WashingtonState Wrestling Association

CONGRATULATIONS- you have qualified for 2009 WESTERN REGIONAL, this means that you have placed in the top 8 of your weight division in either Greco Roman or Freestyle or both.

If you are petitioning to get in, please fill your forms out as normal with the selection of what you want to participate in. If you wrestled the State tournament of the Style you are petitioning and did not qualify in the top 8 you must add an additional $ 5.00 fee per style that you did not qualify in. If you missed the State tournament completely and want to petition in then you must add an additional $25.00 fee per style that you missed.

LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS MAY 20TH –this means your paperwork must be postmarked by May 20th. You will need to have your Western Regional paperwork& Cashiers Checks or Money Orders mailed to:

Ron Beard

c/o USA Wrestling: Kids Western Regional Director

P.O. Box 306

Elk, WA99009

This year if you qualified for either Greco or Freestyle then you can wrestle in the Folkstyle one day tournament on Monday June 22nd. Entry fees will be $30 for one style, $50 for two and $60 for all three. Please refer to the flier posted on for more details.The Bantam Freestyle Festival tournament is not a qualifier for any event. However, this festival tournament is open to all Bantams, regardless of their state of residence.

DO NOT send your paperwork to the IDAHO ADDRESS on the form. Ron Beard will take all the names and weights and enter them into TRACK WRESTLING. You will not be able to do that on your own. It will take a team password that the State Directors have.

For the payment, you will want to say Cashier Checks or Money Orders ONLY (no personal checks or cash, it will be sent back). Have Cashier Check or Money Order made out to WSWA or Washington State Wrestling Association (not USAWrestling)

You will receive an email telling you to go to Trackingwrestling.com and verify your Child’s name and weight, so please make sure the email you put down on the form is accurate.

Your child may move up one weight class, provided a weight spot is open. (Most of the time Washington does not bring all 8 kids in each weight and age classification)

Example: Little Billy qualifies at State Greco at 65 lbs but by the time June comes around he will be 70lbs. Submit your application and make a note on it that you qualified at one weight but are moving up to the next weight class. YOU CANNOT MOVE DOWN A WEIGHT. However if your child qualifies in Greco at 65lbs and then in Freestyle at 70lbs, they can wrestle at either weight at Western Regional but must be the same weight for both divisions.

Also attached to this packet are the order forms from SUPLAY for the team Singlet (one red and one blue), T-shirts, Bags, Jackets, and Shorts. You’re not required to purchase the TEAM Singlet. (This year the singlets are going to match the Washington State National Team. They are one of a kind with Mt.St. Helens.) Those order forms must be in hand prior to May 30th. LAST DAY TO ORDER MERCHANDISE IS MAY 30th–this means your Order Form must be postmarked prior to May 28th. Please send all orders to:

Suplay Products

Attn: Jo Scott

PO Box 657

Elma, WA98541

1-866-209-7198 direct line or 1-800-634-4874 Ext. 321 or Fax: 360-482-6663 or 877-648-0955

If you have any questions, please call Ron Beard at: 509-292-5100

Thank you,

Ron Beard