GIS Colorado

Minutes for April 24, 2015

Attendees: / Deb Wilson
Luke Kaim
Rich Chamberlain
Kim Woynowskie
Caitlin Bernier
Ben Sloboda
Frank Orr
Scott Tometich
Pete Magee
Dave Murray
Joe Paniccia
Absent: / Heather Henderson
Annabel Montoya

Location: GIS Colorado 2015 Spring Meeting 202 Railroad Avenue Rifle, CO

Important dates

GIS Board Meeting / 5/13/2015 Noon / Conference Call
GIS Colorado quarterly meeting / 8/7/2015 8 am to 3:30 pm / Gunnison, Colorado

Meeting Called to order

Minutes: motion carries as amended

Treasurer’s Report: 12,800 roughly. There was not a new Treasurers report for this meeting. There was a Treasurers report at the last board meeting. Filed postcard to the IRS


GIS in the Rockies:

Met the track chair - Andrea Grygo


2 half day classes in Gunnison

Dr. Crossley Open source QGIS Dave Murray will teach

David Siddlewith Compass Tools said he would teach TerraFlex, Arcpador collector

Frank Orr will teach the project management course at Fort Morgan.


Scholarship are due May 15th.

Had a meeting the other night

Will send email to schools

Old Business:

Election Results




Won the election.

Luke Kaim will send an email to announcethe winners to the listserv.


Amy’s Contract finalized and signed

Had a meeting with Amy

Set up a schedulewithAmy. We will talk with Amy every two months.

Facilitateconversation between Scott and Amy so that Scott can ask questions about the system.

Scott need to be involved in the talks with Amy.

Ben and Frank please introduce Scott to Amy’s team

Scott added a new header to the website.

Summer meeting update Gunnison August 7:

At Western State Two direct rooms reserved

Catering food from the school. This can be expensive.

Check into a room block

Call KOA

Fall meeting Fort Morgan:

Emailed KaroiKoperzky and made initial contact. She has not contacted back yet.

City Library might work also

Want to use presenter form so that it is easy for presenters to submit abstract. Google form or maybe a php form so that presenters can fill out the information about their presentation.

New Business:

Elections – officers

All those in favor of leaving officers as there are. Motion passes carries

Meeting materials (box) so we don’t throw out food or drinks. Deb would like to buy a box to carry all incidentals for meetings. Forks signup sheets extra cups.

Pete Motion that Deb to buy a box to keep all GIS Colorado stuff in. Keep under $100. Deb will buy before Gunnison.

Catlin will send thank you note to the listserv and thank the City of Rifle

Travel stipend 100 dollar no long covers the hotel. Catlin would like to voice concern about increase the travel stipend.

Increasing the travel stipend will be tabled until the treasurer has time to complete an in depth to see if it is possible to increase the stipend. This will be presented at the next meeting.

Rich thinks we need to be charging for training.

Membership cost has not changed in 14 years. Thinking of charging $25 dollars a year. This will be discussed at the Gunnison meeting.

Needs have a full financial review for next quarterly meeting.

Table the increase stipend increase and membershipincrease until Gunnison.

Pete will look into endowment.

We need to think about password storage. Possible solutions could be Keypass or lastpass.

Frank will look into password storage application and report back.

Need to update the board packet:

Adjust positions


Add paper members

Need to update Member information


Secretary information

Each board member will email the amendment to the board packet by the next board meeting. This will ensure the board packet is kept up to date.

Email amendment to the board packet to the board

Deb would like to draft a South West Data Center relationship so that we can use there tax exemption. Deb will draft the agreement.

Would Eric mind change the name to GIS Colorado?

Deb will email Rochelle Paulet back tactfully apologize and say that this is a volunteer organization.

Deb will email Heather tactfully. You had an appointed board member position. This was a 1 year appointment. Currently Heather is not an appointed board member.

Dave Murrayasked what you get for $25 dollars.

This is what members get:

Access to the Website

Quarterly meeting

Post jobs

Remind members what the dues get them. Rich will send an membership email to the listserv.

It might be nice to add a LinkedIn signature to board members email when sending emails to the list.

There are 350 paying Members currently.

Motion to adjourn carries