This course is roughly divided in half. The first half of the class to midterm is devoted to Web Design and planning. The second half of the class is devoted to producing the web site using Dreamweaver (CSS/XHTML) and Photoshop and/or Illustrator.
Participation grades are based on 1) the student’s successful completion of Participation Activities listed in the syllabus (only assignments that are done by the start of class can receive credit); 2) active participation in the in-class tutorial activities and lab time (daily attendance is vital); 3) participation in group and partner work options, helping and receiving help from classmates; 4) keeping a positive attitude in the face of inevitably frustrating experiences with technology during the learning process.
Quizzes may involve multiple choice and short answer and/or hands-on activities.
The midterm portfolio is a collection of projects that will serve as the foundation for the production of your web site (see checklist). The midterm portfolio materials will be submitted as if you are proposing the materials to a client in the real world.
Your final project consists of your produced web pages, which will be posted online and submitted on disk. You will be submitting your complete portfolio of class work, which will include the midterm portfolio and the disk with your web site files (see checklist).
Your sketch book per se is not graded, but will be used to produce both graded and non-graded activities. Take class notes in it, sketch in it, place clippings in it (e.g., web page print-outs, photos, etc.), and complete your assigned thumbnail sketches in it. Include these efforts in your midterm portfolio, if you like, as more evidence of process.
Final Project Description
Create an informative web site on the topic of health and fitness (or another topic individually approved through your instructor) that contains no more than five pages. Keep it simple and small-scale, for your sake J. You will develop the name, logo, and branding of the site, and write original content. All pages of the web site must link properly to one another and be published to the Web. Keep the site simple. For example, a web site for kids explaining the five food groups could feature one food group per page. Another site might be created for adult Nutrition Tips, with one page on the food groups, one on vitamins and minerals, one that features favorite recipes, and one page for surprising facts, etc. Another site might divide pages among information on nutrition and exercise, with a full page explaining benefits of various types of exercise. The possibilities are endless.
The site must be viewable at a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels (your minimum viewable content area will be 760 x 420) and a maximum of 1024 x 768 pixels. See final project criteria checklist. Select a topic that will allow you to:
l generate original content/text for a specific target audience
l exercise creativity (in concept, design, and content)
l involve outside research as needed (use journalistic attribution to cite your sources)
l properly use technologies you have learned in class (Dreamweaver/HTML/CSS and PhotoShop)
l demonstrate understanding of other lessons learned in class
(e.g., interface design, logo design, etc.)
Midterm Portfolio
Submit the following items stapled or binder-clipped (no paper clips) or in a portfolio book (with no ring binding). You may revise your work as often as you like until you submit it. Inclusion of “before and after” work, sketches, etc., will be considered in the process portion of your grade if they appear side-by-side and you explain what you believe to be your course of improvement. Feel free to use post-it notes as well to make comments.
r Cover Sheet (see cover sheet template)
r Web Site Proposal (this is the information from your planning worksheet solidified as a formal
typed client report, talking about the audience and purpose of your web site, your strategies and
tactics for accomplishing your goals, etc.
r Site Map (neatly executed manually or digitally)
r Logo: Sketches, drafts, final (digital printout)
r Storyboard sketches of 1 home and 1 internal page minimum
r PhotoShop Comp: Home Page Interface Design
r “Process” sketches and notes (optional)
Final Project Submission
Your final project is your finished web site, uploaded to
in a folder called firstname_lastname. Login: classclown | Password: Password1
You may also choose to upload it to your own hosting space, but this is not required.
Final Project Criteria
r Engaging concept with content that is informative, well organized, and well written
r Web design principles demonstrated (remember “CRAP” acronym)
r Logo meets criteria (“SLAMR” acronym).
r Look and feel are appropriate for content and audience.
r Design is thematically consistent from page to page of the site.
r Design enhances communication and navigation.
Usable Navigation
r We know where we are, where we can go, and what the site can do for us.r Corporate I.D. is clear on every page.
r Navigation is intuitive and simple (fewest layers, buttons clearly labeled, etc.)
r Breadth over depth, 3-click rule, etc.(avoiding “back” buttons and shifting navigation)
r Use of menus and links are consistent
Usable Content
r Headline (if appropriate) is engaging, targets an audience,
carries a complete message, and leads viewers to click into the site.
r Text is direct, concise, communicates effectively.
r Text is audience-oriented rather than company-oriented.
r Text is interesting and informative (rather than obvious or common knowledge).
r Content meets the stated goals (from your proposal).
r Research is properly cited using journalistic attribution.
r Scannability, Legibility, Readability
r Inverted pyramid, short paragraphs, subheadings, type hierarchy
Technologies and Assignment Requirements
r CSS is used to build the site, primarily
r Web site is live (hosted on the Internet)
r Web site works properly (all links, pages, etc.)
r Each page can be viewed comfortably at 800 x 600, 640 x 480, and 1024 x 768
r Download time is reasonable (generally within 10 seconds)
r Final portfolio has been submitted properly, disk is labeled, etc.
r Graphics have technical integrity (not too compressed or large, proper formats)
r Strong grammar and spelling is evident.
r Assignment requirements are met.
While credit will be given to students who attempt challenging technologies, the technologies should be chosen based on the best deliveries of content and not used for their own sake. Avoid distracting animations, sounds, backgrounds, and music.
Any use of web design templates or use of technologies other than those learned in class is prohibited and will be considered academic dishonesty. Any Review the information about plagiarism posted at > class info.
You may use your own photographs/artwork and/or royalty-free photographs and clip art when developing designs and illustrations, or you may use graphics “on spec.” Such speculative work for real companies may incorporate real graphics from those companies, but keep in mind that if you were to develop a real web site, you would need to obtain permission to use those items. You may also use images that you are referring to critically (for example, a painting you are discussing), but will need to cite your sources.
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Midterm Cover Sheet Template
YOUR NAME: ______
Web Site Name: ______
Submission Date ______
Remember to use a jumbo binder clip or portfolio book without rings.
Do not use paper clips or binder spines that fly off.
r Cover Sheet
r Web Site Proposal (see sample)
r Site Map (neatly executed manually or digitally)
r Logo: Sketches, drafts, final (digital printout)
r Storyboard sketches of 1 home and 1 internal page minimum
r PhotoShop Comp: Home Page Interface Design
r “Process” sketches and notes (optional)
r -5 points docked for contraband: paper clips, bound folders, plastic sleeves, etc.