The purpose of this document is to enable the applicant to map their evidence of compliance against the OPITO approval requirements. Items required to be submitted for desktop review are identified inbold text. Applicants who currently hold OPITO Approval status do not require to submit evidence for those sections marked with an asterisk (*), unless new systems/procedures have been devised in support of this application. If so, these should be included in the submission for Desktop Audit Review.

To Be Completed By Applicant

Applicant: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact Point: …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Applicant currently holds OPITO Approval for the delivery of the following OPITO Standards: (complete if applicable)
Title(s) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………

For Office Use Only

Date Received by OPITO:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

FORMOPITO004.01AAPage 1 of 6 Rev 0 (9/5/2012)


OPITO Requirement / Explanation/Examples / Evidence Of Compliance
1.Management Systems
Management Systems are required to include the following:
1.1An explicit policy for implementing and maintaining the OPITO MIST Standard (signed by local Senior Management). / This document should reflect the organisation’s overall philosophy towards complying with OPITO’s training and testing requirements. It should be explicit to OPITO approval and be signed by local senior management.
1.2Clearly defined and documented staff roles, responsibilities and authority for the management and delivery of the OPITO MIST Standard. / This may be illustrated in:
-Organisation Charts
-Job descriptions
-Work Instructions, etc.
Formally documented procedures are required which:
1.3Ensure frequent internal auditsare conducted by appropriately trained personnel with no conflicting interest in the area(s) being audited, of all system activities and procedures relative to the OPITO MIST Standard and Approval Criteria.* / This procedure should be specific to auditing of OPITO approval requirements. Management systems, staff and physical resources must all be subject to self audit in addition to actual delivery of training and testing.
1.4Ensure accurate records of delegatetests are maintained and securely stored.* / The procedure requires to indicate how and where the records are stored, who is responsible for maintaining the records, what security provisions are in place, etc. This information may be included in the general testing procedure(s).
OPITO Requirement / Explanation/Examples / Evidence Of Compliance
1.Management Systems (continued)
1.5Ensure effective liaison and communication between all sites where training and/or testing is conducted.* / Applies only to centres delivering MIST module(s) at remote sites e.g. PTW module delivered by third party training provider, etc. Procedures are required to demonstrate that systems accommodate these. E.g. administration, maintenance, testing procedures, etc.
1.6Ensure that OPITO administrative requirements are fulfilled.* / The administration process from booking through to certification requires to be documented. This must include:
-delegate registration and forwarding of delegate registration details to OPITO on a weekly basis
-certificate issue
Note: OPITO will assist in putting an electronic registration system in place.
1.7Ensure all training is conducted safely and delegate well-being is maintained at all times.* / Evidence may be provided from a variety of sources, e.g.:
-Safety Procedures
-Emergency Procedures
-Risk Assessments
-Transport Procedures
Medical Screening Procedures, etc
1.8Ensure any subcontracted training content delivery and testing of the MIST module(s) comply with relevant Approval Criteria. / Evidence may be provided from a variety of sources (e.g. subcontractor audit), but must cover the subcontractor’s:
-Management Systems
-Physical Resources
-Staff Resources
-Training and Testing.
OPITO Requirement / Explanation/Examples / Evidence Of Compliance
2.Physical Resources
2.1Resource needs are identified in relation to the OPITO MIST Standard and are available. / The resource needs are identified within the relevant sections of the course Lesson Plans.
Evidence will also be required of their suitability and availability.
The actual numbers/quantities available require to be listed and should include:
-Photographs of all equipment and personal protective equipment, plus details of quantities available.
-Details of any & all media and reference documentation used during the delivery of the course.
OPITO Requirement / Explanation/Examples / Evidence Of Compliance
3.Staff Resources
3.1There are sufficient staff with the appropriate qualifications and experience as defined within the OPITO MIST Standard. / The relevant section of the OPITO MIST Standard clearly indicates the required skills, experience and qualifications for training delivery and knowledge assessment. Evidence of compliance may be in the form of CVs/Résumés, copies of certificates, staff training and competency records, etc. which demonstrate compliance with OPITO requirements.
Formally documented procedures are required which:
3.2Ensure that staff training and development needs are regularly reviewed and a programme is put in place to meet any requirements which are identified.* / This criterion relates to all staff involved in the training and knowledge assessment of the OPITO MIST Standard.
OPITO Requirement / Explanation/Examples / Evidence Of Compliance
4.Training & Testing
4.1Delegates are informed of OPITO’s role within theoil & gas industry and contact points within OPITO. / This may be achieved by a prominently displayed notice and/or inclusion in training materials.
A suitable notice is available from OPITO.
4.2There is documentary evidence to confirm that training and testing is carried out as specified within the OPITO MIST Standard. / The documents listed i.e. test checklists, lesson plans & timetable should be sufficiently detailed to ensure that training and testing can be consistently and reliably delivered. The documents must reflect the requirements of the OPITO MIST Standard and be clearly referenced against it.
Formally documented procedures are required which:
4.3Ensure delegatetesting is conducted in alignment with the requirements of the OPITO MIST Standard.* / A documented procedure which outlines all steps of the delegatetesting process.
The document should identify how testing of delegates with special needs (e.g. English not first language, literacy, disablement, etc.) is addressed.
4.4Support delegate appeals against test decisions.* / A documented procedure which outlines the process involved in a delegate appealing against atest decision.

FORMOPITO004.01AAPage 1 of 6 Rev 0 (9/5/2012)