DNA Study Guide (ch. 8-9)

Test on Friday!

  1. As a result of the Hershey and Chase experiments, scientists believe that the “transforming principle” is ______.
  2. The four types of nucleotides that make up DNA are named for their
  3. What holds base pairs together?
  4. The process that makes an exact copy of a cell's DNA is called
  5. After examining the DNA of different organisms, which of the following did Erwin Chargaff conclude about the four bases?
  6. What are the main functions of DNA polymerase?
  7. Which of the following DNA sequences is complementary to the base sequence ACCGTAT?
  8. Which of the following events occurs directly after a DNA molecule is unzipped?
  9. Combining the work of other scientists with their own research, Watson and Crick discovered that two strands of DNA join together to form a(n) ______.
  10. The central dogma of molecular biology states that information flows in one direction from
  11. Choose the nucleotide sequence of the RNA strand that would be complementary to the following DNA strand: GTAGTCA.
  12. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a genetic disease caused by the deletion of a nucleotide. What is the term for this type of mutation?
  13. The main function of tRNA is to
  14. What are examples of a mutagen?
  15. What is the term for a three-nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid?
  16. Which technique is used to separate DNA fragments by their size?
  17. How many amino acids are used to make up the all of the proteins in the human body?
  18. During each PCR cycle, what happens to the number of copies of a DNA segment?
  19. Which phrase best describes translation?
  20. DNA fingerprinting can be used to determine ______
  21. Which organelle is the site of translation?
  22. DNA that contains genes from more than one organism is called ______.
  23. Plants that contain recombinant DNA are called ______.
  24. During replication, the function of the enzyme DNA polymerase is to ______
  25. Gene sequencing defines the order of ______
  26. During transcription, what does messenger RNA do?
  27. The main purpose of genetic screening is to assess the risk of ______
  28. What are the steps in order of the central dogma?
  29. The goal of gene therapy is to replace defective or missing genes in order to ______
  30. What is a clone?
  31. The main difference between the four nucleotides that make up DNA is that they have different
  32. In humans, where does DNA replication take place?
  33. Which technique uses electricity to sort DNA fragments based on their sizes?
  34. What is the study of entire genomes?
  35. What goal of the Human Genome Project has been achieved?