Spanish Level 1: Unit 2

Let’s Get Together

I can understand, share and discuss about family, food and celebrations.


How well are students expected to perform?


  1. What are the social norms in eating situations.
  1. Do people in other cultures eat the same food as me?
  1. How do people celebrate?
  1. What makes a family?


➢understand definite and indefinite articles

➢Yes/no questions - forming and answering

➢negative statements


➢noun/adjective agreement

➢likes and dislikes

➢introduce comparisons

➢subject pronouns with -ar verbs

➢verb/subject agreement -ar verbs

➢“gusta” with singular pronouns me/te/le


What will students be able to do with what they know?

I can…

Interpretive Listening / Interpretive Reading / Interpersonal (Person-to-Person) / Presentational Speaking / Presentational Writing
understand what people say in a short conversation about family members
understand basic descriptions of family members
understand some of what people say about food.
understand what I hear in a restaurant advertisement. / ●understand personal emails, notes and other short readings about family.
understand some of what I read on a menu.
understand some of what I read in a restaurant advertisement. / ● ask and tell what my family members look like and their personalities.
●ask and tell what members of my family like to do and why.
●express that I am hungry or thirsty.
●ask for and understand basic information about what people eat.
●express my opinions about food.
●talk about what I eat for different meals during the day. / ● describe my family.
●talk about what members of my family like and don’t like.
●talk about my food preferences
●give a description of a meal that I typically eat. / ● describe my family.
●write about what members of my family like and don’t like.
●write a description of my favorite meal.
●write about the foods that I eat for different meals of the day.

What intercultural competencies will students be able to demonstrate?

I can...

●read an invitation to a family celebration.
●identify and discuss cuisines from different Spanish-speaking countries.
●read a menu from a Spanish-speaking country.
●recognize important/main foods for each meal. / ●talk about common family celebrations in Hispanic culture.
●demonstrate appropriate practice regarding tipping.
●sometimes identify which topics are appropriate and inappropriate to bring up when invited to a meal.
●recognize different eating schedules between home culture and the target culture. / ●provide a definition of “nuclear family” in the target culture.
●recognize and imitate appropriate table manners
●interact appropriately with a server.
●understand bills (tax, tips, sometimes not itemized, etc.)


What will prepare students to demonstrate what they can do?


¿Cómoestufamilia? / Mifamiliaes . . .
¿Cuántas personas hay en tufamilia? / Hay ____ personas en mi familia.
¿Cómo se llamantus padres? / Mis padres se llaman . . .
¿Cómo se llama tumadre? / Mimadre se llama . . .
¿Tieneshermanos? / Sí, yotengo . . .
¿Cuántosañostienetuhermano? / Éltiene _____ años.
¿Cómoestuhermana? / Ella es . . .
¿Cómo son tusabuelos? / Misabuelos son . . .
¿Qué le(s) gusta? ¿Qué le gustahacer? / Le(s) gusta ______.
¿Quétegusta? ¿Quétegusta ______? / Me gusta______
¿Tegusta ______? / no, no me gusta______
¿Qué comes paraalmuerzo? / Yocomo . . .
¿Tieneshambre? / No, no tengohambre.
¿Tienessed? / Sítengo sed.
¿Quieres . . . ? / Sí, yoquiero . .



●loco / PETS
●el regalo
●la fiesta / INFINITIVES
●usar la computadora
●usar el internet
●andar en bicicleta
●caminarpor el parque
●cuidarmishermanos / FOODS
●el cereal
●los panqueques
●el pan
●el yogur
●la ensalada
●la hamburguesa
●la torta
●el sandwich
●el jamón
●el pollo
●el queso
●las papas fritas
●la pizza
●el chorizo
●la horchada / More FOODS
●la fruta
●el plátano
●la fresa
●la naranja
●la uva
●la manzana
●la mantequilla
●el pastel
●el helado
●el chocolate
●la leche
●el refresco
●el agua
●el café
●el té
●la limonada
●la galleta
●el restaurante
●el atole
●los huevos
●los chicharrones
●los frijoles
●la yerba mate