Plenary Lectures
PL1 - Exploring ensemble representations of olfactory stimuli: making scents of intertwined spatial and temporal codes - J.G. Hildebrand, H. Lei, J.A. Riffell, C.E. Reisenman
PL2 - Solitary Chemosensory Cells: An Ancient Vertebrate Chemosense Guarding The Airways In Extant Mammals - Tom Finger
Firmenich Award
F-Aw - Dynamic ensemble odor coding in the mammalian olfactory bulb - Carleton A
Symposium 1
S1 - Bimodal function of Drosophila odorant receptors - Dieter Wicher, Ronny Schäfer, Marcus C. Stensmyr, Bill S. Hansson
S2 - Insect chemosensation via ligand-gated cation channels - Koji Sato and Kazushige Touhara
S3 - Activation of Grueneberg ganglion cells in mice by alarm pheromones - Brechbühl J, Hurni N and Broillet MC
S4 - Molecular mechanisms of adaptation in mouse olfactory sensory neurons - Zhao H, Song Y, Cygnar KD, Stephan AB, Hirsh S, Shum E, and Reisert J
S5 – The styryl dye FM1-43 inhibits olfactory transduction in larval Xenopus laevis - Breunig E, Kludt E, Manzini I, Schild D and Czesnik D
Symposium 2
S6 - Visualizing stimulus convergence in amygdala neurons during taste aversion learning - Ilene L. Bernstein and Sabiha Barot
S7 - Translational Control in the Gustatory Cortex Determines the Stability of a Taste Memory - Rosenblum K
S8 - Integration in central neurons of gustatory information from four appendages in the moth Heliothis virescens - Pål Kvello, Kari Jørgensen and Hanna Mustaparta
S9 - Taste post-prandial categorization during endotoxin challenge: neural and behavioral correlates - Pacheco-López, G.
S10 - Reversible inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus in aged rats and taste learning - Gámiz F and Gallo M
S11 - Taste Memory impairments in Alzheimer-mice model is related with dopamine release failure - Bermúdez-Rattoni F and Guzman-Ramos KR
Symposium 3
S12 - Sweet proteins, structure, production and function - Göran Hellekant
S13 - Efficient production and characterization of the sweet-tasting brazzein secreted by the yeast pichia pastoris - Loïc Briand
S14 - Lactic acid bacteria as hosts for the expression of brazzein - Berlec A, Jevnikar Z, Tompa G, Rogelj I, Štrukelj B
S15 - Analyses of new brazzein derivatives - Tiffany Cragin, , D. Eric Walters, R. Jin, Jon N. Rumbley, and Göran Hellekant
Symposium 4
S16 - The complexity of sensory perception in insects: electrophysiologial evidences - De Cristofaro A, Anfora G, Germinara GS, Ioriatti C, Rotundo G, Tasin M, Vitagliano S
S17 - The complexity of sensory perception in insects: the study case of codling moth - Anfora G, Tasin M, De Cristofaro A
S18 - The complexity of sensory perception in insects: study of an aphid-plant-fungal system - Ganassi S, Claudio A, De Cristofaro A, Andolfi A, Evidente A, Sabatini MA
Symposium 5
S19 - ORL420, an example of a broadly-tuned human olfactory receptor - Veithen A, Wilkin F, Philipeau M and Chatelain P
S20 - Birth of an olfactory receptor clade in the teleost lineage - Ashiq Hussain, Luis Saraiva, Yen Yen Kwan, Sigrun Korsching
S21 - Localization of olfactory receptors heterologously expressed in S. cerevisiae cells - Sanz G, Persuy MA, Vidic J, Wade F, Longin C, Corcelli A, Lobasso S, Monnerie R, and Pajot E
S22 - Axon wiring and neural map formation in the mouse olfactory system - Sakano H
S23 - The OR37 subfamily: establishment of the clustered expression pattern - Strotmann J, Bader A, and Breer H
S24 - Olfaction Targeted - Mombaerts P
Symposium 6
S25 - The ESP peptide family and its role in chemical communication - Kazushige Touhara
S26 - Dissecting an olfactory subsystem: GC-D neurons and the necklace glomeruli - Munger SD
S27 - A new receptor family in the vomeronasal organ - Rivière S, Challet L, Fluegge D, Spehr M, Rodriguez I
Symposium 7
S28 - Studying the functional integration of adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb - Carleton A
S29 - Learning-dependent neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb determines remote olfactory memory - Sultan S, Mandairon N, Kermen F, Garcia S, Sacquet J, Didier A
S30 - Integration and survival of newly-formed neurons in the AOB of adult mice - Paolo Peretto
Symposium 8
S31 - Electronic Nose Based Applications in Medicine - A.D’Amico
S32 - Detecting wound infection - Krishna C. Persaud, Anna Maria Pisanelli, Arthur Bailey
S33 - Odor Communication for Olfactory Display - Jeong-Do Kim, Hyung-Gi Byun, Sang-Goog Lee, Chang-Hoon Park, Jin-Ho Ahn and Jang-Hoon Lee
S34 - Integration olfactory display into a video game for exercise - Changhoon Park, Jin-Ho Ahn, Hyung-Gi Byun, Jeong-Do Kim, Sang-Goog Lee
S35 - Methods for building computer–controlled, fMRI–compatible, inexpensive olfactometers suitable for event-related imaging designs - Lundström JN, Gordon AR, Alden EC, Albrech J, Boesveldt S
Symposium 9
S36 - Scientific and nonscientific wine descriptors in wine language - Adrienne Lehrer
S37 - Communicating Taste - Bieler LM, Diederich C
S38 - Lexicon in the Sense of Smell: Etymology vs. Motivation. A Comparison Between English and French - Rémi Digonnet
Symposium 10
S39 - Taste and food acceptance: sweet, bitter, salty and umami tastes, a complex relationship - Piero A. Temussi
S40 - Sweet taste: from receptor to perception - Wolfgang Meyerhof, Marcel Winnig, Bernd Bufe
S41 - Downstream signaling effectors in sweet taste - Kinnamon S, and Chaudhari N
Symposium 11
S42 - Adventurous TRPs: Chemoreception at the interface of nutritional and biomedical sciences - Appendino G
S43 - Some like it cool : novel technologies for testing the menthol receptor - Sabrina Corazza, Michela Stucchi
S44 - Function of TRP channels and cannabinoid CB1 receptors, and their interactions, in chemoreception - Vincenzo Di Marzo
S45 - The TRPA1 channel: a sensor for oxidative stress and more - Pierangelo Geppetti
Symposium 12
S46 - Context-dependent modulation of activity in the vertebrate olfactory epithelium - Eisthen HL
S47 - Specialist Drosophila Avoids Costs of Appetitive Olfactory Learning - Teun Dekker, Barbara Randlkofer, Peter Anderson, Holger Daniels, Stephan Knapek, Bill S. Hansson
S48 – Olfactory plasticity: a key to survival for honey bee queens? - Vanina Vergoz, Kyle T. Beggs, Lisa H. Geddes, Alastair Aiken, Jamie McQuillan and Alison R. Mercer
S49 - Mating-dependent plasticity of the olfactory system in an insect - Anton S, Barrozo RB, Jarriault D, and Gadenne C
S50 - Pheromone-plant odour interactions and mating effects in the antennal lobe of Agrotis ipsilon males - Deisig N, Anton S, Gadenne C
S51 - Increased dopamine after mating impairs olfaction and prevents odor interference with pregnancy - Che Serguera, Viviana Triaca, Jakki Kelly-Barrett, Mumna Al Banchaabouchi & Liliana Minichiello
Section “Signal transduction, St”
1A - Highly specific responses to amine odorants of individual olfactory receptor neurons in situ - Gliem S, Schild D and Manzini I
2A - Expression of the adiponectin receptor 1 in the olfactory mucosa of mice - Burry M-I, Hass N, Schwarzenbacher K, Breer H
3A - Taste signaling elements in the gastrointestinal tract - Hass N, Schwarzenbacher K, Breer H
4A - Grueneberg ganglion - a dual sensory organ? - Fleischer J, Mamasuew K, Breer H
5A - Outgrowing olfactory axons contain the Reelin receptor VLDLR and navigate through the reelin-rich cribriform mesenchyme - Schnaufer C, Breer H, Fleischer J
6A - Properties of the Ca2+-dependent chloride current in olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) of the moth S littoralis - Grauso M, Pézier A, Rospars J-P, Lucas P
7A - Characteriz ation of clonal cell lines derived from mouse taste buds and their responsivity to gustatory stimuli. - Miyamoto T, Nishiyama M, Sako H, Tomooka
8A - TMEM16B is a novel Ca2+-activated Cl- channel candidate in vertebrate olfactory transduction - Pifferi S, Dibattista M, Menini A
9A - The calcium-activated chloride current in the cilia of intact mouse olfactory sensory neurons - Sagheddu C, Boccaccio A, Menini A
Section “Taste 1: periphery , T-1“
10A - Signalling Mechanisms in Mouse Bitter Responsive Taste Cells - Narukawa M, Minamisawa E, Hayashi Y
11A - PKD1L3 and PKD2L1 in human sour taste perception - Stähler F, Nitschke S, Demgensky S, Raguse JD, Meyerhof W
12A - Expression of taste reception-related molecules in circumvallate papilla and gastrointestinal tract of developing rat - Wakisaka S, Okada H, Kadono K, Honma S, Maeda T
13A - Relationship between salivary zinc and taste sensitivity - Tomassini Barbarossa I, Padiglia A, Zonza A, Atzori E, Angioy AM
14A - Identification of vesicular nucleotide transporter (VNUT) in taste cells - Iwatsuki K, Ichikawa R , Hiasa M, Moriyama Y, Torii K, Uneyama H
15A - The extra-oral taste buds in crucian carp - Kvernenes SA, Isachsen, C-J, Døving KB
16A - Bitter taste transduction involves potassium and calcium conductance in the blowfly Protophormia terraenovae - Masala C, Solari P, Sollai G, Crnjar R, Liscia A
17A - Variations in Human Tas1R1 and Tas1R3 taste receptors affect taste responses to MSG in functional assays - Raliou M, Grauso M, Schlegel-Lepoupon C, Trotier D, Nespoulous C, Débat H, Pernollet JC, Faurion A, MontmayeurJP &, Briand L
18A - Vesicular Glutamate transporters localization in the rat lingual papillae- Zerari-Mailly F, Braud A, Azerad J, Boucher Y
Section “Trigeminal Chemosensation, TC”
19A - TrpM5 channel in solitary chemosensory cells is necessary for the trigeminal respiratory depression elicited by the bitter compound denatonium benzoate - Tizzano M, Vandenbeuch A, Silver WL, Kinnamon SC, Finger TE
20A - Synthesis and biological activity on TRPA1 receptor of perillaketone analogues - Bassoli A, Borgonovo G, Morini G, Calamello C, Di Marzo V, De Petrocellis L
Section “Taste 2 : CNS, T-2“
21A - Anatomical and functional relationships between trigeminal dental primary afferents and lingual gustatory afferents within the NTS Braud A, Zerari-Mailly F, Felizardo R, Boucher Y
22A - Effects of flavour prenatal exposure on taste related behavior during adolescence in rats - Márquez R, Gámiz F, De la Casa G, Gallo M
23A - Behavioral assessment of the effect of a long-chain polyuns fatty acid supplemented diet in aged rats - Díaz A, Ramírez M, Manrique T, Barranco A, Rueda R, Gallo M
24A - Hunger and Satiety Modulate Abnormal Brain Response to Taste in Restrained Eaters - Murphy C and Kemmotsu N
Section “Aquatic organisms, Ao”
25A – Chemical alarm signals are not inducing morphology changes in crucian carp - Stabell OB, Faeravaag AC, Tuvikene a
26A – Olfactory coding neurons of the black bullhead catfish Ameiurus melas - Valentini T. and Dolenšek J.
Section “Olfaction 3: molecular aspects, O-3”
1B - The purinergic system of the olfactory epithelium: effects on sustentacular cells and olfactory epithelium progenitors - Manzini I, Hassenklöver T, Kurtanska S, Junek S, Bartoszek I, Schild D
2B - Inhibition of olfactory cytochrome P450-dependent activities modifies the electro- olfactogram responses to quinoline and coumarin in rats - Thiebaud N, Veloso Da Silva S, Jakob I, Sicard G, Artur Y, Heydel JM, Le Bon AM
3B - Retinoic acid-regulated gene expression and survival - Hörnberg M, Öztokatli H, Gussing F, Berghard A, Bohm S
4B - Odorant receptors in olfactory cilia and axons - Strotmann J, Eberle J, Levai O, Breer H
5B - Uptake of odorant binding proteins in the olfactory epithelium - Brose H, Breer H, Strotmann J
6B - The Calmodulin-binding protein Neurogranin identifies a subpopulation of mature granule interneurons in the adult mouse olfactory bulb - Gribaudo S, Bovetti S, Garzotto D, Fasolo A, De Marchis S
7B - Rat olfactory epithelium RNA profiles are age related - Rimbault M, Robin S, Galibert F
8B - Determination of a number of olfactory receptor/ligand pairs of importance for explosives and human odor detection - Robin S, Rimbault M, Benbernou N, Galibert F
9B - Characterization of olfactory receptors expression in BON cells - Sanz G, Legenre E, Dewaele A, Pajot E
10B - Modulation of rat olfactory mucosa gene expression profile by nutritional status: a preliminary microarray approach- Badonnel K, Durieux D, Salesse R, Caillol M and Baly C
11B - The RFamide peptides influence feeding, locomotion, and odor response - Ruthann Nichols
Section “Invertebrate chemosensation, Ic”
12B - Molecular and cellular basis of thermoreception of the malaria mosquito A gambiae - Qiu YT, Wang G, Lu T, Kwon H-W, Pitts J, van Loon JJA, Takken W, Zwiebel LJ
13B - Olfactoy function in a viviparous - Poddighe S, Dekker T, Scala A, Angioy AM
14B - Novel natural ligands for OSNs in the coeloconic sensilla of Drosophila - Ibba I, Dekker T, Cadeddu F, Hansson B, Angioy AM
15B - Functional study of gustatory receptors in Drosophila - Faucher C, Chyb S
16B - Implication of a putative UGT in Drosophila male pheromonal discrimination - Fraichard S, Legendre A, Artur Y, Ferveur JF, Heydel JM
17B - Experience-dependent plasticity in the olfactory system of a moth - Kauer I, Minoli S, Colson V, Marion-Poll F, Anton S
18B - A unique arrangement of male specific glomeruli in Helicoverpa assulta as compared to related species and hybrid offsprings - Zhao XC, Dong J, Wang CZ, Berg BG
19B - Visualization of inhibitory interneurons in the olfactory pathways of the mot - Hoel Fjaerli H, Halvorsen JM, Zhao XC, Berg BG
20B - Pheromones and biodiversity - monitoring change in a changing world - Larsson MC, Svensson GP, Ryrholm N
21B - Olfactory responses of H. obsoletus to host plants volatile compounds - Riolo P, Minuz RL, Anfora G, Rossi Stacconi MV , Isidoro1 N, Romani R
22B - Olfactory coding in trichoid sensilla of Anopheles gambiae s.s. - Suer RA, Qiu YT, van Loon JJA, W. Takken
23B - Odorant Capture: Heterogeneity of Cuticular Lipid Coatings on Moth Trichoid Sensilla - Baker TC
24B - Representation and discrimination of pheromones and plant odours in the antennal lobe of codling moth males and females - Trona F, Ignell R, Witzgall P
Section “Olfaction 1: psychophysics, O-1”
1C - Memory and discrimination in three senses: olfaction, vision and kinesthesis - Møller P, Piper D, Hartvig D, Mojet J, Köster EP
2C - A human pheromone affects central nervous face processing - Frey MCM, Weyers P, Pauli P, Mühlberger A
3C - Odour-evoked Autobiographical Memory: Age and gender differences along the life span- Zucco GM, Aiello L, Turuani L
4C - Do children remember the sensory properties of food as adults do?- Laureati M, Pagliarini E, Mojet J, Köster EP
5C - Beyond the inheritance of olfactory preferences: How cognitive factors can implicitly modulate preferences for odours - Coppin G, Delplanque S, Cayeux I, Porcherot C 2, Margot C 2, Velazco MI 2, Sander D
6C - Short and long-term behavioural and physiological effects of a postnatal olfactory deprivation - Gilbert C, Giroud S, Padzys GS, Martrette J-M, Boivin S, Trabalon
7C - Relationships between odour properties as a function of hedonic category - Djordjevic J, Goodman A, Olsson MJ