English IV CP Writing Rubric

Exceptional -- 5 / Skilled – 4 / Proficient -- 3 / Developing -- 2 / Inadequate -- 1
20 points / The essay follows all guidelines for writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.
The essay follows a logical progression of ideas.
The essay uses transition words or phrases to create a unified whole. / The essay follows most guidelines for writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.
The essay follows a logical progression of ideas.
The essay uses some transition words or phrases to create a unified whole. / The essay follows some guidelines for writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.
The essay follows a logical progression of ideas.
The essay uses few transition words or phrases to create a unified whole. / The essay follows few guidelines for writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.
The essay does not follow a logical progression of ideas or the essay does not use transition words or phrases to create a unified whole. / The essay does not follow the guidelines for writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions.
The essay does not follow a logical progression of ideas, and the essay does not use transition words or phrases to create a unified whole.
Thesis Development
30 points / The essay includes a thesis statement that clearly addresses the topic or prompt.
All body paragraphs clearly support the thesis statement.
The thesis statement is grammatically correct and parallel. / The essay includes a thesis statement that addresses the topic or prompt.
Most body paragraphs clearly support the thesis statement.
The thesis statement is grammatically correct and parallel. / The essay includes a thesis statement that addresses the topic or prompt.
Some body paragraphs support the thesis statement.
The thesis statement is grammatically correct or parallel. / The essay includes a thesis statement that does not fully address the topic or prompt.
The body paragraphs do not clearly support the thesis statement.
The thesis statement is not grammatically correct or parallel. / The essay is missing a thesis statement, and the essay does not fully address the question, prompt, or topic.
Textual Evidence
20 points / All required examples of textual evidence and quotations are included. The quotations selected clearly support the thesis.
All quotations are integrated with proper punctuation and context. All quotes are properly “sandwiched” into the paragraphs. / Most required examples of textual evidence and quotations are included. The quotations selected support the thesis.
Most quotations are integrated with proper punctuation and context. Most quotes are properly “sandwiched” into the paragraphs. / There are few examples of textual evidence, but the quotations selected support the thesis.
Some quotations are integrated with proper punctuation and context. Some quotes are properly “sandwiched” into the paragraphs. / There are few examples of textual evidence, and the quotations selected do not support the thesis.
Few quotations are integrated with proper punctuation and context. Few quotes are properly “sandwiched” into the paragraphs. / There are no examples of textual evidence and all required quotations are missing.
None of the quotations are integrated with proper punctuation and context. None of the quotes are properly “sandwiched” into the paragraphs.
MLA Style
10 points / The essay’s heading and formatting follow all MLA guidelines.
All quotations are properly cited in MLA format (Author’s last name #). / The essay’s heading and formatting follow most MLA guidelines.
Most quotations are properly cited in MLA format. / The essay’s heading and formatting follow some MLA guidelines.
Some quotations are properly cited in MLA format. / The essay’s heading and formatting follow few MLA guidelines.
Few quotations are properly cited in MLA format. / The essay’s heading and formatting do not follow MLA guidelines.
None of the quotations are properly cited in MLA format.
Conventions (Grammar)
20 points / The essay is written in present tense. The essay is written in third-person, and does not include “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.
There are 2 or less grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. / The essay is written in present tense. The essay is written in third-person, and does not include “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.
There are few grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. / The essay is written in present tense OR the essay is written in third-person, and does not include “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.
There are some grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. / The essay is written in present tense OR the essay is written in third-person, and does not include “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.
There are many grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. / The essay is not written in present tense, and the essay is not written in third-person.
There are many grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.