Guest Packet
Guest Packet Table of Contents
Welcome! Page 3
Top 10 Considerations in Becoming
a Professional OrganizerPage 4-5
NAPO Houston Member Benefits Page 6-7
Helpful Tips to Start Your
Organizing Business Page 8-9
Concurrent National Membership Policy Page 10-11
How to Apply to NAPO Houston Page 12-13
Welcome to NAPO Houston!
We are thrilled that you have chosen to visit NAPO Houston and hope that your time with our chapter will be one of your first steps on your journey to becoming a professional organizer!
We have created this packet especially for you, to help you as you ponder becoming an organizer and to answer any questions you might have about our chapter. We hope you will find everything you need, but if you don’t, please don’t hesitate to contact our Membership Director at with any questions you might have. You can also find more information on our website at including our chapter history, meeting information, and a calendar of events.
Again, thanks for visiting with us and we hope you’ll feel right at home with NAPO Houston!
Top 10 Considerations in Becoming a Professional Organizer
(from NAPO National Website)
Interested in becoming a Professional Organizer? Consider the following:
- There are many ways to enter the field of professional organizing. The majority of NAPO members run their own businesses, while others act as independent contractors or are employed by an organizing company. If you choose to run your own company, you will use your organizing skills and also need to draw on business skills. The running of a business is perhaps the most important, and for some, the most daunting. There is more to running a business than being organized.
- Be prepared to wear many hats as a small-business owner, such as accountant, marketer, bookkeeper, and the like. Don’t be afraid to outsource these jobs – it pays to hire someone to do what you can’t.
- Do you prefer to work alone or with others? Many organizers thrive when working in teams. Consider collaborating with another person when you set up shop.
- Take stock of your financial needs. Start-ups often spend 80% of the first year’s income on marketing, with the expectation that those percentages will reverse themselves. In order to know whether this career will meet your financial goals, determine what you must make (net) in a year and work backwards from that. For example, if you need to bring home $26,000/year, you will need to have $500/week coming in after all expenses and taxes are paid. That figure does not factor in vacation time, sick days, and cancellations.
- It is helpful to have financial resources such as credit lines and savings to draw from as a start-up business. Consider obtaining a line of credit before you need it – it’s easier to qualify when you don’t need it than when you do.
- These are some of the most common abilities and qualities that successful professional organizers demonstrate. Do you have what it takes?
- Ability to listen and infer what a client means
- Ability to customize organizational systems to meet client needs, not yours
- Consulting/coaching skills – ability to ask the right questions to encourage the client to come up with the answer
- Ability to teach and pass on skills
- Ability to visualize spatially
- Ability to see the big picture and break goals down into manageable steps
- Ability to categorize and plan ahead
- Physical and mental endurance
- Compassion
- Responsibility
- A professional image will be important, because this is how the world sees you and your business. Credibility and professionalism go hand in hand. You’ll want to put the “professional” in Professional Organizer. You represent not only yourself but also the entire industry.
- Start with the area of organizing that you are passionate about, but keep an open mind to other niches to expand your horizons.
- Expand your skills as your business develops, through reading, teleclasses, conferences, networking, and NAPO involvement.
- Joining NAPO will keep you abreast of new products, books, and business trends in the organizing industry.
NAPO-Houston Membership Benefits
The Competitive Advantage of the #1 Google Search Ranking in Houston!
NAPO-Houston is in the #1 spot on Google when people search for "professional organizers Houston". That takes people to the NAPO Houston website, which leads them to you!
NAPO-Houston Website Referrals
Your business information will be posted and searchable on the NAPO-Houston website.
Members Only Commissions, Discounts and Referrals
Members Only InformationAccess
New industry ideas, products, information, events and more!
Monthly Meetings
NAPO-Houston meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month (except July) for networking and educational programs.
Members Only Reduced Meeting Fees
NAPO-Houston members enjoy monthly meeting dues that are 30% less than those for guests.
Organizing Resource Library
Check out dozens of CD’s and DVD’s related to organizing at no cost.
Professional Development
The chapter sponsors periodic training workshops on topics essential to your business lead by experts in the organizing and related fields.
“Get Organized (GO) Month”
Each year, the month of January is NAPO’s Get Organized Month (Also known as “GO Month”). Chapters all over the country, including NAPO Houston, sponsor GO Month events. GO Month is an opportunity for public recognition of organizing as a profession, of NAPO-Houston and of NAPO National.
NAPO-Houston Membership Benefits
Use of the NAPO-Houston Logo
NAPO-Houston members are allowed to use the chapter’s logo on their website, email signature, business cards, letterhead and other materials.
Chapter Newsletter
Our newsletter is delivered via email two times per month.
Networking With Other Organizers
Meetings are an opportunity every month to share with and receive information from other organizers.
Leadership Opportunities & Special Event Opportunities
We need your expertise! There are plenty of ways to participate and volunteer that are rewarding and will take advantage of our members' many talents.
Golden Circle
Golden Circle membership is a prestigious designation available only to the most experienced organizers in each chapter.
Public Relations and Cooperative Marketing Efforts
NAPO chapter members often have free access to marketing and PR information created by NAPO National.
Helpful Tips to Start Your Professional Organizing Business
The tips below are designed to help you start your own organizing business. These tools and techniques were suggested by various chapter members as a result of “lessons learned” while forming their own businesses.
- Participate in your NAPO Houston Chapter – it’s a great way to get to know other organizers and learn each other’s specialties.
- Read, read, read to learn different organizing concepts and decide on your favorite method.
- Organize for a family member or close friends at no charge and send out an e-mail to a few chosen friends to organize for a reduced price to get your business started.
- Read the following recommended books:
- Maria Gracia’s Ultimate Guide for Professional Organizers and check out her Get Organized Now! Online forum.
- Judith Kohlberg’s Conquering Chronic Disorganization
- Peter Walsh’s How to Organize Just About Everything
- FabJob Guide to Become a Professional Organizer
- Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret and learn about the Law of Attraction
- Check out the recommended reading list at The Board of Certification for Professional Organizer’s (BCPO) website:
- Research the organizing industry and write a business plan, complete with a marketing strategy, estimated budget and start-up costs.
- Attend NAPO’S annual conference and vendor expo.
- Talk to other organizers and get to know somebody (newbie or veteran) you can brainstorm with.
- Get involved with other networking groups.
- Get out and there and speak! Speaking makes you less of a stranger so you can get hired.
- Send an introductory letter and brochure to a cross-section of your social circles – school/church/neighborhood.
- Read as much as you can about running a business, which is key to having a successful organizing business.
- Check out organizing blogs and see what topics have been written about or what trends are popular in the organizing industry.
- Create a website and update it often.
- During normal conversations with people, let it be known that you are in business.
- Try referral programs.
- Get educated – NAPO and your chapter offer many ways to learn more about the industry. Check out CDs or books through our chapter library or visit the NAPO National website at to learn about valuable teleclasses.
NAPO-Houston Membership Policies and Procedures
NAPO National Membership Requirement
The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) requires all prospective members wishing to join any local NAPO chapter to first be members of NAPO National (Per NAPO National’s ONLINE MEMBERSHIP BROCHURE 11/20/11 at NAPO National membership information can be obtained online at
Once National membership is active, prospective members are free to apply to NAPO-Houston upon providing proof of their active membership in NAPO National. Applications for NAPO-Houston are completed online at
The requirement for National membership stays in effect as long as a member chooses to be a NAPO Houston chapter member. When NAPO National membership expires, Houston chapter members are responsible for renewing their National membership within 30 days of that expiration. If the member has not renewed with National within 60 days after National expiration, their NAPO Houston membership will be terminated. Currently, NAPO National allows expired National members to renew their membership and maintain their original “Join Date” for a fee as long as it is done within 90 days of their National membership expiration.* The National reinstatement fee is $80 (in addition to regular dues).* After 90 days, expired members must rejoin NAPO National as new members.*
NAPO Houston’s renewal policy is similar to that of NAPO National’s. Upon completion of renewing or rejoining NAPO National, members are eligible to either renew or rejoin NAPO Houston. Those members renewing with NAPO Houston within their 30 day National grace period are not penalized. Members may still renew between days 31 to 90 of National expiration and pay a chapter reinstatement fee ($70) to keep their original "Join" and “Renewal” dates with NAPO Houston. After 90 days past National expiration, members can only join NAPO Houston as new Houston chapter members and will have to pay full new member dues, including any applicable new member processing fee. They will not retain their original NAPO Houston “Join Date”. They must also be current members of NAPO National. It is the policy of NAPO National* and NAPO Houston that membership dues are non-refundable. All amounts described in this policy are in addition to any dues or fees that have been previously paid, even within the same membership year.
If there are extenuating circumstances, members may contact the NAPO Houston Membership Director, President or Vice President to request an extension of the Houston membership in order to renew with National. Contact must be made before National’s 30 day grace period expires. A quorum of the NAPO Houston Board must agree to the extension. Extensions are granted at the sole discretion of the NAPO Houston Board. If an extension is granted, the Houston member will have 30 days following the expiration of National’s 30 day grace period to renew with National and retain active status in the Houston chapter without a reinstatement fee.
All former NAPO-Houston members must remove all NAPO-Houston graphics and logos from their websites and other social media within 90 days after their NAPO-Houston membership expiration. NAPO National has a similar policy. Visit for their specifics.
NAPOHouston Industry Membership Application Information
QualificationstojoinNAPOHouston: Anapplicantmustbeamember oftheNational AssociationofProfessional Organizers(NAPO) prior tojoiningNAPOHouston. Visit for details. Your National membership will be verified and must remain active as long as you wish to remain a NAPO Houston member.
Dues Structure: The yearly membership fee for NAPO Houston is currently $130. There is an additional one-time processing fee of $25 for first-time members only. This is in addition to and separate from any membership fees paid to join NAPO National. Membership fees can be paid via PayPal with either a PayPal account or credit card. Credit card payments are processed through PayPal, but you do not have to have a PayPal account.
Participation Opportunities: The NAPO Houston chapter relies on its members to volunteer their time and talents to help our chapter continue to run smoothly. As you begin your membership with us, please thoughtfully consider where you would like to get involved. You will be asked to fill out a skills inventory so we know what you like to do and are good at. You will also be given the opportunity to indicate if there is a specific committee, event or type of event you’d be interested in volunteering for.
To Apply: To apply for membership to our chapter, please visit Click on “Become An Organizer” in the yellow menu bar, then select “Join Today!” Enter your email address, click on the login button and follow the instructions. Be sure to “opt in” to our emails to receive important chapter information and our twice-monthly eNewsletter with information about your chapter and from the board about upcoming meetings, events, and administrative information you should be aware of. [IMPORTANT NOTE: some previous guests will already have a log in and password. If you do, please contact the NAPO Houston Membership Director () before applying. Your process will be different]. You will create a profile of your information. Several fields are required. Membership Type: All new members should select a plan that starts with “NEW Industry Membership” from the drop down list.
Please be sure to also complete the skills and opportunities sections. You are also allowed 10 organizing “services” during your first year of membership. The “services” will be used by website visitors (potential clients) if they are looking for specific or specialized organizing services. To choose your “services,” look for the word “Categories” at the top of your profile (right above “General Information”). When you finish your profile, click the “continue”/”save updates”/”update information” (whichever one you see on your form) button. For payment, we accept PayPal or credit card payments. Credit card payments are processed through PayPal, but you do not need to have a PayPal account. If you run in to any problems or are seeing something different than these instructions describe, please contact the chapter’s Membership Director ().
For Assistance: If you have any questions or need help with any part of the membership process, please contact the Houston Chapter’s Membership Director