Booking Form for Green Party Conference Spring 2011
25th - 28th February, Angel Hotel, Castle Street, Cardiff CF10 1SZ
Income guide per annum / Fri/Mon per day / Sat/Sunper day / All 4 days
under £10,000 / £7.50 / £9.50 / £30.00
£10-15,000 / £11.00 / £14.00 / £46.00
£15-20,000 / £16.00 / £20.00 / £63.00
£20-25,000 / £20.00 / £25.50 / £81.00
£25-30,000 / £24.00 / £30.00 / £97.50
£30-40,000 / £30.00 / £38.00 / £121.50
£40-50,000 / £38.00 / £48.00 / £154.00
£50,000+ / £51.00 / £63.00 / £203.00
Name/s of participants
1: ..……………………………………….
2: …………………………………………
Local Party: ………………………..……
Your address: …..………………………
Postcode: ……………………………….
Telephone: ……………………………...
E-mail: …………………………………...
* Please provide a mobile number if you have one, as we would like to distribute information about timetable changes etc by text during conference
Which days do you want to attend?
Friday 25th o Saturday 26th o
Sunday 27th o Monday 28th o
Please tick here if this is the first time you are attending a Green Party Conference. o
Please tick here if you are a Young Green (27 years or under). o
Please tick here if you have a disability or mobility issues. o
Please let us know about any dietary requirements:
Kids Club/Crèche
A free crèche for members’ use is available. Please tick here if you would like a booking form. o
EARLY BIRD FEES payable for advance bookings received before 07.02.11
(Please note that fees on the door will be 25% higher. Bookings received after 07.02.11 will be processed on the door.)
Fees total £ …………
Donation £ …………
Total amount £ …………
Please make cheques / P.O. payable to The Green Party
Please send your completed form and payment to: Louisa Greenbaum, Conferences Coordinator, The Green Party, 56-64 Development House
Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT
For booking, exhibition and advertising queries, contact Louisa Greenbaum,
Tel. 01273 888 360 (Wed and Thu)
For other queries, contact the convenor of conferences committee at