FCRB Member Job Description & Responsibilities

Qualifications & Training Requirements.

  • Commitment to children and families focused on securing permanency for children.
  • A commitment to at least three years of service with regular attendance, punctuality and pre-service preparation a priority.
  • Completion of mandatory pre-service training.
  • Participation in ongoing relevant training during term of service, acquiring at least six hours of in-service training annually.
  • Observation of a local board reviewing cases for at least a half day.
  • Commitment to taking an oath of confidentiality and maintaining that oath.
  • Maintaining a respectful, nonjudgmental demeanor in reviews and in all dealing with those involved in cases; presenting self and representing reviewers in a professional manner.


  • Attendance: Regular attendance is required. If you are unable to attend a review day, you must notify the local field office. If you are sick the day of the review, you must call the facilitator or chairperson of the board. A quorum of at least three local board members is required to hold a review. If you find you are unable to complete your three-year term, submit a written resignation to the local Program Coordinator. Upon completion of a term, the member will participate in a progress review. Policy allows for members to serve more than one term.
  • Preparation: You will receive case file materials one month in advance.It is your responsibility to review and make any necessary case notes for the review day. Preparation time depends on the volunteer. Most find they average ½ hour to 1 hour per case.
  • Participation: All members should participate in the deliberations and the formulation of recommendations by clearly stating their opinions and conclusions on each case. If consensus cannot be reached, members will take a vote.
  • Confidentiality: Board members shall observe all applicable rules of confidentiality and members shall sign an official statement to this effect. Confidentiality of the case information and other Review Board records is of the utmost importance. Any violation of confidentiality is a simple misdemeanor.
  • Conflict of Interest: If a member knows the child or relative of the child who is scheduled for review, or knows of the child because of the member’s employment situation, it is the responsibility of the member to inform the facilitator about the conflict of interest and he or she will excuse him or herself from that case review.

Resource 6April 2016