material declaration /
Informationsklass Classification
The product´sdenomination: / Remotecontrol
The product’s item number and change number according to purchaser’s Technical Specification for Purchase, version number included: / <State number>
Leverantör/Företagsnamn: / <ELFA>
Date: / <Select date>

The following environmental requirements are applicable to suppliers that are providing products to BAE Systems Bofors AB.

The supplier should avoid the usage of chemical substances/groups of substances that will have a negative effect onhuman health and the environment. The substances to be avoided are listed in the document ‘List of Hazardous Chemical Substances’. If the supplier’s products (articles) contain more than 0.1 weight percent of a substance that should be avoided, the supplier should use the Material Declaration mentioned below. Note that the concentration value is to be considered for each product (article) in complex products (articles).

Since legislation is constantly revised when it comes to chemicals, BAE Systems update the ‘List of Hazardous Substances’ continuously. Find more information in ‘Environmental Requirements Direct Suppliers’ (

Regarding biocidal products and biocide treated articles, required information is the active substances according to Swedish biocide regulation and/or EU biocide regulation.

An updated Material Declaration is required if:

-‘List of Hazardous Chemical Substances’ has been updated and the update affects the declared Material Declaration.

-There has been changes in the Biocide Regulation that affects the contents of the Material Declaration.

-The chemical content of the purchased product has been changed and this affects the declared Material Declaration.

-The construction of the purchased product has been changed and this affects the declared Material Declaration.

If the supplier’s product (article), including any products (articles) that the product (article) is made up of, containless than 0.1 weight percent of a substance that should be avoided, there is no need for the supplier to complete the table mentioned below.

☐Yes, my product (article) is subject to the above mentioned rules and a Material Declaration is required

☐No, my product (article) is not subject to the rules and a Material Declaration is therefore not required

Chemical substances

Chemical substance/ type of substance to be avoided / Included in chemical mixture / Concentration in the mixture (weight percent) / Concentration in the purchased product (weight percent) / In what part of the purchased product is the substance found
Lead chromate / Dynalon paint ZX> / 3 / 0,15 / <In the cover>
Lead / <Lead Solder> / 80 / 4,5 / <Circuit board>

If a product (article), including any products (articles) that the product (article) is made up of, contain is treated with a biocidal product, information should be declared in the Material Declaration mentioned below.

☐ Yes, my product (article) is treated with a biocidal product and a Material Declaration is required

☐ No, my product (article) is not treated with a biocidal product and a Material Declaration is not required

Biocidal products

In what part of the purchased product is the biocidal product found? / Chemical name and CAS-number of the active substances in each product (article). / Declare how National and European biocidal legislation are fulfilled / Declare how the biocidal product(article) is labelled
Fabric / Silverzeolite, CAS-number: 130328186 / <The substance is approved according to 98/8/EG (biocide directive) and regulation (EU) no 528/2012 (biocide regulation).> / <Is there a label containing information about
-That the treated article contains a biocidal product.
-The biocidal property of treated article
-The name of the active substance.>

Supplier’s signature

I hereby verify, that the information given in this statement/declaration are both true and accurate. I will also immediately notify BAE Systems Bofors in the case of changes that would necessitate a new statement/declaration.
Name / Position
Company / Signature
Company stamp / Date (day/month/year)
Denna handling och dess innehåll är BAE Systems egendom och fårinte utan
skriftligt medgivande kopieras, delges tredje man eller användasför annat än
avsett ändamål. / This document and its contents is the property of BAE Systems and must notbe
reproduced, disclosed to any third party or used in any unauthorizedmanner
without written consent.

material declaration 2017-09-211 (5)