Call for Applicants/Nominations

The President’s Commission on Diversity is accepting applications for a representative from Minnesota State University, Mankato to attend the annual Executive Leadership Academy at the University of California, Berkeley. The purpose of the Academy is to advance leaders for a multicultural future. It offers an intensive training experience inspired by the need to adapt to an increasingly multicultural and international environment and guided by a faculty of successful executives and scholars. ELA’s highly interactive curriculum will be most useful to administrators and faculty from the United States and abroad ready to take the next step in preparing themselves for leadership in today’s rapidly changing academic environment. Faculty and staff who have a commitment to diversity are encouraged to apply or nominate someone they feel will benefit from leadership training. See procedures below.

The Executive Leadership Academy is sponsored by the Center for Studies in Higher Education. The 7th ELA will be held at the David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704Monday, July 9, 2018 - Friday, July 13, 2018. You may access further details by visiting the Executive Leadership Academy web site at the following address:

Application procedures

All applications/nominations should include

  • A brief CV (Limit 4 pages)
  • A completed application (see below)
  • Short answers to the President’s Commission on Diversity questions (see below)
  • A letter of support for your application from someone who knows you or a supervisor, or a letter of explanation for a nomination

Submit by email or hard copy to or to Queen Booker, 245 Morris Hall, by noon, Friday, December 1, 2017.

The PCD will review applications and make recommendations. President Davenport will select the ELA representative and applicants will be notified no later than December 15, 2017.


Monday, July 9, 2018 - Friday, July 13, 2018

General Application

First Name
Last Name
Campus Address
Campus Phone
Campus Email
How long have you been in your current position? (Years)
If faculty, please identify your discipline
Education Background (highest degree attained)
If accepted, how will you benefit from attending ELA?

In addition to completing this form, please provide a 3-4 page CV, a letter of nomination from someone who addresses the question of why you would benefit from this program. Also, please complete the attached PCD questions.

President’s Commission on Diversity ELA Application (please attach to General Application!)


Please address the following questions:

  1. Identify your immediate professional objective.
  2. Explain how you express your commitment to diversity in your professional life.
  3. What are the strengths you bring to a diverse campus?
  4. Outline the ways you think your attendance at the Academy will help you achieve your objectives and/or serve the University.