Events Committee Agenda

Wednesday February 15, 2017

8:00-8:50 A.M.

Student Union Meeting Room B


Notice is hereby given to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Events Committee:

A meeting of the Events Committee will be held on Wednesday from 8:00 to 8:50 A.M. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Building Meeting Room B, located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

Call to Order

I.  Call to Order

II.  Roll Call

A.  Chair

  1. Alexis Mumford (P)

B.  Committee Members

  1. Angela Christopher (P)
  2. Brandon Burns (P)
  3. Carla Mena (P)
  4. Karina Hinojosa (P)
  5. Mia Fernandez (P)
  6. Noelle Ewing (P)

C.  Members of the Public

a.  Ex-Officio President Noyes (P)

III.  Approval of the Agenda

a.  Meeting called to order 8:03am

i.  Director Mena motions to approve the agenda

ii.  Senator Ewing seconds the motion

iii.  6-approve 0-oppose 0 abstention

IV.  Approval of the Minutes

a.  Senator Ewing motions to approve the minutes

b.  Director Mena seconds the motion

c.  Chief Justice Burns asks to see the minutes

d.  Chief Justice Burns asks to see the closing time

e.  Chief Justice Burns motions to amend the minutes: add closing time to last week’s minutes 8:37

f.  Senator Ewing seconds the motion

g.  6-approve 0-oppose 0-abstention

h.  Motion passes

i.  6-approve 0-oppose 0-abstention

j.  Minutes are approved

Public Forum

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Events Committee on any concerns of Student Government events

Special Presentation



I.  New Business

A.  Informational Item

  1. none

B.  Discussion Item

  1. Noon Forum Script ( President Noyes 25 minutes)
  2. President Noyes talks about the formulation of the script
  3. President Noyes took some information from last year’s script and adjusted it
  4. President Noyes is getting information from Noon Forum Advisory Committee to revise script
  5. President Noyes says that she and Marlene will be Moderators for the event
  6. President Noyes says there are 6 possible panelists; 2 students, 2 faculty, and 2 community members
  7. Director Mumford asks how many panelists will be on the actual panel
  8. President Noyes responds 4 panelists
  9. President Noyes says that the Noon Forum Advisory Committee is interviewing the 6 panelists
  10. Director Mumford asks when next meeting for Noon Forum Advisory Committee is
  11. President Noyes: unsure of when next advisory meeting is
  12. President Noyes says that Marlene is working on getting a list of resources for the forum
  13. President Noyes and Director Mumford reads the script
  14. Chief Justice Burns asks if there are 2 noon forums this year or this semester
  15. President Noyes asks what they think of the wording about the sentence containing the experience phrase
  16. Senator Ewing thinks the wording of the “understanding sentence” needs to be changed
  17. President Noyes asks about Marlene’s portion about including people in this discussion and encourage people to participate
  18. Director Mumford says the sentence about holding questions sounds too repetitive
  19. Senator Fernandez changes the sentence to hold questions until the end
  20. President Noyes points out that there is not enough info about asking questions
  21. President Noyes asks Director Mumford if she will send the revised script
  22. Director Mumford says yes
  23. President Noyes says the questions came from the advisory committee
  24. Director Hinojosa changes 1st question to with student’s busy schedules, “HOW” can they manage
  25. Chief Justice Burns asks what was the meaning for question #2
  26. President Noyes replies that it was supposed to answer what are effects of coffee on the body
  27. Chief Christopher suggests starting with a statement then question for question #2
  28. Chief Justice Burns: suggests “How does coffee affects our bodies” as an intro
  29. Senator Ewing says she thought President Noyes meant the question was asking how the different variables affects the body to a certain degree
  30. Senator Ewing asks if the script will change by the next Events Committee meeting
  31. President Noyes says no
  32. Director Mumford thinks about changing question #4
  33. Director Hinojosa says she thinks its good on its own
  34. Chief Justice Burns suggests “What on campus resources are available to students to access healthy food” as an alternative
  35. Director Mumford asks President Noyes if Marlene and her will move around during Q&A
  36. President Noyes thinks that last year SG walked around collecting questions while 2 moderators stay on stage
  37. President Noyes suggests taking out Marlene’s “thank you” since her part ends in thank you
  38. Legacy and Maximus (15 minutes)
  39. Director Mumford says we need to start marketing soon because it ends in 2 weeks
  40. Director Mumford says we should wear togas or wear white shirts and wear glitter
  41. Director Mumford asks who will wear togas/white shirts
  42. Senator Ewing asks why are we doing this
  43. Director Mumford says the marketing (wearing togas) in the past was like it and she wants to bring it back
  44. Multiple members agree that this sounds like a good idea
  45. Director Mumford says she needs to send Senator Ewing a presentation
  46. Senator Ewing says that she was too busy so it was good she didn’t get it
  47. Senator Ewing asks for an explanation of Maximus
  48. Director Mumford says Maximus is to award most dedicated student, faculty, administrators who leads leaders
  49. Senator Ewing asks if people from the same department usually wins
  50. Director Mumford says yes, ASI people usually wins, gives example Dr. Cause Hanna
  51. Chief Justice Burns asks if winner from ASI comes from ASI board or from the different entities
  52. Director Mumford said that last year Zachary Valladon won the Silver Dolphin award; Mumford says we need to wear marketing material to persuade people to nominate their friends
  53. Senator Ewing asks if Legacy and Maximus are different award ceremonies
  54. Director Mumford says no; it’s one award show that tries to get different speakers from campus; silver dolphin is given out at this award
  55. Senator Ewing asks if the marketing is up for Maximus and Legacy
  56. Director Mumford asks the Events Committee to promote Legacy
  57. Director Mumford wants to promote her fliers on our social media; she thinks promoting your friends for Maximus will get more people excited and more participants
  58. Director Mumford looks for the flier on a website
  59. Director Hinojosa brusquely tells Mumford to go into sign in
  60. Director Mumford asks if anyone else have questions or wants to sign up to help at Maximus
  61. Director Mumford will send out her flier later
  62. Smooth Talk with Doc (5 minutes)
  63. Director Mumford says that during SG meeting, Chief Christopher, Director Mena, and her will set up
  64. Director Mumford says to annoy people with the geo filter that is up today
  65. Senator Fernandez wants to know her position for smooth talk
  66. Director Mumford checks and Senator Fernandez is a question taker
  67. Director Mumford says CI Radio will play music
  68. Chief Justice Burns says we should tag people to follow the snapchat
  69. Director Mumford says she will create a Purpose Statement for the Events Committee

II.  Old Business


The report of this committee will be attached to the Student Government’s weekly packet. The weekly packet will include the committee’s agenda, minutes, and the Chairs report of the committee’s current status.


I.  Closing Comments

II.  Adjournment

a.  Chief Justice Burns motions to adjourn

b.  Chief Christopher seconds the motion

c.  6-approve 0-oppose 0-abstention

d.  Meeting is adjourned at 8:50am

Events Committee Minutes Approved / 02/22/2017