Project name
Project Team
Project Manager: EH&S:
College/Unit/Department: Energy & Sustainability:
Maintenance Planner: Facilities Contracts:
Campus Manager: Unit Facilities Director:
Zone Facilities Director:
Questions or comments should be directed to:
Project Manager
Name, Ph. #
Month Year
Project Name -XXX- Project Approval Request (PAR)
- Phase
This PAR requests authorization for $______to ______. Previous PARs in the amount of $______were approved in [month/year]. This PAR brings the total project budget to date to $______. The total project cost is estimated to be $______. This project is / is not included in the approved Capital Plan for FY__ (project name if different) with an estimated total budget of $______. OR This project is not required to be in the Capital Plan as it falls below the threshold.
1. Sponsoring College/Unit/Department:
2. Purpose and Need: The purpose of this project is to_____. This is needed because _____.
3. Capital Plan Variance (if applicable):
4. Scope of Work: The scope of work for this PAR includes the following:
5. Major Alternatives Considered:
6. Proposed Project Schedule: The proposed schedule for the project is as follows:
Begin Complete
Concept Mmm YY Mmm YY
Schematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documents
7. Project Budget: This PAR requests authorization for $_____ to _____. The proposed budget for this PAR is as indicated below:
8. Project Funding: This project will be funded with ______. The source of backstop funding for any planned funding sources that are uncertain and don’t materialize is ______.
Project Name -XXX- Project Approval Request (PAR)
- Phase
Project Name -XXX- Project Approval Request (PAR)
- Phase
9. Change in Operating and Maintenance Costs:
The additional maintenance and operating funds will be paid by (Department Name), from (Account Number).
Deferred maintenance addressed by this project is $______. (OR)
No deferred maintenance is addressed by this project.
10. Space Usage:
(See Guide for Instruction -
A. Net Square Feet Involved:
B. Change in Gross Square Footage
Current / After ProjectC. Does the activity described in this PAR follow from a Facilities Master Plan, Space Needs Study, or other planning study? If so, describe briefly.
D. If any part of the proposed project is a renovation of existing space that changes space (room size, configuration, and/or room type), please describe:
1. Spaces impacted:
2. The nature of the changes:
3. The unit(s) (by name and KFS org code) responsible for the impacted space:
E. Swing space requirements generated:
F. Vacated space:
11. Campus Master Plan Implications:
(See Guide for Instruction -
12. ADA Considerations:
(See Guide for Instruction -
13. Mode of Accomplishment:
(See Guide for Instruction -
14. Municipal, State and Federal Discretionary Approvals: This project falls within the municipal jurisdiction of _____. This project will require the following municipal, state, or federal building, site or environmental approvals:
This is a Type II action under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act with no adverse environmental impact. No additional action is required.
This project is/is not subject to the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process because _____. We intend to _____.
The most significant building, site, or environmental approval issues are expected to be _____.
15. Potential Issues:
16. Submitted by:
Project Manager
College/Unit/Department Representative
College/Unit/Department Financial Representative
Endorsed by:
James T. Kazda, Senior Director for Contract Colleges & Campus Manager
Contract Colleges Facilities
Gilbert Delgado, University Architect
William E. Sitzabee, Associate Vice President
Project Administration & University Engineer
Ben Kuo, Associate Vice President
Facilities Management
Robert R. Bland, Associate Vice President
Energy and Sustainability
Unit Dean or VP
Charles D. Phlegar, Vice President
Alumni Affairs and Development
Judith Appleton, Vice Provost
KyuJung Whang, Vice President
Facilities Services
Paul Streeter, Vice President
Budget and Planning
Joanne DeStefano, Vice President for Finance and CFO
Vice President’s Office
17. Capital Planning Group Approval
Minakshi M. Amundsen, Director
Capital Budget and Integrated Planning
18. Capital Funding and Priorities Committee Approval
Minakshi M. Amundsen, Director
Capital Budget and Integrated Planning
19. Building & Properties Committee Approval
Pamela Lockwood, Buildings and Properties Committee
Facilities Services