(Please Note: The Titles, are those that Jesus specifically gave to The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta and tells us who Luisa is in The Book of Heaven. When Jesus refers to the “soul, creature, or one” who Lives in the Divine Will, He is always referring to Luisa or His Blessed Mother but also to those who must Live in the Divine Will linked to Luisa. When Jesus refers to Luisa as the ‘First,’ it is to be understood that Luisa is the ‘First human born of Original Sin.” Our Blessed Mother, is The Immaculate Conception. Luisa is the little daughter of the Divine Will where as Our Lady is the Mother and Queen of the Divine Will. Jesus shows us that Luisa, is the first soul conceived in original sin to Live in the Divine Will since Adam. The New Era has begun with Luisa.)

Volume 1

Luisa, Whose Heart the Divine Master Stripped of All Creatures

Luisa, Who the Divine Master Made Great Designs Upon Wanting to Make of her a Perfect Image of Himself

Luisa, Whose Heart Jesus is Inside of

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved

Luisa, the Madonna’s Daughter

Luisa, Who Jesus Chose as Victim

Luisa, Victim of Reparation

Luisa, Victim

Luisa, Voluntary Victim

Luisa, Poor Daughter

Luisa, a Little Girl in the Way of the Cross

Luisa, Who Jesus Puts Between His Justice and the Iniquities of Creatures

Luisa, With Jesus Like a Candle Placed on the Fire, One Transformed into the Other Becoming One

Luisa, Who Resigned herself to the Holy Will of God

Luisa, Beloved of Jesus’ Heart

Luisa, Who Jesus Drew into a Bed Freeing her of External Occupations

Luisa, Little Poor One in her Bed

Luisa, Who Remains in Continuous Holocaust Before Jesus

Luisa, Who Jesus Loves so Much He Cannot be Without Coming to her

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved

Luisa, Who Jesus Gives a Most Precious, Beautiful Ring with His Living Image Imprinted on it

Luisa, Who Jesus Clothed with a Garment of Immense Beauty

Luisa, Whose Ears Jesus Bejeweled with Gems

Luisa, Whose Neck and Arms Jesus Adorned

Luisa, Whose Forehead Jesus Surrounded with a Crown of Immense Value, Enriched with Precious Stones and Gems, All Refulgent with Light

Luisa, Who Jesus Espoused

Luisa, Jesus’ Most Sweet Spouse

Luisa, Who the Angels were Around with Such Veneration

Luisa, Who Jesus Took to Paradise

Luisa, Triumph of Jesus’ Love

Luisa, in her Jesus’ Love has Surpassed Everything

Luisa, Jesus’ Spouse

Luisa, in Whose Renewal of Marriage to Jesus was Admitted to the Kiss of All Three Divine Persons

Luisa, Who the Most Holy Trinity Confirmed as Their Own and Took Possession of her Heart

Luisa, in Whose Heart the Most Holy Trinity Formed Their Dwelling

Luisa, Whose Body was Like a Residence Where God was Residing in

Luisa, Jesus’ Spouse

Luisa, Whose Last Marriage was to the Cross

Luisa, Who was Married to the Cross

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Daughter

Luisa, Who Jesus Crucified Together with Him

Luisa, Victim

Luisa, Victim Who Offered herself for the Salvation of a Soul

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (9.14.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Nailed to a Larger Cross, with the Queen Mama Assisting, While Heaven Made New Feast for her (9.14.99)

Luisa, Whose Crucifixion Freed Many Souls From Purgatory and Quite a Few Sinners were Converted (9.14.99)

Luisa, Who Shared in All of Jesus’ Pains (9.14.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (9.14.99)

Luisa, Beloved of Jesus’ Heart (9.14.99)

Luisa, Whose Body Jesus Marked with the Mark of His Wounds (9.14.99)

Volume 2

Luisa, Who Finds herself in the Heights of the Heavens (2 – 2.28.99)

Luisa, Who Sees and Feels God, Who is her Life and Restricts Himself within her (2 – 2.28.99)

Luisa, Who Sees a Shadow of God in All Creation (2 – 2.28.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Dear One (2 – 3.14.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Keeps in the Shadow of His Charity (2 – 4.5.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus’ Love Keeps her Concealed Everywhere and in Everything (2 – 4.5.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Keeps Sunken within His Love (2 – 4.5.99)

Luisa, Who Stayed with Jesus in the Tabernacle (2 – 4.9.99)

Luisa, Jesus' Tabernacle (2 – 4.12.99)

Luisa, Living Victim Before the Divine Justice (2 – 4.12.99)

Luisa, Who Knows Jesus and He Knows her (2 – 5.6.99)

Luisa, Who is Very Dear to Jesus, Like the Pupil of His Eyes (2 – 5.6.99)

Luisa, Who Drank from Jesus’ Side (2 – 5.12.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who Jesus Invested, Divinized, and Made her All His (2 – 5.16.99)

Luisa, the Soul Whose Being Transforms her in God and Does All her Operations in God (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who is in God and Walks Beside God (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who the Lord Favors (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who the Lord Enriches (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul to Who the Lord Concedes the Greatest Graces (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who Attributes Nothing to herself but Everything to God (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, the Fortunate Soul Who Knows herself (2 – 6.2.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Daughter (2 – 6.5.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Who is Beautiful and How Much He Loves her (2 – 6.5.99)

Luisa, from Whose Breasts Jesus Suckled Milk to Sweeten Him (2 – 6.8.99)

Luisa, Who Suckled from the Breasts of Jesus (2 – 6.8.99)

Luisa, Who Unites her Sufferings, her Prayers to Jesus (2 – 6.9.99)

Luisa Who has a Globe of Light Between her and Jesus and Among Those who Approach her (2 – 6.11.99)

Luisa, Whose Soul Jesus Took in His Arms and Touched it All Over (2 – 6.12.99)

Luisa, Whose Soul Jesus Clothed with the Garment of Faith, Hope, and Charity (2 – 6.12.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ mama (2 – 6.22.99)

Luisa, Victim (2 – 6.23.99)

Luisa, Daughter Who is Victim as Jesus is, Whose Works Shine with the Same Intentions as Jesus’, Pure and Holy (Vol. 2, 7.4.99)

Luisa, in Who Finding His Own Image, Jesus Pours the Influence of His Graces Freely (2 – 7.4.99)

Luisa, Daughter Who Jesus Offers Adorned as Fragrant Victim Before Divine Justice (2 – 7.4.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Makes Use of in Order to Continue His Passion (2 – 7.9.99)

Luisa, Living Victim of Reparation and Propitiation Before Divine Justice (2 – 7.9.99)

Luisa, Daughter Who Jesus Can Not Leave and as Pledge of this Has Placed His Suffering in her (2 – 7.14.99)

Luisa, Who Suffered the Crucifixion (2 – 7.14.99)

Luisa, Whose Sufferings Give Refreshment to Jesus’ Thirst (2 – 7.28.99)

Luisa, Pure Soul (2 – 8.1.99)

Luisa, Beautiful of Jesus’ Own Beauty and He is Drawn to Love her (2 – 8.7.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Conforms Completely to Himself (2 – 8.12.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved in Who He Placed in Order All Virtues in her Heart (2 – 8.15.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who Participates in the Pains of Jesus’ Passion (2 – 8.15.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Gave the Office of Acting as His Mama on Earth (2 – 8.15.99)

Luisa, Who Keeps Jesus Faithful Company in All His Pains and Suffers in His Place as Much as she can (2 – 8.15.99)

Luisa, Whose Soul Jesus Prayed for to the Heavenly Father that she Fulfill His Most Holy Will Perfectly in Everything (2 – 8.15.99)

Luisa, Soul Whose Sole Purpose is to Please Jesus Alone that she has Power Over His Heart to Draw Him to herself and He Does what she wants (2 – 8.21.99)

Luisa, Dearest Daughter of Jesus (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, How Beautiful is she (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Simple Dove (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Dwelling (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ LivingTemple in Which He is Pleased to Delight United with the Father and the Holy Spirit (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus’ Love for is so Great He is Forced to Hide It in Part (2 – 9.9.99)

Luisa, Who the Triune God Speaks to and Whose Person They Occupy (2 – 9.21.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Chose to Continue His Life on Earth in Order to Continue the Salvation of the Peoples (2 – 9.21.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (2 – 9.25.99)

Luisa, Defender of Jesus and People (2 – 9.25.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Bride Who He Entrusts His Most Intimate Secrets to (2 – 9.30.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Bride with Whom He Delights in Resting (2 – 9.30.99)

Luisa, Daughter Who is the Relief for Jesus’ Pains (2 – 10.1.99)

Luisa, Daughter Who Performed for Jesus the Office of a Most Skillful Doctor Medicating, Bandaging and Healing His Wounds (2 – 10.3.99)

Luisa, Whose Office is Acting as Jesus’ Mother on Earth (2 – 10.7.99)

Luisa, Victim (2 – 10.7.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (2 – 10.7.99)

Volume 3

Luisa, Victim, Like a Prop to Sustain the Pillar of the Church (3 – 11.1.99)

Luisa, Beloved of Jesus’ Heart in Who His Divinity Resides in Habitually (3 – 11.3.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Delights with and she Delights with Him Luisa, Victim, Like a Prop to Sustain the Pillar of the Church (3 – 11.1.99)

Luisa, the Soul in Who the Divinity Resides Habitually (3 – 11.3.99)

Luisa, Whose Heart Jesus Fortifies with Fortitude Making a Trunk Arise from it (3 – 11.12.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Pours so Many Graces into as to Nourish Himself and His Children (3 – 11.12.99)

Luisa, Victim (3 – 11.13.99)

Luisa, the Most Holy Virgin’s Daughter (3 – 11.13.99)

Luisa, Who the Queen Mama Clothed with the White Garment of Innocence and Offers her to Good Jesus (3 – 11.21.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Who Quenched His Thirst in her Love (3 – 11.26.99)

Luisa, Who Delights the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with her Suffering (3 – 11.26.99)

Luisa, Who Possesses Grace and Holds Paradise within herself (3 – 11.27.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Who Jesus Loves and is Drawn to Loving her (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Filled with New Graces and Celestial Charisms (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Who went to Purgatory to Suffer in Order to Free the Souls Jesus Chooses (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Who in Entering Purgatory Destroyed of the Fire, Dispelled the Darkness, Many Souls Came Out and Others Would be Relieved (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Importunate Soul Who Jesus Feels Necessary to Content (3 – 11.28.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Daughter (3 – 12.2.99)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (3 – 12.2.99)

Luisa, the Queen Mama’s Daughter (3 – 12.25.99)

Luisa, Victim of Love for Jesus (3 – 12.25.99)

Luisa, Who Jesus Suckled from (3 – 1.6.00)

Luisa, Who Always has the Divine Will in her Possession (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Became Noble, Divinized and All of her Actions Reverberate in the Center of the Divine Sun (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who is Alone the Noble Queen Who Nourishes herself from Jesus’ Breath (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Takes her Food and Drink from the Jesus’ Will (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul in Whose Veins Flows the Most Pure Blood (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul Whose Breath Spreads a Fragrant Perfume that Cheers the Whole of Jesus (3 – 2.26.00)

Luisa, the Soul in Who Jesus Finds Sweet Rest (3 – 2.27.99)

Luisa, the Soul Whose will Jesus Lets Himself be Bound by (3 – 2.27.99)

Luisa, the Soul Who the Divine Sun Shines in as in the Full Midday (3 – 2.27.99)

Luisa, Whose Heart Jesus Placed Himself on to Rest (3 – 3.2.99)

Luisa, the Soul Conformed to the Divine Will Who Binds and Disarms Jesus as she wants (3 – 3.7.00)

Luisa, Whose Heart Jesus Pierced Through with a Lance (3 – 3.10.99)

Luisa, Who Suffered the Crucifixion (3 – 3.15.99)

Luisa, Whose Way of Acting Binds Jesus Everywhere (3 – 3.20.99)

Luisa, in Whose Suffering Jesus Continues His Passion for the Good of Souls (3 – 4.24.00)

Luisa, Daughter Who in Suffering is Dear to Jesus, Whose Eyes are Wounded in Looking at her, seeing His Very Image in her (3 – 4.24.00)

Luisa, the Soul Whose Purity of Suffering (A Pearl) is the Cause of so Much Light (3 – 4.25.00)

Luisa, Who Suffers Only for Love of Jesus (3 – 5.1.00)

Luisa, Crucified on Jesus’ Cross (3 – 5.1.00)

Luisa, Poor Daughter (3 – 5.13.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus’ Design for is to Absorb her in His Will, Make her One with It, Make her a Perfect Example of Uniformity of her will with His Will to Operate Like God (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, Miracle of Miracles (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Must Spiritualize Everything and Arrive at Becoming Invisible (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, Who Retained the Divine Source within herself (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, Who Retained All Goods, All Gifts, All Graces (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, One Who Acquired the Most Heroic and Sublime Virtues (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Reached the Point of Operating Like God (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Possesses the Power, the Wisdom, the Sanctity and All Other the Virtues that God Himself Contains (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Living in Divine Will is the queen of all queens (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Living in Divine Will Whose Throne is so High as to Reach the Throne of the Eternal One (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Living in Divine Will Who Enters the Secrets of the Most August Trinity, and Participates in the Reciprocal Love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, the Soul Living in Divine Will Who the Angels and Saints Honor, Men Admire, Who the Demons Fear Seeing the Divine Being in her (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (3 – 5.24.00)

Luisa, Whose Fragrant Perfume of Flowers is a Refreshment for Jesus (3 – 5.24.00)

Luisa, Whose State is Par Excellence for the Union of her and Jesus’ Wills (3 – 5.21.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ New Job (3 – 5.27.00)

Luisa, Upon Who Jesus Fixed His Gazes and Found His Satisfactions and Chose her Among a Thousand After Searching the Whole Earth (3 – 6.3.00)

Luisa, from Who the demons take to their heels in fright in seeing her Crucified Form (3 – 6.6.00)

Luisa, Whose Office is of Victim (3 – 6.6.00)

Luisa, Favorite Member, Victim, Who Jesus Keeps Sacrificed for Love of Him and for Men (3 – 6.18.00)

Luisa, the Soul Dissolved in God that Produces in her the Union Most Intimate, the Love Most Perfect Toward her Highest Good (3 – 6.20.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Acquires Divine Reason (3 – 6.20.00)

Luisa, the Soul Who Acquires a Language Fully Celestial and Divine (3 – 6.20.00)

Luisa, Victim (3 – 6.28.00)

Luisa, with Who Jesus Shares His Crucifixion (3 – 7.2.00)

Luisa, Whose Suffering Dispels a Chastisement (3 – 7.2.00)

Luisa, Who Lives in Jesus and does Nothing but Give Off Light and Celestial Fragrance (3 – 7.9.00)

Luisa, Who Lives in Jesus and Possesses Paradise in Advance (3 – 7.10.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus Bound Completely to His Will (3 – 7.16.00)

Luisa, Who Gives Relief to Jesus (3 – 7.17.00)

Luisa, Whose Desires, Waiting, Sighs, and Tears Resound to Jesus’ Hearing Like a Melody of the Most Pleasant(3 – 8.9.00)

Volume 4

Luisa, Jesus’ Perfect Satisfaction (4 – 2.6.00)

Luisa, Daughter Who Does Jesus’ Office of Suffering, Praying and Placating Justice While He Sleeps (4 –9.6.00)

Luisa, Victim (4 – 2.6.00, 10.2.00, 10.4.00, 2.24.02, 11.16.02, 11.22.02, 12.8.02, 2.1.03)

Luisa, the Soul Always Ready to do and to Suffer what Jesus and Our Lady Want (4 – 9.6.00)

Luisa, Who Satisfies the Divine Justice (4 – 9.6.00)

Luisa, in Who Jesus Pours His Bitternesses (4 – 9.12.00)

Luisa, the Soul Whose Heart is Jesus’ Support (4 – 9.14.00)

Luisa, Whose Only Desire is that Jesus Gives Vent to His Wrath Upon her and Spare the Creatures (4 – 9.14.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus Shared the Pains of His Passion with (4 – 9.16.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, Poor Daughter (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, Who Living Suspended in the Air, Comes to Amuse Heaven and Earth (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, Who is Amused by Heaven Alone and Nourishes herself with All that is Celestial (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, Who Feels Compassion for Earth and Helps it as Much as she can (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, Who the Angels Call Chosen One Praying her to Come and Cheer Them in Their Celestial Dwelling (4 – 9.18.00)

Luisa, in Who Jesus Infuses so Much Love and Grace in that No One Will be Able to Love and Desire Him as she Does Luisa, Chosen One (4 – 9.19.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Who He Longs for From Heaven and in Heaven He Waits for her (4 – 9.29.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved Whose Ardent Love and Yearnings Are Refreshment for His Sad Heart (4 – 9.29.00)

Luisa, Who Suffers the Crucifixion (4 – 9.29.00)

Luisa, Who with the Confessor, Prays and Suffers, Which is Always a Support, Comes to Place as Many Props in Order to Spare the World (4 – 9.29.00)

Luisa, Who Consoles Jesus’ Afflicted Mama (4 – 9.30.00)

Luisa, Victim Luisa, Whose Sighs, Pains, Desires and Intent on Jesus are Reparations for Those Who do not Bother About Him (4 – 10.2.00)

Luisa, Whose State of Victim Always Comes to Break Justice (4 – 10.2.00)

Luisa, Poor Daughter (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, Who is All Jesus’ Contentment (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, in Whose Heart Jesus Finds True Rest and Experiences the Dearest Delights (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, Who Takes Jesus’ Pains Upon herself and Lets Him Take Rest in her heart (4 – 10.15.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved (4 –10.4.00, 10.15.00, 10.29.00, 11.14.00, 11.18.00, 11.20.00, 11.25.00, 12.23.00, 12.25.00, 2.5.01, 2.10.01, 9.4.01, 10.3.01, 2.17.02, 2.21.02, 2.24.02, 3.10.02, 3.30.02, 11.21.02, 11.22.02, 12.15.02, 12.24.02, 1.10.03)

Luisa, Who Jesus Shares His Pains with (4 – 10.12.00)

Luisa, Who Cannot be without Jesus (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, Who is All Jesus’ Contentment (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, in Whose Heart Jesus Finds True Rest and Resting in it He Experiences the Dearest Delights (4 – 10.14.00)

Luisa, Who Takes Jesus’ Pains Upon herself and Lets Him Rest in her Heart (4 – 10.15.00)

Luisa, Who Suffers in Jesus’ Place (4 – 10.15.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus Shares with the Pains of the Cross (4 – 10.15.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus Unloads His Pains Upon (4 – 10.15.00)

Luisa, Who Breaks the Fury of Divine Justice (4 – 10.17.00)

Luisa, Who Places herself Inside Justice, Prays and Repairs (4 – 10.20.00)

Luisa, Who Jesus Feels the Need to Pour Himself Out with (4 – 10.20.00)

Luisa, Who Feels the Need to Pour herself Out in Love for Jesus (4 – 10.20.00)

Luisa, Jesus’ Beloved, Who Together with Jesus and father (the Confessor), is the Symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity (4 – 10.23.00)

Luisa, Who Drank from the Divine Fount of Jesus’ Side (4 – 10.29.00)

Luisa, Queen Mama’s Daughter Who has Disarmed Divine Justice Many Times, Contenting herself with Receiving Its Blows Upon herself (4 – 10.31.00)

Luisa, Whose Soul the Queen Mama Clothed with a Garment Woven with Gold and Streaked with Various Colors (4 – 10.31.00)

Luisa, in Whose Custody the Queen Mama Placed Her Dearest Son as Pledge of Her Love (4 – 10.31.00)