Multiple Travelers FAQs
Can I book the travel of several employees at once?
Up to 9 travelers can be booked through I Travel when traveling under the same TA. If traveling under separate TA’s, each individual or sub-group has to be booked separately, in connection with their TA.
Do I have to use I Travel when booking Multiple Travelers?
Yes, though with multi-destination, group or international travel; feel free to still contact the Travel Office for assistance.
How can I book more than 3 rooms?
Once you have selected your city and dates you will be taken to the next page titled Search for hotel by: On this page (third section) you can select up to 3 rooms with the number of rooms drop down. Select search now at the bottom and on the following page select your hotel which will bring up room type select the type for the first room. This will go through the clocking process and bring up the same screen as before but in small print at the top of the room types you will see the message (select your room type/rate for room 2 of 3 below). This will do the same for the 3rd selection. You will then be taken to the summary page of your trip. If you need to add more rooms along the bar that says Trip Details it has “Add to Trip”. Select add a hotel room. You are then taken back to the Search for hotel by page where you can select up to 3 more rooms. You can continue the process until you have all the rooms you need and are ready to purchase the reservation. If you put in the hotel’s address it will be the first on the list.
Is there a way to reuse the information I found or booked for one traveler with another traveler? (For travel arrangers)
Yes, you can either duplicate a trip (if the trip for the first traveler was actually purchased) or create a template for the information you found. To duplicate a trip, you go to the bottom of the confirmation page (after purchase) and you will see a tab right above the “Logout” button. There you can select another person you arrange for in a dropdown list and then click “Duplicate Trip” to pull over the information for someone else.
To create a template you can click on “Create a template” at the review page (the page where you can either hold or purchase a trip). There you can give the template a name and save it. After that you can go to “Templates” from the person’s (whoever you are arranging for) home screen (tab to the left) and click on “View All Templates”. There, select the template you created and click share. You can now go into anyone’s (account you are the arranger for) and search for the desired template from their template tab (again under “View All Templates”).
How will Multiple Travelers be reimbursed after a trip?
When wanting to book Multiple Travelers in one process, all Hotel reservations as well as any car rentals will have to be booked to a single credit card, which will later be reimbursed. If separate charges and reimbursement are desired, individual bookings will need to be made.
Can a spouse’s travel, while accompanying an employee on a business trip, be booked through I Travel?
Yes, if a credit card is provided for payment. Spouses’ travel is not paid for by the school.
When traveling with a spouse, how is the booking process different?
While your (the employee’s) process stays basically the same, you will indicate that there are two people traveling at the beginning of the booking process (under “advanced search options”, on the screen where you indicate your places of travel). Later, at the review page (where you actually purchase the trip) you have to provide a credit card to pay for your spouse. Make sure names match Government ID that will be used at the airport. The employee’s airfare will continue to be charged to the school and the spouse’s flight will be charged to the Credit Card provided. Hotel and Car charges shouldn’t be impacted, as they don’t change because of the additional traveler.