Dutch Kidney Foundation
Pre-application form
DKF-Health~Holland Public-Private ProjectGrant Proposal
Version 01February 2018
This Call for pre-proposals is an initiative of the section Care & Innovation (C&I) of the Dutch Kidney Foundation (DKF) in collaboration with Health~Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences & Health-TKI). The advisory board for this call is the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB). The C&I Program Committee (PC) is responsible for awarding decisions, Health~Holland will evaluate compliance with the PPS-Allowance conditions and regulations.
The following conditions apply to this call:
- PPS-Allowance regulation(Regeling van de Minister van Economische Zaken van 11 juli 2014, nr. WJZ / 13125043, houdende vaststelling van nationale subsidie-instrumenten op het terrein van Economische Zaken (Regeling nationale EZ-subsidies)), with special attention to chapter 3.
- The DKF Grant Conditions (Subsidievoorwaarden 1 januari 2017)
Grant conditions are non-negotiable. Applicability of general and other conditions of the applicant, the applicant's institute and of third parties is explicitly excluded.
Applicants receiving a DKF-Health~Holland Public-Private Project Grant are fully responsible for complying with all conditions including the Health~Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences & Health-TKI)conditions. DKF can in no way be held liable if Health~Holland decides to suspend or withdraw the PPS-Allowance. In that case the obligations of DKF to provide the requested funding will be adjusted accordingly. Any repayments of PPS-Allowance to Health Holland or RVO will be charged on the Participants that received the PPS-Allowance concerned.
Following the conditions, definitions and instructions as provided in this call is expected to lead to compliance with the relevant government regulations. Compliance of proposals is checked by DKF and Health-Holland.
The execution of a DKF Call for proposals, selection of pre-proposals for full application and positive DKF grant award decisions are conditional on DKF revenues and budgetary means as well as the receiving of PPS-Allowance. The DKF explicitly reserves the right to cancel an initiated Call for proposals, to suspend a running procedure or to lower a grant amount in relation to earlier statements.
Dutch Kidney Foundation
+31 (0) 35 697 8011
Project code: ______
This code will be assigned by the DKF after receiving your application.
Please submit electronic form (PDF) only.
NB. Word counts given below are indications for the maximal length of text.
Application date: ______
1. Title
2. Applicant, Principal Investigator
Name (M/F)Position
Name of organization,
Name Institute, Department
Room number
Street name
Postal code, Town/City
Researcher Identification (e.g. ResearcherID, ORCID)
3. Project
Expected start date (ultimately 31-08-2019)Expected end date (ultimately 31-08-2023)
Duration in months (max. 48)
In cash / In kind / Total / Percentage
Proposed total budget / 100%
DKF contribution / € 250.000 / - / € 250.000
PPS-Allowance / € 400.000 / - / € 400.000
Contribution private enterprises / (min. 25%)
Contributions Knowledge Institutes / (min. 10%)
Contribution other private parties (if applicable)
NB: Contributions and costs in the table above and attached budget sheet are indicative and in no way binding to the signees of this pre-proposal.
4. Applicable LSH roadmaps
Please indicate which roadmap(s) is/are most applicable to the project (max. 2 roadmaps).
LSH Roadmaps / yes/no- Molecular diagnostics
- Imaging & image-guided therapies
- Homecare & self-management
- Regenerative medicine
- Pharmacotherapy
- One health
- Specialised nutrition, health & disease
- Health technology assessment, individual functioning & quality of life
- Enabling technologies & infrastructure
- Global health, emerging diseases in emerging markets
I. General Information
II. Description
III. Research Environment
IV. Impact
V. Funding
VI. Signatures
I. General Information
1. Participants
Specify the participating institutes, research departments. Add as many organizations as needed.
Participanting organizations
Name of organization / Type of organization1 / Large company /SME(MKB)/knowledge institute/other
2 / Large company /SME(MKB)/ knowledge institute/other
3 / Large company /SME(MKB)/ knowledge institute/other
… / Large company /SME(MKB)/ knowledge institute/other
… / Large company /SME(MKB)/ knowledge institute/other
Organization 1
Name & function representative (M/F)Organization & Department
Name Organization Department
Room number
Street name
Postal code, Town/City
Chamber of Commerce Number or equivalent
URL of own web page:
Organization 2
Name & function representative (M/F)Organization & Department
Name Organization Department
Room number
Street name
Postal code, Town/City
Chamber of Commerce Number or equivalent
URL of own web page:
Organization 3
Name & function representative (M/F)Organization & Department
Name Organization Department
Room number
Street name
Postal code, Town/City
Chamber of Commerce Number or equivalent
URL of own web page:
Organization …
Name & function representative (M/F)Organization & Department
Name Organization Department
Room number
Street name
Postal code, Town/City
Chamber of Commerce Number or equivalent
URL of own web page:
2. Project advisors
Name / Affiliation / Expertise3. Research Teams
Specify the research teams and the investigators involved. A team is led by the team leader, but can consist of investigators from multiple organizations. Add as many research teams as required for the project.
Research Team 1
Name team leader (M/F)Organization & Department
Researcher Identification (e.g. ResearcherID, ORCID)
Name and title / Position / Organization & Department / Funding Source / Hours/week(fte)
Research Team 2
Name team leader (M/F)Organization & Department
Researcher Identification (e.g. ResearcherID, ORCID)
Name and title / Position / Institute & Department / Funding Source / Hours/week(fte)
Research Team …
Name team leader (M/F)Institute & Department
Researcher Identification (e.g. ResearcherID, ORCID)
Name and title / Position / Institute & Department / Funding Source / Hours/week(fte)
3.Summary of the project (max. 750 words)
II. Description
1. Problem Definition and Proposed Solution (max. 400 words)
Describe the problem that is addressed in this project and indicate the relationship with the specific aims of the DKF Consortia Program. Provide the rationale of the project for reaching a solution to the problem.
3. Central Aims (and Hypothesis) (max. 250 words)
4. Workplan and Collaboration (max. 500 words)
Give a concise description of the collaboration, the embedding and the main activities of the participants within the Public-Private Project (e.g. PhD and Postdoc projects, work packages). Explain how the proposed research collaboration is essential for reaching the central aim of the proposed project.
III. Research Environment
1. Past Performance (max. 1000 words)
Give a concise overview of the past performance of the participating research teams/groups, highlighted by each group's ten most important relevant publications.
2. Previous Grants Awarded to the Participating Groups (5 years)
3. Relation with other Relevant Research Projects and Previously Awarded DKF Grants
If applicable, show how the present proposal is related to other projects and DKF grants. Show clearly that there is no overlap between projects.
1. Relevance for (Future) Kidney Patients (max. 300 words)
Describe briefly how the project fits with ‘Nierziekte de baas’, the joint Dutch renal strategic agenda for research and innovation (developed by DKF, Nierpatiëntren Vereninging Nederland and Nederlandse Federatie voor Nefrologie) and why the project contributes to the quality of life and/or the health of the (future) kidney patient. Also indicate if and how the patient perspective is taken into account.
2. Relevance for the Renal Scientific Field (max. 300 words)
3. Translation (max. 500 words)
Describe how the program is directed at translational research and how it is aimed at reaching implication of the research findings into patient-relevant modalities.
4. Relevance to Health~Holland (Max 300 words)
Address the following aspects:
- How does the project fit within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2018-2021.
- How does the project contribute to (one of) the main objectives of the Top Sector LSH:
- maintain health and functioning (prevention)
- maximize effect/minimise burden (cure)
- manage health and disease extramurally (care)
- Indicate on which of the seven LSH-related Dutch National Research Agenda routes, as described on page 16-17 of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2018-2021, the project applies to (max. 2 routes).
LSH-related Dutch National Research Agenda routes / yes/no
- Healthcare research, sickness prevention and treatment
- Personalised medicine: the individual at the centre
- Regenerative medicine: a game-changer moving to broad areas of application
- Creating value through responsible access to big data and its use
- NeuroLabNL: the ultimate living lab for brain, cognition and behavioural research
- Sport and exercise
- Quality of the environment: game-changer ‘Exposome’
1. Estimation
Give an estimation of the costs and contributions in the budget sheet.Use this section to describe costs that need additional clarification or specification.
2. Co-funding
Give an estimation of intended contributions by participants and third parties.Use this sections to provide information on the source of contributions.
NB: Contributions and costs in the above sections and budget sheet are indicative and in no way binding to the signees of this pre-proposal.
Name, position, organization / Signature / DateApplicant
Organization 1
Organization 2
Organization 3
Organization …
Authorized Head of applicants organization