Quick list of our stories (abbreviated, w/o proper punctuation):

·  Muddy Road
·  Carpathia
·  Aesop's fables
o  (Vixen & Lioness, Ant & Grasshopper)
·  Appointment in Samarra
·  Parable of Prodigal Son
·  Chopin: Desiree's Baby, Storm, Hour
·  A&P / ·  Chrysanthemums
·  Good Man Is Hard to Find
·  Things Carried
·  WRUG...?
·  Cask of Amont.
·  Hunters in Snow
·  Worn Path
·  Walter Mitty

Elements of Fiction:

·  symbolism

·  setting

·  structure

·  irony

·  fable & parable

·  characterization

·  conflict

·  theme

·  unity of effect

Points to Ponder:

·  defining the Elements of Fiction

·  applying Element of Fiction to a specific story

o  symbolism in "The Lottery"

o  irony

§  verbal irony in Poe

§  dramatic irony & irony of situation in Hour

·  Chopin's style (we read 4 stories)

·  critical interpretations of "Where Are You Going...?"

o  historical

o  Arnold as Satan

·  stories with structures that were different, unique, non-linear

o  Things

o  Rose

·  discussing the characterization of a character in a story (description, methods of developing that character)

o  EDU (Mama, Maggie, Dee)

o  Mitty

o  Worn Path (Phoenix Jackson)

·  how would the story change if the point-of-view changed (think of stories in which POV was quite important)

o  A&P

o  Hour

·  similarly, the setting has been quite central/crucial to certain stories, almost like a character itself

o  Hunters

o  Cask

o  Lottery

·  Poe's concept of "unity of effect" -- applied to a certain story

o  Cask

o  Lottery

·  the conflicts in a certain story (the different types of conflict & how they're evident in the story)

o  man vs. man, nature, self, society, technology, fate, supernatural

§  Vixen

§  Things

§  Cask

§  A&P

§  GMH2F

§  EDU

§  Chrysanthemums

·  could you define a fable or parable & discuss how one we've read illustrates that definition

o  Aesop's fables (Vixen & Lioness, Ant & Grasshopper)

o  Appointment in Samarra

o  Parable of Prodigal Son

o  WRUG as Rock N Roll fable

·  certain themes kept coming up across the stories (making connections between stories)

o  racism in Southern stories

§  Rose

§  GMH2F

§  Worn Path

§  Desiree's Baby

o  we've talked about "identity" in a few stories (how it's formed)

§  through objects, genealogy, mottos, ....

§  EDU

§  GMH2F

§  A&P

§  Desiree's Baby

§  Cask

§  Things


§  Worn Path

o  progress? civilization? (are we better off)

§  Rose

§  Chrysanthemums

§  Everyday Use

o  characters trapped (symbolically, physically)

§  Antigone

§  Cask

§  A&P

§  Rose

§  Chrysanthemums

§  Hour

o  portrayal of marriage

§  Rose

§  Chrysanthemums

§  Hour

§  EDU

§  Carpathia

o  family as a negative thing (home is where the heartbreak is)

§  Rose

§  Chrysanthemums

§  Hour


§  A&P

§  Lottery

§  Cask

§  GMH2F

o  corruption of youth

§  lottery


§  Rose

o  appearances vs. reality (or, fantasy vs. reality)

§  Things

§  Walter Mitty

§  GMH2F

§  A&P


§  EDU

o  human nature as "bad" (OR, in violentia veritas - truth comes out in stress))

§  Rose

§  Chrysanthemums

§  Hour


§  A&P

§  Lottery

§  Cask

§  GMH2F

§  Hunters

o  burdens we carry

§  Things

§  Chrysanthemums

§  GMH2F

§  Storm

§  Worn Path

§  Muddy Road

o  Lottery & traditions

§  pick a tradition that's outdated & why you'd get rid of it

o  lack of self-knowledge (self-destruction might be a similar theme)


§  EDU

§  Hunters

§  GMH2F

§  A&P

§  Cask

o  grotesque in Rose

§  what is "grotesque" & how is it in the story