Earth Environments: Past, Present, and Future – Weblinks

Chapter 4 – Moisture in the Atmosphere

4.1 – Weathering Processes and Landforms

Biogeochemistry of Small Catchments

Online book by expert authors.


Definitions, images and descriptions of types.

Weathering Processes Animations

Animationsof weathering processes.

Rock Type and Weathering

Effects of rock types on weathering of stone.

Gravestone Weathering

Methods, bibliography, data and description of gravestone weathering.

Weathering and Gravestones in London from University College, London

Descriptions and sites.

Weathering Images

Slides provided by Duncan Heron at Duke University.

Weathering and Soil

Weathering and soil PowerPoint slides and a virtual field trip of Enchanted Rock, an example of an exfoliation dome.

Weathering Mantles

Descriptions and images of weathering mantles, ferricretes, saprolites and laterites.

4.2 – Mass Movements and Slope Processes

European Mediterranean Workshop on Disaster Reduction

European Centre for Geomorphological Hazards at Strasbourg website on Disaster Awareness with the use of the internet: excellent on landslides.


Mass Movement from Earth Science Australia organisation

Information and images of various mass movement types.

4.3 – Fluvial Processes and Landforms

Sampling Techniques for Gravels

Comprehensive 450pp publication covering all aspects of sampling gravels.

Drainage Basin Simulation and Floodplain and Meandering Stream Modelling from University of Virginia

Resources and lectures.

Sediment Transport by Water from Durham University

Theories and equations related to Sediment Transport.

Little River Research & Design, Carbondale, Illinois

Contains excellent animations and video clips showing river processes in action.

Virtual River

The Geology Labs On-line Project supported in part by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the California State University System. Two online interactive exercises in calculation of River discharge and River flooding.

Groundwater and Surface Water from the United States Geological Survey

Circular discussing the interaction between groundwater and surface waters and the human influence upon this system.

Groundwater and its Sustainability from the United States Geological Survey

Circular on groundwater, its uses and sustainability.

Hydrographs from the University of Texas, Dallas

Definitions of the hydrograph components and types.

Throughflow and Groundwater Storage

Surface Waters

Animations of the processes in fluvial geomorphology e.g. river erosion creating waterfalls; changes in the channel of a meandering river; images, information.

Stream Ordering from NASA

Definition of stream ordering, how it works and images of representative streams.

River Cross Sections, River Discharge and River Velocity

Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study

The foremost long-term catchment experiment in the United States, which included watershed manipulation to examine the effects of forestry practice on water resources and quality.

UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology


Publications available to download including The Summer 2007 Floods in England and Wales-a hydrological appraisal by Marsh,T. and Hannaford, J. (2008), IH Report 126 and The Effects of Upland Afforestation on Water Resources : the Balquidder Experiment 1981-1991, IH report 116. And UK National River Flow Archive at

Virtual Alps

Online resource developed by Tim Stott and Anne-Marie Nuttall at Liverpool John Moores University. Field sites, photos, video clips, datasets and student exercises, revision quizzes. Project funded by Higher Education Academy Geography, Earth & Environmental Science Subject Centre.

4.4 – Carbonate Sedimentary Environments and Karst Processes and Landforms

Cave Morph Atlas and information related to cave development and genesis

Types of Cave Development

Virtual Field Trip to the Florida Keys with a focus on the sedimentary environments (mainly modern and ancient carbonate environments

4.5 – Coastal Processes and Landforms

EUCC Coastal Guide from Leiden, the Netherlands

Information service on coastal environments, ecosystems, management, other coastal links.

Coral Reef Conservation from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Other aspects of coastal ecosystem science, coastal management and projects.

Coasts in Crisis from the United States Geological Survey

Booklet on coastal change, pressures and conflicts in coastal management: USGS Circular 1975 by Williams, S.J., Dodd, K. and Gohn, K.K.

Coastal Landforms from Hofstra University

Covers lecture material and appropriate definitions.

Our Restless Tides from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Detailed explanation of the astronomical forces that create tides and tidal currents.

Australia’s Estuaries and Coasts

In depth descriptions of the different types of coastal morphology and satellite images of all Australian estuaries and deltas; beach conceptual models and climate change fact sheets.

Deltaic Environments

PowerPoint presentation on deltas with images and diagrams of the various forms.

Sediment Transport and Beaches from Washington University

The basics of sediment transport processes and beaches, with diagrams and images.

4.6 – Glacial Processes and Landforms

Glacier Image Database

A collection of photos illustrating the effects of glaciations on the Earth’s surface.

Geomorphology, Glaciers and Landscapes: a virtual lecture by Peter Knight (University of Keele)

A hypertext in Glaciers and Glacial geology from Montana State University

National Snow and Ice Data Centre from the University of Colorado at Boulder

Information, including an introduction to glaciers.

World Glacier Monitoring Service

News, data, information and links, with particular reference to glacier mass balance.

Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World from the United States Geological Survey

Downloadable pdf introduction to the image atlas, sample images and updated glacier areas.

1996 Vatnajökull eruption

Illustrates the eruption and glacier outburst floods.

Glaciated Landscapes in Canada

The Canadian Geological Survey provide an image catalogue of Canadian landscapes that cover a wide variety of glaciated landscapes and fact sheets.

Glacial Erosion

From the University of Montana: a coverage of glacial erosional processes.

Glacial Erosion in the Kivalliq region, Nunavit, Canada

Images of glacial erosion landforms.

Glacial Deposition

From the University of Montana: a coverage of glacial depositional processes.

Glacial landforms

Images from the University of Colorado.

Glaciers Online

Resource developed by Jürg Alean and Michael Hambrey.

Virtual Alps

Online resource developed by Tim Stott and Anne-Marie Nuttall at Liverpool John Moores University. Field sites, photos, video clips, datasets and student exercises, revision quizzes. Project funded by Higher Education Academy Geography, Earth & Environmental Science Subject Centre.

4.7 – Periglacial Processes and Landforms

The Future of the Canadian permafrost


Permafrost at the Geological Survey of Canada with information on mapping, modelling and monitoring of permafrost

International Permafrost Association

For news on permafrost research, links to organisations undertaking permafrost research and a picture gallery, videos and podcasts.

Periglacial Processes from Natural Resources Canada from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Permafrost conditions and the effects of periglacial processes associated with permafrost affected soils in the Yukon.

Patterned Ground Types in the North West Territories

Permafrost from Natural Resources Canada

Permafrost and climatic change, impacts and adaptations.

Natural Gas Hydrates from Natural Resources Canada

Terrain Features and processes in Permafrost Regions taken from “Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlines”

Permafrost Observed Climate Variability and Change from the International Panel on Climate Change

Pop Goes the Pingo from Taiga Net

Description of the formation and lifecycle of pingos.

US Army Permafrost Tunnel from the US Army Corps of Engineers

Information on this project and research carried out on permafrost activities.

Periglacial Landscapes and Landforms in the Cairngorms, Scotland from Fettes School, Edinburgh

4.8 – Aeolian Processes and Landforms


A section on the desert types and terms for desert surfaces.

Deserts and Aeolian processes

Types of Sand Dunes from United States Geological Survey

Images and descriptions of many types of sand dunes.

The Geology of the Loess Hills, Iowa from the United States Geological Survey

A case study of a loess environment.

Topography of Arid Lands

Definitions of most terms and description of major landforming processes and landscapes.

Arid Climate Landscapes

Definitions and classification of arid landscape topographic features with many images.

Desert Guide