Subordinate Chapter of Oziel Grand Chapter
Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliation
Sister Latoya B. Cromwell Brother Christopher Bruton
Worthy Matron Worthy Patron
221 Oswald Place
Vauxhall, NJ 07088
1. Information on Scholarship Application Form and other required documents should be typed or printed neatly. Be sure to complete the following areas on the Scholarship Application Form in its entirety.
2. Applicants must be a High School Senior commencing this academic school year of 2016-2017 from a high school within Union County, New Jersey. Applications must be submitted on the current form; use of any previously dated forms will automatically disqualify an application.
Please provide:
· A list of all colleges where you have applied to for admission
· Academic awards/honors
· Community awards/honors or programs
· Your anticipated major of study in college
3. Two letters of recommendation:
· Letters of recommendation must be from a school official and include a community activity that was completed within the current year.
· Please make sure the letters are current, dated, and include original signatures.
4. A copy of your current high school transcript, with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. (A minimum of 80% on your cumulative GPA scale)
5. A required essay that must be typed, single spaced, one page in length, and detail why you would like to be considered for the scholarship, including any additional information you wish to share with the committee.
6. Copy of Acceptance Letter(s) if you have received them at this time.
Return completed application and required documents to:
Sister Johora Moore – 6 Vaughan Drive, Newark NJ 07103
DEADLINE: January 2, 2017
1. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior from a high school in Union County, New Jersey.
2. All applicants must be full time students with a minimum 3.0 grade point average.
3. Applicant must have plans to attend a four year accredited college or university.
These documents must be attached and submitted with the application form
Subordinate Chapter of Oziel Grand Chapter
Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliation
- Name______
Last First Middle
- ______
Home Address
- Telephone Number ______Email Address______
Father / Male Guardian’s Name Mother / Female Guardian’s Name
Name of Current High School
- ______
High School Address
- ______
Name of High School Counselor Telephone Number (xxx) xxx-xxxx
- Birth Place ______
City State Country if not USA
- Birthday ______
Month Day Year
- Are you a US Citizen? Yes ( ) No ( )
- Have you applied for other scholarships? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, which one(s)______
- Have you been awarded any other scholarships? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, how much? ______
- Applications for college admission have been submitted to:
______accepted for admission __yes __no
______accepted for admission __yes __no
______accepted for admission __yes __no
Place an asterisk (*) beside the one you will most likely attend.
Activities, Community Service, Awards and Honors
Please attach a resume outlining your involvement in school and community based activities, volunteer activities, awards and honors you have received during your high school career.
SECTION III - Written Essay
Essay: On a separate sheet of paper please write an essay detailing why you would like to be considered for the scholarship and any additional information you wish to share with the committee. Essay should be typed, single spaced and no more than two 8.5 x 11 pages.
I certify to the accuracy and honesty of all responses on this application and associated documents.
Signature of Applicant ______Date ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______Date ______
Signature of Worthy Matron Date
Signature of Scholarship Chairperson Date
* Chosen Candidates will be notified in February of 2017