Bio/Geo 250, Clokey: Ecology & Geology of Yellowstone National Park & Upper Great Plains
Instructor: Dr. George Clokey
Office: 311 Upham Hall, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 800 W. Main Street, Whitewater WI 53190
Campus Phone: 262-472-5140Cell Phone: TBAEmail:
Title:Ecology & Geology of Yellowstone National Park & Upper Great Plains, (Eco & Geo YNP & UGP)
Dept. Prefix: BIOLOGY 250 or GEOLGY 250
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite: MATH 140 or MATH 141 or consent of instructor
Dates of Course: 6/27/16 to 7/29/16. Travel dates7/11/16- 7/24/16. All other dates are on-line.
Credits: 4 cr. GL; General Laboratory (GL) course offered to all students.
1)Education majors: This course satisfies the Physical Science requirement (PI-34) and satisfies the K-12 Conservation requirement (for applicable majors).
2)Environmental Sciences majors: This course satisfies the travel study requirement for the major but requires “personalization”. For personalization see the Environmental Science Coordinator prior to taking the course.
3)Biology or Geology major or minors wishing to have a field experience in Yellowstone should consider Biology/Geology 451. If that is not possible, “personalization” arrangements may be made to count 3 credits of this course in the major. Permission (personalization) must be obtained on an individual basis prior to the course from the respective Dept. Chairs. An additional assignment or project will be required.
Registration: Students cannot add or drop the class on WINS. To register for the course you MUST contact the travel study office at 262-472-1003 or .
Office Hours: Due to the nature of the course there are no regularly scheduled office hours. During the on-line portion of the course you may contact me via email (see above) or D2L. During the travel portion of the course you will be in contact with the Teaching Assistant (TA) and me all of the time while we are in the field. When not in the field, you can set up an appointment for non-urgent business. For urgent problems come to either of our motel rooms at any time (please knock) or try my cell phone (we’ll give out cell phone numbers at the start of the course). If you need to contact me prior to the start of the course or after the course has finished I can be reached at my University office address listed above.
Course Description: The course consists of 3 sections:
Section 1) On-Line Prep; 6/27/16- 7/10/16:Thisis an on-line section (D2L) held before the FieldworkSection # 2described below. There will be PowerPoints, lectures, videos, and links to pertinent sites. You will need to complete on-line worksheets and exam 1 (multiple-choice, true-false and short answer). The exam will be timed, once you open it you must finish it in 3 hours and you will not be allowed to access other sites. It will be open from 8:00 am, 7/4/16to 7/10/16 at 11:59 pm. It can be taken any time during the open period BUT if you start after 8:59 pm, 7/10/16 it will still close at 11:59. During this on-line period the work can be done at your own pace as long as you meet the deadline of 7/10/16 at 11:59 pm.for all worksheets and the exam. You will need the textbooks listed below for the readings in this section.
Section 2) Fieldwork; 7/11/16- 7/24/16: During this section we will travel to Yellowstone National Park and engage in field studies in the Park and hands-on labs at sites outside of the Park. While in the field we will work for about 6-8 hoursfor a total of65-75 hrs. class hours. You will be evaluated by worksheets, a practical exam, your field books, specimen collections and participation. Note: while we travel I lecture at times via CB radio about feature we see.
Section 3) On-Line End; 7/25/16- 7/29/16:Exam 2 is on-line after we return. It is the same format as exam 1 and it is comprehensive. It will be open from 8:00 am, 7/25/16to 7/29/16 at 11:59 pm. Like exam 1, it will be timedand you will not be allowed to access other sites. It can be taken any time during the open period BUT if you start after 8:59 pm, 7/29/16 it will still close at 11:59. For review, there will be materialon D2L, you will have access to the first on-line material, and you can use your field book.
Course Objectives: This is an introductory course suitable for all students with an interest in the sites covered. The course is designed to introduce the student to the natural history, geology and ecology of Yellowstone National Park (YNP),the upper Great Plains and the Black Hills. It will also provide an introduction to the concepts and techniques of biology, geology and field work. During the course students will explore some of the philosophies of conservation being applied to the regions of study and critically examine differing views on topics such as: 1) wolf re-introduction into YNP, 2) impact of global climate change, 3) resource use and conservation, 4) preservation vs. access etc. Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students will be able to: 1) Follow basic protocols for data collection in the field, 2) acquire a basic knowledge of several instruments and techniques used in field work, 3) understand proper collection methods for specimens, 4) describe the inter-relationships between life forms at a local and global level, 5) critically examine the pros and cons of severalcontemporary environmental issues, 6) understand how the fundamental principles of ecology and geology may impact their everyday lives.
Students will participate in fieldwork in ecology, geology and natural history and will:
1) Acquire a working knowledge of field geology and ecology techniques including but not limited to: data recording, use of GPS and maps, water sampling, vegetation and tree sampling, and use of dichotomous keys
2) Acquire a working knowledge of field equipment including but not limited to: GPS, water chemistry equipment, water sampling devices, vegetation sampling devices, atmospheric sampling devices, USGS maps, and field radios
3) Learn to identify minerals, rocks and animals using keys and field guides
4) Learn basic petrology, mineralogy and geomorphology of the regions we visit
5) Learn the unique ecologies of the regions we visit
6) Learn basic statistical methods for analysis of the data we collect
7) Learn about resource acquisition, e.g. mining, forestry, and the impact that this has on the environment and people of the region
8) Learn safety in field study
Course Textbook & Supplies:
1)"Yellowstone Resources and Issues", (YRI). Please pick it up at my office (311 UH) before leaving for summer break. If you are from another school we’ll send it to you so contact us with your mailing address.
2)A dictionary of geologic terms is recommendedonly; I’ll have a copy or two. "Dictionary of Geologic Terms", Bates and Jackson is available at the UWW bookstore.
3)You must also purchase a plastictackle or organizer box for specimen collection. A good box to buy is about 12 in. x 9 in. x 3 in. with movable partitions and costs under $10.
4)Field Notebook will be distributed during the 1st day.
Grading Policy: A, 90% and up; B, 80 –89%; C, 70 – 79%; D 60 – 69%; F below 60%.
There will not be a curve, and there is no extra credit.
Assessment Type (also see descriptions above) / % of GradeExam 1: on-line, timed (3 hrs.), open from 8:00 am, 7/4/16 to 7/10/16 at 11:59 pm (Sec. 1, Prep.) / 25%
1 Practical exam (Sec. 2, Travel) / 20%
Notebook and Field collections (Sec. 2, Travel) / 10%
Various worksheets from the field labsfor a total of 10% (Sec. 2, Travel) / 10%
Exam 2: on-line,timed (3 hrs.), open from 8:00 am,7/25/16 to 7/29/16 at 11:59 pm (Sec. 3, End) / 35%
Class participation grade (fudge factor) (-2.5% to +2.5%)
Total / 100.0%
Notes of Grading:
1)Both exams are timed (3 hours each) and are short answer, true/false, multiple choice in nature. Exam 2 is comprehensive.
2)For the practical exam there will be a number of specimens on display. You will need to identify the specimens and answer questions about them. The examis timed.
3)Compilation of a comprehensive field notebook (see "Notebook" handout) will be required of the students. Students will also assemble plant, rock and mineral collections from the study areas. The collections will be evaluated for completeness and used as a study aid for practical, field exams and the exam 2. We will instruct the students as to what may be lawfully collected. We’ll collect the notebook and collection on the return trip.
4)Worksheets will consist of short question sheets and data collection and analysis sheets. These are short assignments and can usually be done in the field or when you return to the camp. Some math and statistics is involved but we will show you what is needed. You should bring a calculator (phone calculators are good enough).
5)Class Participation is expected. It is imperative that you stay current with the information given. In other words if we tell you or show you something it is fair game for us to ask you about it later. You will also be asked to discuss and apply information from the assigned readings in the context of fieldwork activities. You also need to participate in all of the activities. If it looks like you don’t know what is going on or you are not participating you may be marked down. Likewise if you show that you are up on the topics and are into it you may be marked up.
Attendance Policy: For the travel part of the course attendance is mandatory at all times for all activities; this includes the first day on the UWW campus. This is a field course and you are required to participate in everything we do to the best of your abilities. Attendance will be part of your grade and missing anything may lower you grade. We can only accommodate absence for illness or injury that occurs during the trip; there will be no absence for University sponsored events since we are too far away from the University. While on the trip if you are injured or become ill you must inform the instructor immediately. We will transport you to medical facilities as appropriate. This applies to even minor problems since they can turn into major problems and we want you to be well.
For the on-line part of the course you are expected to meet the deadlines for each assignment. There will be ample time to complete them. I expect you to plan your schedule so that foreseeable events such as vacations, weddings etc. are accounted for and will not prevent you from completing your assignments on time. The ONLY exceptions to this rule are sudden and serious illness or death in the immediate family. You must provide a written doctor’s note for a severe illness or a notice of death, e.g. an obituary, for death in the family.
Students who use the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) for test taking assistance: Since we are in the field you will not have access to CSD during the Fieldwork Section (Sec. 2). Prior to leaving we will work something out with CSD so that accommodations can be made. Either one of the TAs or I can read the test, we’ll give you extra time or whatever it takes, no worries. Section 1 & 3 will be conducted on-line and arrangements can be made with CSD if needed.
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory learning environment2. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves with University policies regarding Special Accommodations, Academic Misconduct, Religious Beliefs Accommodation, Discrimination and Absence for University Sponsored Events (for details please refer to the Schedule of Classes; the “Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Undergraduate Catalog; the Academic Requirements and Policies and the Facilities and Services sections of the Graduate Catalog; and the “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures (UWS Chapter 14); and the “Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures" (UWS Chapter 17).
On-Line Syllabus
D2L PPT / Topics / ReadingsIntroduction / Introduction to Yellowstone National Park (YNP), history and culture / 3-52
SectionI: Ecology & Natural History
GYE / Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem / 53-102
Life in Extremes / Life in Extreme Heat / 125-136
Vegetation / Vegetation of YNP / 137-152
Fire / Fire as part of an ecosystem / 153-167
Wildlife / Bears, Bison, Elk, Moose, Wolves, Coyotes, Beavers, Pika / selected
Trophic Systems / Reintroduction of Wolves to YNP, Keystone & Foundation Species / Handout
Fish / Native, non-native and invasive fish / 254-268
SectionII: Geology
Petrology / Basic Petrology / 103-124
Minerology / Basic Minerology / 103-124
Plate Tectonics I / Plate tectonics / 103-124
Plate Tectonics II / Plate tectonics / 103-124
Glaciation / Glacial Geology / 103-124
1)All page numbers refer to the Yellowstone Resources and Issues book (YRI). I suggest that you skim the book to become familiar with the terms, then look at the PowerPoints for detail and finally re-read the book for points you are unclear of.
2)The exams will concentrate on the materials in the PowerPoints but of course much of that material is taken from YRI.
3)For the animals, know at least the ones listed.
4)On D2L there are notes accompanying the PowerPoints and I suggest you also read them.
5)There will also be other documents (Handouts) on D2L that should be read.
6)I suggest that you study the topics in each section in order as they build on each other. Study the sections in either order as the sections stand alone.
Course Travel Itinerary (tentative):
This is a field course and as such field events will determine to a degree what will be taught. We plan to teach numerous basic concepts but we will also rely on opportunities as they present themselves. Due to weather conditions or logistics we may not cover the topic on the day listed but we will try to cover all of the topics listed. Please see the “Itinerary” for class dates.
Mon: UWW to Mitchell, SD: Meet @ Lot 14, Upham Hall @ 6:30 am, pack and leave UWW by 7:00 am. Throughout the trip we'll make ecology and/or geology stops as applicable. Topics will be changes in rainfall and agriculture as we move westward. We’ll also discuss alternative energy sources.
Tues:Mitchell to Newcastle, WY: We’ll tour Badlands Natl. Park and discuss their formation including the Laramide orogeny. We’ll discuss the geology of the Black Hills and cover why the Hills have such unique biology. We’ll discuss the conflict that the development of the Black Hills has generated with resource preservation and the American Indian culture. If time permits we’ll stop at Mt. Rushmore.
Wed:Newcastle to Hulett, WY: We'll tour Jewel Cave and travel to Devils Tower National Monument via the Black Hills. We'll discuss the geology and ecology of these features.
Thur:Hulett to K-Z, Cody, WY: We’ll travel through the Big Horn Mts. and cover alpine glaciation. Near Worland, WY we’ll discuss desert biomes and “dry land” agriculture. If time permits we will stop at a fish hatchery.
Fri:Lab day (depending on weather). We’ll split into groups and each group will run all labs.
1)Stream Analysis: We will visit Swamp Lake for work on water chemistry and biology. You will learn techniques such as water chemistry analysis and identification of organisms using keys. You may get wet.
2)Vegetation Analysis by Plot & Plot-Less Methods: We will learn several sampling techniques for vegetation. We will analyze the data using various statistical methods.
3)Mapping: You will learn how to use compasses and GPS. We’ll run a “treasure hunt” near the K-Z.
Sat: K-Z:We will travel to Yellowstone National Park to study the two major types of geothermal features found in the Park. These are represented by Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Geyser Basin. We will study fumaroles, hot springs, mud pots, geysers, travertine terraces and sinter deposits. We will explore the unique micro environment created by the geothermal features and discuss the thermophilic bacteria and algae that live in these extreme environments. We will discuss two different formations represented by the Golden Gate and Obsidian Cliffs. While in YNP we will observe the flora and fauna.
Sun: K-Z:This is a free day. There are no class activities planned so you are on your own but we can cart you around within reason, e.g. we can offer a van to Yellowstone for sightseeing or to Cody for the museum, etc. There are also horseback rides, trips on the lake and fishing offered by the K-Z. All extra expenses are the responsibility of the student.
Mon: K-Z:We will continue our study of the geothermal feature of the Park by visiting: Artists’ Paint Pots, Grand Prismatic Springs, and the Upper Geyser Basin (Old Faithful).
Tues: K-Z:We’ll travel to Yellowstone to view Yellowstone Lake and the nearby geyser basins. We’ll discuss introduction of non-native species and the harm they cause to the ecosystem.
Wed: K-Z:We’ll leave the K-Z at 5:00 am to study wolf ecology with Dr. Halfpenny in Yellowstone National Park (YNP). We’ll try to find and cast tracks from several species.
Thur:K-Z: We will view the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and the Tower Falls basalt flows. We will discuss how the Canyon formed and the formation of Yellowstone Falls. We will see effects of hot springs on geology and ecology in the Canyon. We will discuss the 3 caldera events that shaped Yellowstone. We will look at a basaltic lava flow and see paleosols at Tower Falls. We will examine areas for fire destruction and recovery and discus the adaptations that allow the flora and fauna to survive periodic fires. Ecologic succession will be explained and viewed at Mt. Washburn. We will discuss the problems of introduced species at Yellowstone Lake.