Weapons Kata

Nunchaku Kata 2 continued…

Feet together / Hands at side, nunchaku in R hand at R side / N
Rei / Rei / N
1 / Feet together / Raise nunchaku to front, both hands on batons / N
2 / L step to W (yoi: attention stance) / Fists out waist high, split batons wider at ends / N
3 / R step NE to R fighting stance / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / NE
4 / R back to R cat stance / Guard/prepare over R shoulder / NE
5 / R step NE on strike, back to R cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare R / NE
6 / L step NW to L fighting stance / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / NW
7 / L back to L cat stance / Guard/prepare over L shoulder / NW
8 / L step NW on strike, back to L cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare L / NW
9 / L step back S, lean back 45° / Guard head: L & cord vertical, R horizontal top / N
10 / R back to R crane stance / Guard/prepare over R shoulder / N
11 / R crane stance / 3 fig 8 strikes, on last: big down strike, R prep / N
12 / 3 steps N: R, L, R in time with strikes / 3 fig 8 strikes, on last: big down strike, R prep / N
13 / Left step round to yoi facing E / Fists out waist high, split batons wider at ends / E
14 / L step N, lean to L / Guard/prepare R, look S (through window) / S
15 / L x-step behind, R side thrust kick S / Guard/prepare R, look S (though window) / S
16 / Drop into R fighting stance / R downward strike, guard/prepare R / S
17 / L step forward to S / Hand change: R over L shdr, catch under R arm / S
18 / L fighting stance / L horizontal strike, R guards at chest / S
19 / R step forward to S / Hand change: L over R shdr, catch under L arm / S
20 / R fighting stance / R horizontal strike, R down strike, prepare R / S
21 / Left step round to yoi facing W / Fists out waist high, split batons wider at ends / W
22 / L step S, lean to L / Guard/prepare R, look N (through window) / N
23 / L x-step behind, R side thrust kick N / Guard/prepare R, look N (though window) / N
24 / Drop into R fighting stance / R downward strike, guard/prepare R / N
25 / L step forward to N / Hand change: R over L shdr, catch under R arm / N
26 / L fighting stance / L horizontal strike, R guards at chest / N
27 / R step forward to N / Hand change: L over R shdr, catch under L arm / N
28 / R fighting stance / R horizontal strike, R down strike, prepare R / N
29 / L step forward N as punching / R catch using R armpit as L punch N / N
30 / Pivot ACW on L, L fighting stance SE / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / SE
31 / L back to L cat stance / Guard/prepare over L shoulder / SE
32 / L step SE on strike, back to L cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare L / SE
33 / R step forward, R fighting stance SE / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / SE
34 / R back to R cat stance / Guard/prepare over R shoulder / SE
35 / R step SE on strike, back to R cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare R / SE
36 / Turn R, R fighting stance SW / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / SW
37 / R back to R cat stance / Guard/prepare over R shoulder / SW
38 / R step SW on strike, back to R cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare R / SW
39 / L step forward, L fighting stance SW / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / SW
40 / L back to L cat stance / Guard/prepare over L shoulder / SW
41 / L step SW on strike, back to L cat / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare L / SW
42 / L step back N, lean back 45° / Guard head: L & cord vertical, R horizontal top / S
43 / R back to R cat stance / Guard/prepare over R shoulder / S
44 / R step forward S on strike / Downward strike, return to guard/prepare R / S
45 / 3x R shuffle steps, R fighting stance / 3x R horizontal sweeps, down strike, prepare R / S
46 / L step forward to S / Hand change: R over L shdr, catch under R arm / S
47 / L fighting stance / L horizontal strike, R guards at chest / S
48 / R step forward to S / Hand change: L over R shdr, catch under L arm / S
49 / R fighting stance / R horizontal strike, R down strike, prepare R / S
50 / L step forward S as punching / R catch using R armpit as L punch S / S
51 / Pivot ACW on L, L fighting stance N / Fists in fighting stance incorporating nunchaku / N
52 / R to L skip step, L jumping front kick / As kick falls, prepare/guard over R shoulder / N
53 / L fighting stance / R down strike, prepare/guard over R shoulder / N
54 / R step forward to yoi N / Fists out waist high, split batons wider at ends / N
55 / L foot to R, feet together / Batons together to front, then in R to R side / N
Rei / Rei / N


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