8:30 / Continental Breakfast / Laney Theatre Lobby9:00 / Opening Remarks / Cleavon Smith, Outgoing Staff Development Officer
9:05 / Welcome and Introductions / Jennifer Shanoski, President Peralta Federation of Teachers
Roberto Gonzalez, President Peralta Classified Senate
Mario Rivas, Vice President District Academic Senate
9:30 / Welcome from the Chancellor / Dr. JowellLaguerre, Chancellor Peralta Community College District
9:45 / Community Discussion #1 / “Enhancing Campus Life”
Dr. Herbert Kitchen, Merritt College
Aja Butler, College of Alameda
Dr. Kimberly King, Laney College
10:30 / Community Discussion #2 / “Supporting our Formerly Incarcerated Students”
Ron Moss, Merritt College and the Gamble Institute
11:15 / Community Discussion #3 / “Campus Pride and Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Community”
Jessika Murphy, CSU East Bay
Noon / Lunch / Laney Quad/Cafeteria
Drop in Labs
Open Drop-in Labs 9am-noon
I.T. Support & help for log-ins, passwords & moreAlex HernandezF-170B
Come for assistance/training in class rosters, how to submit Census, Attendance, and Grade Rosters.
Open Drop-in Labs 1-4:30
I.T. Support & help for log-ins, passwords & moreAlex HernandezF-170B
A & R Support & Training on ‘Faculty Center’ Silvia CortezF-170B
Come for assistance/training in class rosters, how to submit Census, Attendance, and Grade Rosters.
Open Drop-in Lab 2:30-4:30
CanvasInger StarkF-170C
Come for assistance/training to use our new Learning Management System supporting Distance Education and Face-to-Face classes.
Afternoon Workshops and Descriptions
______1:00 – 2:20______
Dialogue with the District - F202
Q&A panel hosted by Chancellor Laguerre featuring Vice Chancellors of Academic Affairs, Institutional Technology, Finance, Human Resources, and General Services
Presenter: Chancellor JowellLaguerre
Dual Enrollment - E211
In three years, we've reached incredible benchmarks with our partners, Oakland Unified School District. Along with our successes we also have some areas of growth and one of those areas is supporting our Peralta faculty who teach in Dual Enrollment courses. Some topics that will be covered:
- Program Updates
- What does it mean to teach a Dual Enrollment class?
- Opportunity to hear and share “promising practices” and instructional strategies when teaching college to high schoolers
Presenters: Tamika Brown and Leslie Hsu Freeman, OUSD Manager, Dual Enrollment
Classified Senate Workshop - F255
Integral to building our students’ sense of belonging at our colleges and in the district is the work of our classified staff. With that in mind a strong and cohesive Classified Senate is imperative. Please join the Peralta Classified Senate (PSC) in putting the finishing touches on the PSC Constitution. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from across the district and bring the voices of staff together to identify their professional development priorities and to make a difference in shared governance and the academic endeavors of our students.
Presenters: PSC Executive Officers
Dispelling the Myths of Online Student Engagement – F203
"Stop listening to fake news! Teaching online can be made easy for you and effective for students. This interactive session will tell you how face to face courses can be turned into DE offerings that engage students, increase collaboration, addresses and improves basic skills, & cultivates competent communication."
Presenter: Jayi Thompson, Merritt College
Attending to Student Mental Health – E207
Students who have grown up in distressed urban communities often face hidden challenges. The ACEs Study indicates exposure to early life stress or “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) puts people at higher risk for learning and emotional problems. This workshop will help identify what ACEs are and how educators can become Trauma-Informed while helping to build resilience. Kognito, a simulation tool designed to improve sensitivity when engaging students in a conversation about mental health, will also be introduced.
Presenters: Janine Greer and Scott Hoshida, Berkeley City College
Campus Pride/Safe Zone – E204
Integral to our mission as a community college district where all are welcome is more deliberate conversations about the ways our institutions make our LGBTQ+ students know they are welcome and supported. This session will give attendees a chance to come to better understanding of the needs and challenges of our LGBTQ+ students and how to be a better ally for their inclusion and success in and out of our classrooms.
Presenter: Jessika Murphy, CSU East Bay
______2:30 – 3:50______
Classified Senate Workshop (cont’d) – F255
Campus Pride/Safe Zone (cont’d) – E204
Increasing Student Engagement and Learning in the Classroom – F203
Student retention happens primarily in our classrooms. This workshop will introduce specific strategies that we can implement in the classroom to support students’ improved learning and retention. As professors/teachers we have the responsibility (RESPONSE-ABILITY) to empower our students to become confident, effective, and successful learners. We can do this by effectively engaging our students in the classroom to reach out to us to support their growth and development as learners. We can also do this by introducing active versus passive teaching and learning strategies that teach students how to take charge of their learning.
Presenter: Mario Rivas, PhD, Merritt College.
Noncredit Curriculum Development – E207
Noncredit courses highlight two major components: 1) Opportunities for college programs to build bridges to their degrees and certificates with noncredit classes; and 2) Importance of engaging faculty to lead in creation of a shared vision for noncredit curriculum development. In this workshop, faculty will be exposed to examples of noncredit curriculum, such as mirrored courses and hybrid options.
Presenter: Courtney Brown, Merritt College; Beth Maher, Laney College; Staff from the Office of Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Dialogue with the PFT – F202
Come meet with the faculty union executive officers to hear the latest union updates and help craft the union’s priorities for the coming months.
______4 -5:20______
Assessment and Departmental Reporting – F255
College assessment coordinators (SLOACs) will discuss how assessment should be covered in Annual Program Updates (APUs) and Program Reviews. We will develop a set of questions to recommend for inclusion in upcoming reports.
Presenters: Heather Sisneros and Rebecca Bailey, Laney College
Tenure Review Orientation – F202
The Tenure Review Coordinators will guide us through the processes and procedures of completing the Tenure Process. Topics will include: faculty and administrator responsibilities, classroom observations, what candidates can expect from committee members, and what committee members expect from candidates, and other guidelines and tips. Who should attend? New deans, new TRC Chairs and members, and TRC candidates are required to attend.
Presenters: College Tenure Review Coordinators
How to Apply for Full-Time Faculty Positions (Part 1): The Paper Application – F203
Participants will learn how to find full-time faculty job listings and to tailor their applications to address the desired qualifications listed. In addition, the workshop will discuss common misconceptions about the application process and the process of selection. Part 2 of this workshop series will address The Interview (Fri, Feb 9th, 1 - 3 pm, COA, D-204).
Presenter: Vanson Nguyen, College of Alameda. Sponsored by the Faculty Diversity Internship Program.
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“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”George Washington Carver
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Thank you to all who participate, and add to the value of our Professional Development Flex Day.