Nebraska Statewide One-Call Notification Center
Board of Directors Meeting
Not Approved
Nebraska Statewide One Call Board meeting minutes
1526 K Street Building
Lincoln, NE
Meeting called to order by Chairman Val Snyder at 12:06PM
- Roll Call---confirm quorum
- Voting members present, Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, Stan Waterman, and Pete Wilson.
- Non-voting present: Andy Hartmann, Mark Ottemann, Steve Seglin, Susan Lynch, Clark Conklin, Kevin Bumgardner, Regina Shields, Tyler Nesheim, Jill Geyer, Millisa Johnson-Wiles
Approval of Agenda
- Motion by Weddle and second by Waterman to approve agenda as presented.
- Voting Yes: Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, Stan Waterman, and Pete Wilson.
- Voting No: none
Abstaining: none
Approval of Minutes of previous Jan 21st meeting with corrections:
- Motion by Stroebele and second by Meyer to approve minutes, with corrections
- Voting Yes: Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, Stan Waterman, and Pete Wilson.
Voting No: none
Public Comment
- Jake Kulhanek wit Sampson Constructionaddressed the Board concerning an incident at the Seward Hospital. During excavation they damaged a 50 pair cable that served the hospital emergency room, owned by Wind Stream. His concern with the process when a damage ticket was called in, and a wrong number was on file for Wind Stream. The call center has updated the phone number, and it was explained what a damage ticket is processed and why.
Policy Committee
- Discussed the issue of installed conduit that has no wire and can be located. O.P.P.D is painting a circle around the secondary pedestals, to identify where there is energized conductor, and John Buckley asked the Board members had any issue with this practice.
- The Policy Committee will need to set up a meeting with Utility Lobbyist and should make contact with the League of Municipalities.
By-laws committee
- Still identifying changes, the one item that the committee is changing is the election of officer’s process. If you have any others contact Al Meyer
Advertising Committee
- Planning on holding 811 day and have budgeted dollars for four locations (Omaha, Kearney, Lincoln, and Scottsbluff.
Legislative Committee
- Nothing to Report but Senator Smith would like to attend the One Call Board’s next meeting
One Call status report
- Held 174 training session.
- 18 NTMS training sessions
- Safety summit was attended by 580 contractors both Field personal and Management
- Positive response to the hands on training.
- The next Summit is scheduled for Feb. 24th 2016
- The 2014 Grant has been submitted to the Fire Marshal Office.
- If you have an article for the News Letter contact Jill.
- If you your Organization has links to the One Call Web site make sure the brand is Nebraska 811.
Damage Prevention Resource Center Report
- Four new members have joined since the last meeting
- The Call Center has completed 1630 manual map updates to the system, if you have issues on road locations contact the center
- To keep the mapping up to date, Utilities should be sending in Sub-divisions
- 61% of the tickets generate from ITIC, and 70% of those are released by the contractor.
- The savings to the Facility owners from the use of ITIC is $60,000.00 this margin is gained by not paying the additional 35 cents when a ticket is not generated by using ITIC.
Public Comment
- Don Day with Olsen & Associates addressed the Board concerning NRD’s joining the One Call. His concern was the protection of Levees, Dams and Channel Improvements. These existing facilities were engineered and when excavation takes place in these area’s it damages there integrity. He will contact the owners of these facilities to see if they will join.
Treasures Report
- Attached
- Motion by Loschen and seconded by Waterman to accept the Treasures report
- Voting Yes: Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, Stan Waterman, and Pete Wilson.
- Voting No: none
Abstaining: none
- Motion by Meyer and seconded by Buckley to accept the Audit Report
- Voting Yes: Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, and Stan Waterman,and Pete Wilson.
- Voting No: none
Abstaining: none
Fire Marshal Report
- Kevin will be holding a Damage Class in Scottsbluff on June 4th, attendance at the meetings so far has been good.
Attorney General Office
- Millisa will email out report
Old business
- Midwest user group meeting in Kansas City was a good meeting with good information, if held again the Board members should attend.
- Lanna and Jill had good feedback from their presentation at the 2015 CGA conference.
- If you turn in an invoice make sure the reason for the expenditure is identified, and ask for approval before submitting the expenditure.
New Business
- Summer outreach, Parades at Hastings and Grand Island
- Pirate Adventure winning posters are located on Bill Boards around the state
- Legislation Hearings
- Damage Reporting, discussed ways to improve reporting, giving the facility owner and option to report on the same ticket.
- John Buckley and Dave Stroebele would like to attend the next OCC Tech Meeting in California September 23rd.
- .
CGN Report
- Next CGN meeting will be July 16th at Black Hills.
Next meeting June 18th in Kearney at the Source Gas Facility, With an Excavator Dinner the Night before.
Motion to Adjourn by Melcher second by second by Loschen at 3:00 PM
- Voting Yes: Val Snyder, Lance Loschen, Jim McKeon, Al Meyer, Bob Weddle, Dan Maschka, David Stroebele, Gary Brakhahn, John Buckley, Lanna Machmuller, Nathan Stewart, Rick Melcher, Stan Waterman, and Pete Wilson.
Voting No: none
Abstaining: none