CDC Public Services Staff Report (FY 2018-2019) Category:Emergency Shelter
Organization / Project Title / COTS – Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter / RecommendationThe COTS Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter is a 100 bed Emergency Shelter located in Petaluma, serving up to 550 adults annually. The Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelterincorporates Housing First principles into its daily operations. Core services focus on concrete needs stabilization, health assessment, and housing placement. Other services provided at the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter are alcohol and other drug services, housing location, housing focused case management, mental health services, and income development provided by a SOAR trained staff member.
Participants receive safe, secure shelter services such as showers, toiletries, clothing, overnight accommodations, and daily meals. A LCSW staff member conducts a comprehensive assessment to determine mental, behavioral, and physical health needs anda partnership with Petaluma Health Centerallows for on-site medical and respite care and referrals to mental health and substance abuse services. Services focus on an expectation-based and housing-focused case management services to provide support with housing search and applications, as well as income and benefit application assistance.
Programming at the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter addresses the system performance measure of Increasing Placementsin Permanent Housing as reflected in their anticipated deliverables. COTS staff participated in the Coordinated Entry Steering Committee and COTS recently subcontracted with Catholic Charites to be a Comprehensive Coordinated Entry Access Point for the south county. The Upstream Investment portfolio lists COTS for the use of Motivational Interviewing (Tier 1) in programming at the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter.
CDC Funding History / 2015-2016 / 2016-2017 / 2017-2018 / 2018-2019 Request
Requested / $200,000 / $280,000 / $183,047 / $472,015
Awarded / $131,514
(plus State ESG $200,000) / $360,835
( includes County funds and State ESG) / $144,212
(CDC-administered State ESG only)
Application Participation & Outcome Data / Adults / Number placed in permanent housing / % placed in permanent housing / Outcome Notes
Total Served- FY 16-17 / 545 / 151 of 461 exits / 33% / This year to date, the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter has outperformed their FY 18-19 projection. As they complete the project’s transition to a low barrier shelter, it will be interesting to see if they can retain high placement rates.
Number Served -July 1, 17 - Dec 31, 17 / 203 / 53 of 133 exits / 40%
Projected to be Served 17-18 / 406 / 106 of 266 exits / 40%
Proposed to be served in FY 18-19 / 550 / 149 of 425 exits / 35%
Budget and Anticipated Cost of Services
Organizational Budget / $4,737,081 / Time to successful outcome / 60 days
Project Budget / $812,223 / Cost per Housing Outcome / $5,747
Requested / Project budget (%) / 58% / Service Category / Emergency Shelter
Project budget/Org Budget (%) / 17% / % Served low/mod income / 100%
Key Outcomes: 1) 35% of participants exiting the program during the year will move into permanent housing. 2) 30% of participants exiting the program during the year will increase income.
HMIS Compliance: HMIS entry at the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter is 33% late (>5 days) with an average time between assessment and data entry of 8 days.
Housing First: COTS has undergone a program restructuring at the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter to align better with Housing First principles, including focusing on housing placement, removing barriers to entry (such as sobriety and service participation), and changing the case management framework from rules-based to expectation-based.
Financial Analysis:
Monitoring Results: The SCCDC conducted monitoring of the Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter ES program in January of 2018, which resulted in no Findings, Concerns, or Recommendations.
Staff Recommendation: SCCDC staff recommends COTS Mary Isaak Center Emergency Shelter for funding.