Sponsoring Organizations

2016/2017 Quarterly Narrative Report Form

Each Report shall be submitted to the Regional Desks on the following dates:

Quarter / Report Deadline
1st Quarter (September 1 - November 30) / December 15, 2016
2nd Quarter (December 1 - January 31) / February 15, 2016
Final (Total Cumulative & February 1- March 31) / April 15, 2017

This is our Choose an item. Quarterly Report

Date Submitted: Click here to enter a date.

Section 1: Applicant Organization Information

Legal Name of Organization:
Type of Organization: / ☐Non-profit ☐ For-Profit ☐ Municipality
☐ Educational Institute ☐ Health Authority
☐ Other: ______(Please Indicate)
Name and Role of Main Organization Contact: (Executive Director, CEO, President, Etc.)
Phone Number of Main Contact:

Section 2: UP Project Information

Project Name:
Approved Funding Amount:
Project Start Date: / Click here to enter a date.

Activity Descriptions

a)  Describe your UP Project progress and main activities in the box below:

b)  Describe any successes or positive occurrences in the box below:

c)  Describe any challenges in the box below:

d)  Were there any planned activities described in the UP project proposal workplan that were supposed to take place during this period, but did not occur? If yes, please indicate which activity did not occur, why it did not occur, and if the activity will be done at another time:

Project Delivery Hours: Please indicate the TOTAL number of hours that the UPP Project Activities are available to participants for this reporting period. (NOTE: Only record hours when participants are participating in activities and not the coordinator administration hours)

Monday Hours:
Tuesday Hours:
Wednesday Hours:
Thursday Hours:
Friday Hours:
Saturday Hours:
Sunday Hours:
Total Number of Hours in this quarter:

SPECIAL or IRREGULAR ACTIVITY HOURS: In the table below, please indicate any special events, irregular UP activities, one-time activities or other irregular meetings or activities that occurred between April 1-March 31, 2016. Fill in regular weekly hours of project delivery to participants/clients/students. These are the hours that community participants/clients/students are actively involved in an UP project activity such as programs, training, workshop, mentorship, etc.

Type of Event/Activity / Date of Event / Total Hours

Section 3: Participant Information

a)  If you are hosting an SESE Project indicate the number of NEW participants accessing the project (UPP activities) for the first time in this reporting period in the appropriate category and age range. Collect this information from your intake forms. This question represents each one time per project year.

CATEGORY / Aged 16-24 / Aged 25-35 / Aged 36-45 / Aged 46-64 / Aged 65+ / TOTAL

b)  Indicate the number of NEW participants serviced by the UPP project for this reporting period in each of the sections. This is each represented once in a project year, like question 2.

First Nation (Status or Non-Status)

c)  Indicate the TOTAL number of times the project activity has been accessed for this reporting period, also known as “points of service” (for example: one daily attended Drivers Training course, one tutoring session, etc…). (NOTE: Project may be accessed multiple times by one participant, for example attending a CPR course and then a tutoring session would count as 2 points of service or 2 times)

TOTAL Points of Service:

Section 4: Staff Information

Indicate the number of First Nation, Inuit, Metis or non-status Aboriginal people are employed (part-time and full-time) by UPP Funds.

Full-Time / Part-Time / TOTAL
TOTAL Jobs Funded by UPP:

Section 5: Project Objective Assessment

Please rate & explain how this project has reduced barriers to Economic Participation at this time. (Midterm)

I.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Reduced Barriers for Participants
Briefly explain
II.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Expanded Research & Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Issues
Briefly explain
III.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Developed new approaches to Urban Aboriginal Issues
Briefly explain
IV.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Engaged individuals & the community
Briefly explain
V.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Enhanced Partnerships for the organization
Briefly explain
VI.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Supported existing programs & services
Briefly explain
VII. / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Modified Processes or Services
Briefly explain
VIII.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Made Technology Improvements
Briefly explain
IX.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Hired Personnel
Briefly explain
X.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Implemented Additional Training
Briefly explain
XI.  / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Added New Services & Program
Briefly explain
XII. / No / Somewhat / In Development / Yes
Changed Methods and Levels of Data Collection
Briefly explain

Section 6: Partnerships

a)  New Partnerships

Number of new partnerships developed since project start date:

b)  Main Type of Partnership:

Project Delivery
Investment or In Kind
Other (please specify)

c)  Community Events, Consultations, or Plans

Please list and describe any planned community events, engagements, or plans developed. This includes engagement of local people, organizations, or other stakeholders

d)  Materials- File Upload: Please attach any pictures, posters, job postings, success stories, reports, or materials relevant to the delivery of your project (png, jpeg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx formats are accepted). Please keep file sizes under 5mb.

Section 7: Work Plan Activities

Please answer to where you are on the following questions

Social Economy Social Enterprise Project Work Plan
Please identify what your project is doing in regards to the activity you have identified in the “Activity Description” of your application.
Have you met any of your overall objectives?
Do you still believe the business you are planning on is potentially viable?
How have your initial consultations went during the project development?

Planned Activity 1: As outlined in the agreed upon work plan in the contribution agreement

a)  Activity Name:

b)  Number of Participants: ______

c)  Activity Rating - Social Enterprise/Economy

Please rate how this activity has contributed to Social Enterprise/Economy & increased economic participation for Urban Aboriginal People

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Not Effective / Highly Effective
Please comment on why this activity has been rated above:

Planned Activity 2: As outlined in the agreed upon work plan in the contribution agreement

a)  Activity Name:

b)  Number of Participants: ______

c)  Activity Rating - Social Enterprise/Economy

Please rate how this activity has contributed to Social Enterprise/Economy & increased economic participation for Urban Aboriginal People

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Not Effective / Highly Effective
Please comment on why this activity has been rated above:

Planned Activity 3: As outlined in the agreed upon work plan in the contribution agreement

a)  Activity Name:

b)  Number of Participants: ______

c)  Activity Rating - Social Enterprise/Economy

Please rate how this activity has contributed to Social Enterprise/Economy & increased economic participation for Urban Aboriginal People

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Not Effective / Highly Effective
Please comment on why this activity has been rated above:

Please list all activities completed for the current period, and provide details of each activity.

Objectives / Tasks / Timeline / Deliverable(s)
Planned Activities (What you said you were going to do in your application) / Anticipated Outcomes (What you hoped to achieve in your application) / When did/will this activity take place? / Completed Activities (What you actually did) / Achieved Outcomes (What you actually achieved – relate this back to what your anticipated outcomes were)
Organizational Learning and Capacity Building that supports social economy and social enterprise initiatives, including workshops, training, courses, purchase of resources to support learning outcomes related to SESE;
Social Enterprise Business Start-up or Pilot Projects, including start-up grants, business planning;
Expanding Successful Social Enterprises, including promotion of promising business models and knowledge transfer to aspiring social enterprise business entrepreneurs;
Support for Regional Level Initiatives that may provide secretariat support to development of social enterprise and social economy initiatives.

Section 7: Issues & Concerns

Please provide a summary of any issues, questions, concerns.

Section 8: Amendments

Based on the approved funding amount and details in “Appendix B” (the Budget section) of the Contribution Agreement, will your project be requesting a budget amendment?

If yes, please provide anticipated amount: $______

*If you answered yes, please complete and submit the amendment form found on the website. (www.afcs.ca)

Section 9: Declaration
I declare that the information reported is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Executive Director/ Manager Project Coordinator
Date: ______Date: ______

Urban Partnerships Sponsoring Organization Narrative Report –revised November 21, 2016 Page XXX
