3rd Grade Spelling Homework

Each week you must complete one spelling homework assignment. There are several options. Complete a different option every week. Each lesson has its own spelling word list of 15 words with 5 core words for a total of 20 words.

  1. Sailboats: Arrange the words in alphabetical order. Write each word in pyramid form. For example, the word ‘sail’ would look like this. s s

sa sa

sai sai


To complete a ‘sailboat’, draw a triangle around the pyramid, sail

then make a boat around the complete word at the bottom.

  1. Rainbow Words: Alphabetize the spelling and core words, then write each word three timesin three different colors. Use sharp colored pencils.
  1. Word Search: Create a word search puzzle using all of your spelling and challenge words. You may use an Internet site such as puzzlemaker.com to create your puzzle. Complete the word search.

4. Cut-out Words: Cut out letters from old magazine or newspaper headlines to spell each spelling and core word, or cut out the entire word. Glue the words to your paper in alphabetical order.

5. Write it Again: Alphabetize the spelling and challenge words. Write each spelling word in lowercase letters. Write it again in capital letters. Write it a third time in lowercase letters.

Example: again AGAIN again

6. Questions: Write each spelling word in a question. Circle the spelling word.

Example: Do you have eleven crayons?

7. Tag-a-longs: Write each spelling word and add “tag-a-longs” by using words that begin and end with the same letters.


8. Tongue Twisters: Write tongue twister sentences for each of your spelling words by using words that begin with the same letter as the spelling word. Circle your spelling word.

Example: Andy Alexander ate an apple a while ago.

9. Triangles: Alphabetize the spelling and challenge words. Write each spelling word in the shape of a triangle.

10. Vowels/Consonants: Alphabetize the spelling and challenge words. Write each word using capital letters for vowels and lowercase letter for consonants.

Example: OpEn

11. Spots: Alphabetize the spelling and challenge words. Write each spelling word once normally, once in spots and once normally again.

Example: fish fish

  1. Fonts: Type the spelling words in alphabetical order and print them. Change the spelling words to a different font and print them again. Staple both sheets together and hand them in.