November 14, 2017

The regular meeting of the Washington County Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, in the Commission Chambers in the Washington County Administration Building, 197 East Tabernacle, St. George, Utah, beginning at 1:30 p.m. All applications must be reviewed at Staff meetings held on the Tuesday preceding the meeting date. Agenda items will be heard in the following order:

Please Note: In order to be considerate of everyone attending the meeting and to more closely follow the published agenda, public comments will be limited to 2 minutes per person per item. A spokesperson representing a group to summarize their concerns will be allowed 5 minutes to speak. Repetitious commentary will not be allowed.

1.  CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Review request for a public utility storage building for the Dammeron Valley Water Company on Parcel 7200-A-1-8-DVF. The property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of SR-18 and Dammeron Valley Dr. in Dammeron Valley. The property is located in the RE-40 (Residential Estates 40,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) zone. The applicant is Dammeron Valley Water/Stoddard Land Company LLC/Brooks Pace.

2.  CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. Review request for a public utility fiber optic conduit to be ran through 6 miles of land along the western edge of Motoaqua Road. The zoning is OSC-20 (Open Space 20 acre minimum lot size). The applicant is Go Fiber LLC/Rick Twitchell.

3.  PUBLIC HEARING/ZONE CHANGE REVIEW. Review of zone change for Parcel PVM-16 and PVM-17 located in the Pine Valley Meadows Subdivision, Pine Valley from the A-20 (Agriculture 20 acre minimum lot size) zone to the A-5 (Agriculture 5 acre minimum lot size) zone. The applicant is Karla Michelin/Ryan Sullivan.

4.  PUBLIC HEARING/ZONE CHANGE. Review of a zone change for Parcel 6076-A-1 generally located at 651 E. Main St. in Pine Valley. The property is zoned A-20 (Agriculture 20 acre minimum lot size). The applicant is request to rezone the property to the RE-2.5 (Residential Estates 2.5 acre minimum lot size). The purpose of the amendment is to bring the lot into compliance with the zoning in order to construct a new home on the parcel. The applicant is Douglas Westbrook.

5.  PUBLIC HEARING/PD ZONE PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT. Review of request to amend the HooDoo’s at Red Cliffs Vacation Villas Planned Development. The request is to add approximately 4.35 acres to the project, which is Parcel 4044-A-HV. Located on Old Highway 91 and Red Cliffs Road near Leeds. The applicant is Jared Westhoff and Benji Nelson.

6.  PUBLIC HEARING/PLAT VACATION. Review of request to vacate Parcels QCRV-1-HV 7Planned Development. Located on Old Highway 91 and Red Cliffs Road near Leeds. The applicant is Jared Westhoff and Benji Nelson.

7.  PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. Review of the Draft of the Affordable Housing Plan Update to the General Plan. Initiated by Staff.

8.  PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. Review of Draft Ordinance of Title 10, Chapter 4: Definitions: regarding Animal Regulations.

9.  STAFF DECISIONS. Report of the Land Use Authority Staff Meeting held on November 07, 2017.

10.  MINUTES. Consider approval of the minutes of the regular planning commission meetings held on September 12, 2017 and October 10, 2017.

11.  COUNTY COMMISSION ACTION REVIEW. Review of action taken by the County Commission on planning items; County initiated.

12.  COMMISSION & STAFF REPORTS. General reporting on various topics; County initiated.

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: Washington County will make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled members of the public in accessing County programs. Please contact the Washington County Community Development Department in advance if you have special needs (435) 634-5701.

I, Doreen Bowers-Irons, certify that the above notice was faxed and e-mailed to the Spectrum Newspaper on November 09, 2017 and posted in the following seven places within Washington County: Washington County Branch Libraries - Enterprise/Hurricane/Hildale/New Harmony/Santa Clara/Springdale/St. George/Washington City, the Washington County Administration Building at 197 E. Tabernacle, St. George, Utah. Also posted on the website at www.washco.utah.gov, and the State Public Meeting Notice website at http://pmn.utah.gov.

Doreen Bowers-Irons

Doreen Bowers-Irons, Community Development Secretary

Posted: November 09, 2017