The Institute of Forensic Science and Criminology

AP Psychology

12th Grade Summer Assignment

Mrs. Konopka

Due no later than Friday, September 8, 2017

Welcome to AP Psychology! Thank you for being a part of this course where we will explore why humans think, feel, and behave as we do. I am certain that you will find this course worthwhile and personally relevant. This course is fascinating, yet very rigorous as you will be able to earn college credit. Due to the challenges ahead it is imperative that we get a jump start on the AP Psychology curriculum. It is mandatory and, in your best interest to complete the summer assignment.

For your very first assignment of this course, your task is to create an essay identifying the psychological details within a film. Look through the list below and choose a film to watch. If you are unsure about the movies, I suggest looking on IMDB for more information. You are to watch one of the films and complete the assignment below.

Movie Choices

Inside Out—PG Black Swan – R

Beautiful Mind – PG-13 Rainman – R

Catch Me if you Can—PG 13 Shutter Island—R

Sybil —PG-13 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest—R

Split—PG 13 Girl, Interrupted – R

As Good As It Gets – PG-13 Good Will Hunting – R


·  Read the rubric below, and use it as your guide. This rubric will be used to determine your grade on this assignment.

·  First paragraph will be a review of the movie plots. Get to the point without many of the psychological details. This is where you would briefly identify the main characters in the movies.

·  The second/third/fourth paragraphs will be your opportunity to connect the movie to psychology. You many need to conduct some minor psychological research to fully comprehend the topics discussed. Go to Be prepared to discuss how the movie illustrates a particular behavior theory or psychological concept.

·  The final paragraph will serve as your conclusion and closing paragraph. In this paragraph, you are to give your opinion of the film. Did you like the films? Why, why not? Also, within this last paragraph, discuss the psychological importance of the film, in an attempt to persuade next year’s students in to watching these films on their own.

Scoring Rubric

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Overall Impression / A full and complete description and explanation that thoroughly responds to all questions and prompts given. Additional information is provided. Rich details and multiple examples given. / A complete description and explanation that responds to all questions and prompts given. Clear details and examples given. / A basic description and explanation that responds to most questions and prompts given. Few details and examples given. / A vague description or explanation that responds to some questions and prompts given. No details or examples given.
-or- Missing
Organization / Includes effective introduction, developed body, and satisfying conclusion; functions as a whole with a clear flow and purpose. / Includes introduction, body, and conclusion; essay moves forward purposefully. / It’s hard to tell where the beginning, middle, and end are; focus wanders. / No clear beginning, middle, or end; lacks focus.
Content / Content is comprehensive and accurate. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. Responses are excellent, timely and address assignment including course concepts. Content and purpose of the writing are clear. References to examples are nicely integrated throughout the paper / Content is accurate. Major points are stated. Responses are adequate and address assignment. Content and purpose of the writing are clear. References made to movie use some examples / Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear.
Little reference to abnormal psychology as depicted in the movie / Content is incomplete. No major points are made. No reference to abnormal psychology as depicted in the movie.
Grammar and Mechanics / Consistently free of errors with grammar and mechanics. / Reasonably free of errors with grammar and mechanics. / Lacks control of errors with grammar and mechanics. / No control of errors with grammar and mechanics.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Konopka via e-mail at