Business Software - 2015 - 2016
General Course Information:
Instructor: Ms. Garrison
Phone: 863-471-5500
Classroom: Rm 505
Important Tentative Dates:
Excel Projects 1-5: 8/19-9/11Excel Projects 6-10: 9/14-10/2
Excel Projects 11-15: 10/5-10/30
GMetrix: 11/2-11/13
Excel Certification Exam: 11/16 / Word Projects 1-5: 11/18-12/11
Word Projects 6-10: 12/14-1/22
Word Projects 11-15: 1/25-2/12
GMetrix: 2/15-2/26
Word Certification Exam: 2/29 / PowerPoint Projects 1-5: 3/2-4/1
PowerPoint Projects 6-10: 4/4-4/22
PowerPoint Projects 11-15: 4/25-5/13
GMetrix: 5/16-5/20
PPT Certification Exam: 5/23
Prerequisites: Introduction to Information TechnologyOR Computing for College & Careers
Microsoft Office is intended for an introductory course that includes an introduction to both computer concepts and Microsoft Office.
For this course we will be using Shelly Cashman Microsoft Office 2013 INTRODUCTORY -- , Gmetrix Certification Training Software, and Microsoft Office IT Academy 2013.
The objectives of this course are:
· To present the material in a visually appealing and exciting manner that motivates students to learn
· To offer an introduction to the following Microsoft products: Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013
· To expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool
· To acquaint students with the proper procedures to use a computer; interact with the Web; and create documents, presentations, and worksheets suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use
· To help students discover the underlying functionality of Microsoft Office 2013 so that they can become more productive
· To develop an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing
· To prepare students for Industry Certification from Microsoft Office
Major Grading and Evaluation Criteria
20% of the grade is based on a midterm and a final examination. Both examinations are cumulative and given in a varied format. An in-class review will be held prior to each examination.
Ø Graded quizzes. Quizzes are not always announced in advance and may vary from five to ten questions that may be in any format.
Ø Weekly participation grade. This grade is based on your work effort and class participation.
Ø Tests. Tests will be given at the end of each section.
Ø Gmetrix projects
College Credit Opportunity:
Through articulation agreement, students have the opportunity to earn 3 college credit hours. Please see your instructor and read the following document for further information: MICRO069-OfficeAdministration.pdf
Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class and utilize lab time from start to finish. Each student is responsible for completing his/her own work. Class work will include independent as well as work cooperative/group work. Students are responsible for all access that occurs under his/her login and password. Students must take precautions to prevent access by others. Under no circumstances should you provide your user username/password to anyone. Student work must be done in this lab and be saved to the school network (and a backup copy RECOMMENDED on a flash drive). Students will follow the school policy regarding absences, tardies, plagiarism, and electronic devices. Backpacks must be stored on the table designated by the Instructor.
If an assignment has multiple sheets, please staple them together. Do not staple separate assignments together. The following should be placed in the upper left hand corner of specified printed assignments: Disorganized assignments (pages out of order, mislabeled, unreadable, etc.) will not be graded.
Student Name: (example: Mary Jones)
Date: (example: February 5, 2013)
Period: (example: 3A)
Project/Exercise: (example: Chapter 3 Project)
Absolutely no gum, candy, food or drinks are allowed in the classroom lab. (Except covered water)
In compliance with the American with Disability Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled in this class are entitled to “reasonable accommodations”. Please notify the Instructor during the first week of class as to any accommodations needed for this course.
Students will be responsible for coming to class (work) each day prepared to learn with the following materials:
· Writing utensil
· Flashdrive
· Headsets/ear phones (for viewing video tutorials)
A lab fee of $10 per student is to help cover the cost of software, paper, toner, maintenance and other supplies. Please make checks payable to: Sebring High School. Include your child’s name and student ID number on the memo line. This is due on or before October 2nd.
The skills and information covered in this course are extremely valuable and will assist in preparing you for your Career and Internship opportunities. I look forward to helping you reach your training and employment goals!
Welcome to the Business & Technology Department!
v SHS Website:
v Ms. Garrison’s Website:
Sebring High School
Business Software Applications 1 (8212120)
Course Syllabus
This is a graded assignment. Please print (this page only), sign, and return to the teacher. Failure to return this page after the due date results in a continued loss of points until this page has been signed and returned.
Student Name (Printed) Block/Period #
I reviewed the syllabus and policies with my son/daughter. We understand what is expected of him/her. I agree to support my son/daughter and the teacher to ensure a successful year. I understand I can keep apprised of academic progress via Pinnacle and the teacher will work with me to resolve any behavioral issues. I understand that the teacher is available each school day, as well as after school with prior coordination, to meet with me. To contact the teacher, I will email her or call the school or personal number provided on the syllabus. (Email and phone numbers are listed in the syllabus.)
I have submitted a $10.00 check (made out to Sebring High School) or cash for the computer lab fee.
Does your son/daughter have any special needs (e.g., visual or audio, learning disabilities, language, etc.) with which I can assist him/her; or need to be aware of?
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
Parent Contact InformationName: ______
Telephone Home: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Is Texting okay:______
Email: ______
Preferred method of contact: ______
Best time to be reached: ______/ Name: ______
Telephone Home: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Is Texting okay:______
Email: ______
Preferred method of contact: ______
Best time to be reached: ______