Kid Stop Playroom - Hourly Childcare Registration Form
Member # ______
Children’s Name Age DOB
Parent’s Name Phone #
Persons authorized to call and/or pick up children in case of an emergency:
Name Relationship to Child Phone #
Allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of:
Policies and Procedures
1. You must have proof of membership every time you use the childcare. The front desk can provide you with your membership number and/or membership card.
2. You MUST fill out our registration form once a year. All information must be current.
3. There are a maximum number of children we are allowed to have at any given time. When we reach that number, you may be put on the waiting list if you choose. All children must be your own (not babysitting or staying with you). THIS IS A STATE LAW, NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. The minimum age is 2 months old and the maximum age is 9 years old.
5. We are not a drop-off daycare. Childcare is available to valid members only and only during their workout. Parents MUST understand that if they leave the gym at any time they will lose their childcare privileges. THIS MEANS FIT STOP GYM AND PHYSICAL THERAPY ONLY.
6. Between 8:45 and 11:00 there is a limit of 1 hour. If you would like more time please check with childcare. Babies under 2 have a 1-hour limit. Children over 2 have a 2-hour limit. If leaving your child longer than the limit becomes a habit, childcare privileges will be terminated.
7. DO NOT bring sick children to childcare. If your child becomes sick while there, you will be asked to take them home immediately.
8. If your child is out of control, or becomes a problem, you will be asked to take them home immediately. If your child is biting, they must leave for the rest of the day. A 2nd incident of biting will have to be discussed with the childcare director. A 3rd incident will result in the child being removed from childcare for 2 months.
9. Children must have shoes (socks are okay for babies), a shirt, and pants on when they are checked in.
10. Please bring all supplies your child might need while there (diaper, wipes, bottles, etc.). Children should be fed and use the restroom (or have a clean diaper) prior to check in. If a diaper needs changing, parent will be asked to come and change diaper. Fit Stop employees will not change diapers.
11. Please DO NOT bring items from home as it creates problems with sharing. We will not be responsible for lost or broken items from home. Items will be stored in cubbies outside the childcare area.
12. NO FOOD OR GUM ALLOWED IN CHILDCARE. If children are eating when they come, the parent will have to wait for them to finish or throw it away before being admitted. We are an hourly service, and therefore cannot serve food of any kind.
13. If there is an emergency all children will be evacuated outside. No child can be picked up until everyone is safely out. Children will still need to be signed out.
14. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to speak with the childcare director.
Our phone number is (435) 654-2131.
Fit Stop Childcare agrees to provide short-term childcare services for our members while working out in our facility. Services will be limited to 2 hours a session and is available only during posted hours. By signing this agreement the member acknowledges and agrees that The Fit Stop has the right to change or modify any of its policies at any time. The member also gives permission for their children to play with all the toys and equipment at the Fit Stop Childcare. The member understands that if their child gets injured, the expense incurred will be their responsibility. The member authorizes any employee of the Fit Stop to obtain necessary medical care in the event that a parent or legal guardian cannot be reached. The member also agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Fit Stop and its employees, directors, managers, partners, owners, and shareholders for any claim made by the minor or on behalf of the minor. I also understand that The Fit Stop Childcare may refuse to provide care for my children if we do not comply with the rules. I have read and agree to abide by the rules and policies as stated above.
Please print your name parent/legal guardian Date
Signature Employee Initials