Review Terms:

Division and Reunion Quiz:


  1. Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clause
  2. 13th amendment
  3. 14th amendment
  4. 15thamendment
  5. Plessy v. Ferguson
  6. Carpetbaggers
  7. Southern Advantages and Northern Advantages in the Civil War
  8. Emancipation Proclamation
  9. Main effect of the election of Lincoln
  10. States’ rights
  11. Abolition/ Abolitionists
  12. Dred Scott Decision
  13. Reconstruction
  14. “sharecroppers”

An Industrial Society Quiz:


  1. Sherman Anti-trust Act, Clayton Anti-trust Act
  2. Populist Party
  3. Capitalism/ Free Market/ Free Enterprise System
  4. Free Silver Movement
  5. Monopolies (what are they and how do they harm society)
  6. Henry Ford and the Assembly Line
  7. Transcontinental Railroad
  8. New and Old Immigrants
  9. Push-Pull factors for immigration
  10. Stock
  11. Laissez-Faire
  12. Urbanization (define and list reasons for)
  13. Ellis Island
  14. Muckrakers (Upton Sinclair/ Jacob Riis/ Ida Tarbell/ Lincoln Steffens)
  15. Meat Inspection Act
  16. The Progressive Movement (Jane Addams/ W.E.B. Dubois)

The U.S. as an independent nation in an increasingly interdependent world Quiz:


  1. Homestead Act
  2. Dawes Act
  3. Settling the Frontier (who, where, why and the results)
  4. Open Door Policy
  5. Imperialism
  6. Spanish-American War
  7. Yellow Journalism
  8. Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick Policy”
  9. Panama Canal
  10. 4 main causes of World War I
  11. Reasons for U.S. involvement in World War I
  12. President Wilson’s 14 Points
  13. League of Nations
  14. Treaty of Versailles

The United States between the wars Quiz:


  1. Harlem Renaissance
  2. Langston Hughes
  3. Jazz (artists?)
  4. 18th amendment
  5. Woman’s Suffrage
  6. Immigration Quotas (see page 106)
  7. Mass production
  8. The Great Depression
  9. Stock Market Crash
  10. The Dust Bowl
  11. President Herbert Hoover
  12. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  13. The New Deal (Social Security Act, WPA, FDIC, CCC)

The United States Assumes Worldwide Responsibilities Quiz:


  1. Genocide
  2. Nuremburg Trials
  3. Pearl Harbor
  4. The Home front (factories, internment, rationing)
  5. United Nations
  6. Cuban Missile Crisis
  7. The Cold War
  8. Truman Doctrine
  9. Marshall Plan
  10. Containment
  11. Vietnam War (reasons for protest)
  12. Guerrilla Warfare
  13. War Powers Act
  14. Détente
  15. 26th amendment
  16. Watergate Crisis

The Changing Nature of the American People from WWII – Present Quiz:


  1. Brown v. Board of Education, 1954
  2. Civil Disobedience
  3. Rosa Parks
  4. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  5. Affirmative Action
  6. Women’s Liberation Movement
  7. Persian Gulf War(1991)
  8. Election of 2000
  9. Global economy/globalization
  10. Environment/Pollution
  11. September 11, 2001