid Mechanics
B-Opt-424 / Electromagnetic Theory
Geography / X / Development of Land Resources & Palning
Saraiki / V / English for Academic Purpose
Botany / Add.Course-III / Ethno-Botany
History / XIX / Muslim Rule in Spain (711-1492)
Statistics / IV-V(iv) / Demography and Sample Survey Methods
Sociology / IV / Sociology of Social Change
Political Science / VIl / Comparative Political System.
Psychology / I / Muslim Contribution in Psychology
Urdu / VII / Tadrees urdu Moawanat Urdu
Education / V&VI(I) / School Management and Administration
Zoology / IV-X(Elective) / Applied Microbiology
IV-IX(Elective) / Mamalogy
Thursday / Islamic Studies / II / Tafsiree Adab
Physics / C-1 / Special Solid State Physics
C-II / Advanced Solid State Physics
English Lit. / XIII / History of English Literature
English Lang. / Xi / Drama
Pakistan Studies / V-Group-A / Local self Government in Pakistan
V-Group-b / Indo-Muslim Historiography(1206-1947
V-Group-c / Political History of Multan(1849-1999
Mathematics / 403-GroupABC / Mathematical Statistics
Friday / Geography / XII / Rural Settlement Geography
Saraiki / VI(Group-II)(i) / Saraiki Lok Adab
VI(Group-II(ii) / Sariki C-Harfi Di Riwayt Da Mutala
VI(Group-II)(iii / Sariki Qafi De Riwayt Ty Mutala
VI(Group-II)(iv / Sindh Wich da Sariki Shaair-w-Adab
VI(Group-II)(v / Sariki Afsana ty Riwayt Fun
Botany / Add.Course-IV / Plant Bio-Technology
Arabic /
/ الانشاء والمحادثہEducation / I&II(A-ii) / Chemistry
I&II(B-ii) / Arabic
I&II(C-ii) / Pol/Sc.
History / XXIII / History of England 1760-1919
Statistics / IV-V(v) / Actuarial and Financial Statistics
Pol/Science / XIII / Foreign Policy of Major Powers U.S.A. Russian ,China France and Britain with Special Reference Middle East, South Asia & South East
Urdu / VIII / Urdu Sahfat ka Irtaka
Asstt. Controller of Examinations (C)
(E:)Waqas Conduct Data \Waqas_Conduct_2012 \ Date Sheet 2012 \ Notification DateSheet.doc