International Commission for Acoustics (ICA)
Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants
for ICA 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-9 September 2016
The Board of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA), with the support of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), has established the ICA-ASA Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants (YS Grants) Program to help young acousticians to attend the International Congress on Acoustics to be held in 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each grant is up to 500 EUR from which a portion will be used to cover the conference registration and the remainder provided in Argentine currency at the time of the conference. The receipt of the award of the prestigious YS Grant may be used by the young acoustician to assist with obtaining additional funding from other sources. Candidates must be under 35 years on the day of the opening ceremony of the Congress and may be either undergraduate or postgraduate students, postdoctoral or young acousticians. Special attention will be given to the applicants from developing countries.
The application deadline is15 March 2016.
Submissions should be sent only by email attachment, and preferably in the one file, to the Chair of the YS Selection Committee . Title of the email should be “ICA Young Scientists Conference Grants”. Submissions by airmail cannot be accepted.
The submission must include the following:
(1)support from the candidate’s supervisor with his/her signature and supporting letter within 100 words
(2)support from an officer of the candidate’s local acoustical society. This society must be a member society of the International Commission for Acoustics. Details of the member societies can be found in the ICA homepage: .
(3)an abstract of the paper (max.200 words) that the applicant intends to submit to ICA2016
(4)one page of theory/experiments/results/conclusions
(5)a copy of identity card or passport
Notification to the successful applicants will be provided by 15 April 2016 along with their complimentary registration identification number.
The successful applicants will need to complete the registration, comply with the deadlines for submissions as prescribed at participate in the congress. To receive the certificate and the residual grant money, the successful candidates must attend the congress, present personally to the conference organizers with verification documents such as passport or identity card, and present their paper. Note that no payments will be made to the successful candidates prior to the congress.
Young Scientist Application ICA2013 page 1
Title: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr Family Name: ______
Personal Name: ______
Date of birth: ______
Organisation: ______
Address: ______
______Country: ______
E-mail: ______Fax: ______
Title of Abstract: ______
Co-Authors (if applicable): ______
* Abstract of paper to be inserted on the next page of this application form
* Summary of results to be inserted on the followingpage of the abstract of this application form
* A copy of identity card or passport to be inserted on the final page of this application form.
Support from Supervisor:
Name of supervisor: ______
Organisation: ______
E-mail of supervisor: ______
Up to 100 words supporting this application:
Signature of supervisor: ______
Support from local Acoustical Society – to be completed by Officer Bearer.
On behalf of ______(name of local acoustical society) ______, I support this application for a Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grant.
Name: ______Position in Society/Organisation: ______
E-mail: ______
Please explain if it is not practical to obtain this from the local acoustical society:
Title of Abstract: ______
Up to 200 word abstract of paper:
Title of Abstract: ______
Up to 1 page summary of theory/experiments/results/conclusions:
Young Scientist Application ICA2016 page 1