This is a sample list of topics; you can be as narrow or specific as you like. If you found another topic you would like to research that deals with this time period, please ask (by the way we only go to 1995 because an essay on the AP exam will not be solely after this time period, so this helps us focus)
I. 1950's
- The Eisenhower presidency (Modern Republicanism)
- McCarthyism
- Dennis v. US (1951)
- HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
- Alger Hiss
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
- Civil Rights movement in the 1950's
- Foreign policy under John Foster Dulles (Eisenhower administration)
- Containment
- Brinkmanship
- Domino theory
- American society of the 50's
- Consumer culture
- consensus of values (conformity)
- rejection of conformity (Beatniks)
- prosperity
- Impact of the Baby Boom
- Levittown
- Interstate Highway Act
- Space race in Cold War context
- U-2 incident
- Sputnik
- National Defense and Education Act
II. 1960's
- The Kennedy presidency
- The New Frontier
- Peace Corp
- Civil Rights (1960-1965)
- Rise of feminism
- Betty Friedan “Feminism Mystic”
- Warren Court & Civil Liberties expansion (Miranda & other cases)
- Vietnam (1960's)
- Kennedy foreign policy: Cold War standoff
- Domestic political upheaval related to Vietnam (1960's)
- Civil Rights (1965-1975)
- Lyndon Johnson 's Great Society Program
- War on poverty
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam policies
- Impact of 1968 (society – domestic & world events)
III. 1970's
- Kent State & Jackson State other domestic upheaval related to Vietnam
- Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy
- Vietnam
- China
- Détente
- New Federalism
- Watergate crisis and resignation
- CREEP (committee to re-elect the president)
- “plumbers”
- Gerald Ford's presidency
- Pardoning Nixon
- Fall of Saigon
- Jimmy Carter's presidency
- Energy crises of the 1970's
- Iranian hostage crisis
- The Environmentalist movement (1960s-1990)
- Native American militancy (AIM)
- Hispanic American issues in American society (Caesar Chavez)
- U.S. Middle East policy (1960's-1995)
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
IV. 1980's
- Ronald Reagan's economic policy (supply-side economics / Reaganomics)
- Defense changes under Reagan (buildup and Strategic Defense Initiative/ Star Wars)
- Resurgent fundamentalism
- Televangelists
- Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell
- Moral majority
- American/Soviet (and others) treaties regarding armament (1960-1985)
V. 1990 – 1995
- Gulf War
- Operation Desert Shield
- Operation Desert Storm
VI. Themes that transcend multiple decades:
- Changing American culture as reflected in the media (TV)
- Election of 1960
- Civil Rights movement
- Vietnam War
- Changing American culture as reflected in protest music
- Late 1960s – 70s
- 1980s – 1990s
- Anti war
- Pro environment
- Anti government
- American response to international & domestic terrorism
- Camp David Accords
- PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization); Yassir Arafat
- Somalia 93’
- World Trade Center Bombing 93’
- Oklahoma City Bombing 95’