Conference Support Application
Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference
October 20 – 21, 2016
Cleveland, OH
Conference Support Application Deadline: August 15, 2016
The Curriculum and Pedagogy Group would like to invite applications for financial support to attend the 2016 Annual Conference in Cleveland. Support covers the costs of on-site hotel accommodations for up to three nights (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) of shared lodging.
This form is due electronically (Word or PDF) no later than August 15th, 2016Midnight (EST)via email to Vonzell Agosto, , with “FIRST NAME and LAST NAME” in the subject line.
Please note: There are two sections to this application. 1) The Applicant Information is to be completed by a person applying for support. 2) The Faculty Member Support section is to be completed by a supporting faculty member or supervisor. Both sections must be received by the due date to be considered.
Submissions will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. As well, those who have multiple presentations will be given priority review. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Applicant names will be shared with the conference Registrar to ensure registration costs have been paid prior to receiving support.
Section One: Applicant Information
- Applicant’s Name
- University/College/School Affiliation
- Graduate Program/Department/Position
- Mailing Address
- Email Address
- Supporting Faculty/Supervisor’s Name and University/School Affiliation
- Title of C&P Conference Proposal/s (NOTE: Applications submitted prior to notice of acceptance for the 2016 program will be considered and awarded pending acceptance):
To select your choice: Double click the box; In the dialogue box click “Checked”.
Top of Form
Will this be your first C&P conference? (Please check one) Yes / No
Bottom of Form
If no, have you received conference support previously?Yes / No
Please indicate years of award ______
Are you eligible to receive other forms of funding to attend?Yes / No
Please explain ______
What is your current graduate program status (e.g. course work, ABD, etc.)?
Check the following statements as part of the conditions of the support:
I understand that as a support recipient I will be sharing accommodations with other support recipients. I have indicated my roommate preference(s)* below:
Top of Form
male roommate preferred
Bottom of Form
female roommate preferred
no preference
*Name of preferred roommate also applying for support: ______
I understand that as a support recipient I agree to volunteer time to help out at the conference, including running the book table and/or registration table during the conference.
I understand that if I receive funding I am to confirm attendance with Vonzell Agosto, Fellowship & Awards Committee Chair, , three (3) weeks prior to the conference (no later than October 1, 2016). If I do not confirm my attendance prior to the conference I understand that I may lose funding support.
I understand that incomplete applications will be disqualified and that the Faculty Member Information request form of this application must also be completed/submitted by the deadline of August 15, 2016.
I understand that in order to receive conference support for any given night of the conference I have to also be registered and paid to attend the conference.
Please share any other information or special needs you may have for the Conference Support Committee in the space below.
Section Two: Faculty Member Support
I have reviewed the above information and fully support‘s application for C&P conference support.
Faculty/Supervisor Signature:Date:
If you wish to add specific information in support of the application, please do so below.
Many thanks for your support!
This application for support is due electronically (.pdf) no later than August 15, 2016 via email to ith “FIRST NAME and LAST NAME” in the subject line.