To give notice that the next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 16th January 2018, 7.15pm at Great Wood Hall
1. Agenda
2. Apologies
3. Declaration of Interests
4. Minutes of the meeting held on December 19th 2017
5. Public participation (for a maximum of 30 minutes)
6. Matters Arising:
a) Noticeboard outside Coop – Cllr Ball to update
b) Land Registry – Received Tean Rec and Hollington Road Cemetery. Issue with Tean Rec, clerk to update.
c) GWH Defib – Training and cabinet update.
7. Correspondence
Date / From / Subject / OutcomeFor Consideration
a) 08/01/2018 / SCC / Mobile Library Consultation / Cllrs emld 16/1
For Information
b) 05/01/2018 / Western Power Distribution / Annual stakeholder workshop
c) 11/01/2018 / SPCA / Audit Workshop / Clerk will try and go
d) 09/01/2018 / Place & Space / Neighbourhood & Urban Renewal workshop / Cllrs emld 16/1
8. Planning Applications:
Applications For ConsiderationSMDC No / End of Consultation Period / Address / Proposed Application Details
a) SMD/2017/0830 / 12/01/18 (extension granted) / The Old Barn, Highfield Farm, Riverside Road, Tean / Proposed single storey extension in lieu of existing barn store structure. (awaiting p/work)
b) SMD/2017/0833 / 31/01/18 (per website) / Sunnyside, New Road, Tean / Proposed single storey ext. Resubmission of previous approved SMD/2013/0232.
c) SMD/2017/0845 / 24/01/18 / 19 Doval Gardens, Upper Tean / Proposed 2 storey side ext. (awaiting p/work)
d) SMD/2017/0820 / 04/01/18 / Olive Tree Park, Uttoxeter Road, Checkley / For stationing of 3 touring caravans for residential occupation.
e) ES.17/09/525 W – Checkley Sewage Treatment Works – Installation of 2x kiosks. Drawing received as requested (I think it is as no covering letter).
9. Financial Matters:
a) Internal Auditor – Cllr S Akerman
Payee / Goods/Services / VAT / Total Amount / Cheque noGerald Crookes / Youth Club Leader – Sept 17 – Dec 17 (39 hrs) / - / £390.00 / 3321
Nicki Moseley / Youth Club Leader – Sept 17 – Dec 17 (32 hrs) / - / £320.00 / 3322
Great Wood Hall / Meeting Room Hire / - / £20.00 / 3323
EON / High St Electricity / £1.25 / £26.28 / 3324
Checkley Community Centre / Neighbourhood Plan Meeting Room Hire (x2) / - / £36.00 / 3325
Grant Thornton / 2017 Annual Return / £65.00 / £390.00 / 3326
Cheadle & Dist Round Table / Donation for Santa’s presence at lights switch on / - / £100.00 / 3327
SMDC / Wentlows (inc’s Tesco grant & add to rope pyramid) / - / £1262.56 / 3328
M Price / Litterpicking Fee / - / £251.25 / 3329
S Morgan-Owen / Clerk Fee’s / - / £552.00 / 3330
S Morgan-Owen / Clerks Expenses (inc flowers & hi vis vests) / - / £13.49 / 3330
b) Copy of latest bank reconciliation and current account statement to be signed by Internal Auditor.
Both latest bank reconciliation (all accounts) and precept spend to date will be in the Councillors meeting packs for their information.
10. District Councillor’s Announcements:
11. County Councillor’s Announcements:
Cllr Deaville has been asked to provide a report if he is unable to attend in person.
12. Highways Issues (hedges, footpaths etc) - if an issue requires reporting Councillor MUST provide full details and addresses
a) SCC - proposed parking restrictions
b) Update on meeting arranged with SCC.
c) Cllr Hulme – A50 traffic – speed etc.
d) Cllr Ball – Ice Busters
13. GWH Recommendations from Great Wood Working Group:
Car park works update on space markings.
14. Checkley & Tean Sports Club Recommendations from Working Group:
Cllr Flunder with a 2018 plan.
15. Neighbourhood Plan Recommendations from Steering Group:
Cllr Flunder with reminder on forthcoming meetings.
16. Lengthsman and Litterpickers Brief:
The Lengthsman has not done many hours this month due to weather and other issues. He will carry hours over to next month.
Litterpicker has put a request in regarding the increase of National Living Allowance in April 2018. Clerk advised this has been considered in the Precept.
17. Precept:
Opportunity to minute the precept decisions made at the meeting dated 9th January 2018.
Chair to sign precept paperwork to be sent to SMDC.
18. Wentlows:
Update regarding boundary issue from Your Move.
19. Christmas Lights out for Tender:
20. Power to Tean Recreation Ground:
Details with Cllr Flunder.
21. Matters pertaining to issues in the Parish or for the next agenda
Will be limited to one item per councillor if they wish to raise a point/query/clarification not previously discussed. In the interest of time constraints on the meeting, each councillor should try to keep their points as brief and concise as possible.
Checkley Parish Council is supported by The Admin Genie –