In Ikano, you’ll really only utilize 3 different sections from the main page, Orders, Customers, and Support.
Order is where you can find any recent closed accounts, every account that I close I put the order/cancellation number on the account memos.
If you click on an order number, you’ll see:
Which just gives you some very basic info, you can see if the order is completed, the date it was actually disconnected, as well as any notes that may have been put on the disconnect order. I’ll start noting if they are non-pay or voluntary.
Customers screen will just show you all of the current customers we have. It looks like:
You can search through Active and Inactive customers using the drop down, you can also search by phone number or name. Always leave Network as All Networks.
If you click on a customer you’ll see:
One thing to note, the contact number is for the old Pennswoodscompany, pay no mind. Speed, we have three different speeds
If anyone needs you to run a line test, click on Line Readings under DSL Service Information. You’ll see:
It takes 60 seconds to be able to get results, at which point you can hit Get Results.
Here is the basic successful line test. If it fails it will normally say why under Additional Information. They are normally pretty straight forward, but there is occasionally one that you don’t understand. Normally I just open a ticket, and put the error in the message.
If you need to place a ticket, you can do it from the customer screen, tippy top upper right hand corner.
Click create new ticket and you’ll see:
This screen is pretty self-explanatory,
Tickets are always sent to Technical Support
Reply Email –
Related customer – auto fills
Problem is – try to be as specific as possible, they’ll kick back the ticket if we aren’t.
Modem Light Status – if you’re putting this in for someone else, try to have them verify it.
Check both check boxes, the customer does not need to be home for us to come.
Dispatch Day/Time: I also just select the next two consecutive days, normally we try to get someone out 24-48 hours.
Added Notes: I always put some more information regarding the account, try to be as thorough, yet brief as possible. (Basically like ABB Escalation tickets)
Once you submit it, you can go to Support -> Ticket Manager
As you can see, it lists all the current and closed tickets. Every time I place a ticket, I always note the ticket number on the account.
All tickets are set up basically the same,they just want to know with each customer what the issue is. I also recommend adding your name to any note when you update a ticket. For instance if they say they need more info, just add:
Customer did xyz, here’s the results – Brittany
It makes it easier for tracking and it helps me with headaches if I have to follow up with anything.