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STUDY GROUPS / Document CPM07-2/1-E
4 October 2006
English only

Director, Radiocommunication Bureau

draft cpm report

Extracts for the WMO Steering Group on
Radio Frequency Coordination (SG-RFC)
(texts on WRC-07 Adenda Items 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.12, 1.17, 1.20)

Attached please find the draft CPM Report to WRC-07 for consideration during the second Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM07) to be held in Geneva, 19 February 2 March 2007 (see Administrative Circular CA/159 of 26 June 2006). The draft Report has been prepared on the basis of reports from the relevant ITUR Study Groups, Task Group, Joint Task Group and Working Parties involved in the preparation for WRC-07 according to its agenda as contained in ITU Council Resolution1227.

The structure of the Report is in accordance with the decisions of the first meeting of the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM06-1), (Geneva, 7-8 July 2003), reported in CA/128 of 29July2003, complemented by its addenda 1 to 4 of 23 July 2004, 16 December 2004, 25 November 2005 and 16 February 2006 respectively.

The draft report was compiled at a meeting of the CPM Steering Committee, (Geneva 25-29 September 2006), comprising the Chairman of CPM, Mr. K. Arasteh (Islamic Republic of Iran), the Vice-Chairmen of CPM, Mr. M. Ghazal (Lebanon) and Mr. A. Nalbandian (Armenia), and the seven Chapter Rapporteurs. The Chairmen of several Responsible Groups indicated in CA/128 also participated. Secretarial support was provided by the Radiocommunication Bureau, coordinated by the CPM Counsellor, Mr. Ph. Aubineau.

The following points should be taken into account:

  • As indicated in Addendum 2 to CA/128, as a general rule, the reference to “No Change” as a method was normally unnecessary, thereby helping to keep the number of Methods to satisfy the agenda items described to the absolute minimum.
  • It should be noted that the “Methods to satisfy the agenda items” may represent the views of one or several administrations, but not necessarily the views of all administrations.
  • Annex to the draft CPM Report provides a complete list of the ITU-R Recommendations and ITU-R Reports referred to within the draft CPM Report. Several of these Recommendations and Reports are indicated as being in draft form, either new or revised. Once approved, the final designation of these draft Recommendations and Reports will be brought to the attention of CPM-07 or, at the latest, WRC-07. Similarly, any case in which the approval process has not been successfully completed will be reported.
  • The draft CPM Report also contains references to material found in Chairmen’s Reports of Responsible Groups, including Working Documents towards the development of draft Recommendations or Reports. Such material is intended to support the draft CPM text but has not been included in the draft Report itself in the interests of readability and economy. The texts are available from the ITU-R website and participants to the CPM are invited to prepare beforehand any paper copies that they may require.
  • It should be noted that the texts dealing with regulatory and procedural matters is being forwarded to the Special Committee for further review and comment at its meeting in December 2006. The outcome of the Special Committee on the matter will be submitted to the CPM (Resolution ITU-R 2 refers).
  • To limit the number of pages in contributions to the CPM, it is recommended not to reproduce any parts of the Draft CPM Report in the contributions, but simply to refer to the relevant section(s) of the Draft CPM Report. Text from the Draft CPM Report should be reproduced in contributions only to indicate proposed changes, using revision marks as appropriate.


CPM Report on

technical, operational and regulatory/procedural

matters to be considered by

the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference

GENEVA, 2006

Cross-reference between the WRC-07 agenda items and the chapters of the CPM Report

WRC-07 agenda item / Part of the draft CPM Report to WRC-07
1. / on the basis of proposals from administrations, taking account of the results of WRC03 and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:
1.1 / requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, in accordance with Resolution26(Rev.WRC97); / Not in scope of CPM
1.2 / to consider allocations and regulatory issues related to the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) service, space research (passive) service and the meteorological satellite service in accordance with Resolutions746(WRC03) and 742(WRC03); / Chapter 2
1.3 / in accordance with Resolution 747 (WRC03), consider upgrading the radiolocation service to primary allocation status in the bands 9000-9200 MHz and 9300-9500 MHz and extending by up to 200 MHz the existing primary allocations to the Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) (active) and the space research service (SRS) (active) in the band 9500-9800MHz without placing undue constraint on the services to which the bands are allocated; / Chapter 1
1.4 / to consider frequency-related matters for the future development of IMT2000 and systems beyond IMT2000 taking into account the results of ITUR studies in accordance with Resolution228 (Rev.WRC03); / Chapter 1
1.5 / to consider spectrum requirements and possible additional spectrum allocations for aeronautical telecommand and high bit-rate aeronautical telemetry, in accordance with Resolution230 (WRC03); / Chapter 1
1.6 / to consider additional allocations for the aeronautical mobile (R) service in parts of the bands between 108 MHz and 6 GHz, in accordance with Resolution 414(WRC03) and, to study current satellite frequency allocations, that will support the modernization of civil aviation telecommunication systems, taking into account Resolution 415(WRC03); / Chapter 1
1.7 / to consider the results of ITU-R studies regarding sharing between the mobile-satellite service and the SRS (passive) in the band 1668-1668.4 MHz, and between the mobile-satellite service and the mobile service in the band 1668.4-1675 MHz in accordance with Resolution744 (WRC03); / Chapter 3
1.8 / to consider the results of ITU-R studies on technical sharing and regulatory provisions forthe application of high altitude platform stations operating in the bands 27.5-28.35GHz and 3131.3 GHz in response to Resolution 145(WRC03), and for high altitude platform stations operating in the bands 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz in response to Resolution122 (Rev.WRC03); / Chapter 4
1.9 / to review the technical, operational and regulatory provisions applicable to the use of the band 2500-2690 MHz by space services in order to facilitate sharing with current and future terrestrial services without placing undue constraint on the services to which the band is allocated; / Chapter 3
1.10 / to review the regulatory procedures and associated technical criteria of Appendix30B without any action on the allotments, the existing systems or the assignments in the List of Appendix30B; / Chapter 6
1.11 / to review sharing criteria and regulatory provisions for protection of terrestrial services, in particular the terrestrial television broadcasting service, in the band 620-790MHz from broadcasting-satellite service networks and systems, in accordance with Resolution 545 (WRC03); / Chapter 3
1.12 / to consider possible changes inresponse to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference: “Advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks” in accordance with Resolution86(WRC03); / Chapter 6
1.13 / taking into account Resolutions 729 (WRC97), 351(WRC03) and 544(WRC03), to review the allocations to all services in the HF bands between 4 MHz and 10 MHz, excluding those allocations to services in the frequency range 7000-7200 kHz and those bands whose allotment plans are in Appendices 25, 26 and 27 and whose channelling arrangements are in Appendix17, taking account of the impact of new modulation techniques, adaptive control techniques and the spectrum requirements for HF broadcasting; / Chapter 5
1.14 / to review the operational procedures and requirements of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and other related provisions of the Radio Regulations, taking into account Resolutions 331 (Rev.WRC03) and 342 (Rev.WRC2000) and the continued transition to the GMDSS, the experience since its introduction, and the needs of all classes of ships; / Chapter 5
1.15 / to consider a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the frequency band 135.7-137.8kHz; / Chapter 5
1.16 / to consider the regulatory and operational provisions for Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSIs) for equipment other than shipborne mobile equipment, taking into account Resolutions344 (Rev.WRC03) and 353 (WRC03); / Chapter 5
1.17 / to consider the results of ITU-R studies on compatibility between the fixed-satellite service and other services around 1.4GHz, in accordance with Resolution745(WRC03); / Chapter 3
1.18 / to review pfd limits in the band 17.7-19.7GHz for satellite systems using highly inclined orbits, in accordance with Resolution 141 (WRC03); / Chapter 4
1.19 / to consider the results of the ITU-R studies regarding spectrum requirement for global broadband satellite systems in order to identify possible global harmonized fixed-satellite service frequency bands for the use of Internet applications, and consider the appropriate regulatory/technical provisions, taking also into account No.5.516B; / Chapter 4
1.20 / to consider the results of studies, and proposals for regulatory measures if appropriate regarding the protection of the EESS (passive) from unwanted emissions of active services in accordance with Resolution738(WRC03); / Chapter 2
1.21 / to consider the results of studies regarding the compatibility between the radio astronomy service and the active space services in accordance with Resolution 740 (Rev.WRC03), in order to review and update, if appropriate, the tables of threshold levels used for consultation that appear in the Annex to Resolution739(WRC03); / Chapter 2
2. / to examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution28 (Rev.WRC03), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with principles contained in the Annex to Resolution27(Rev.WRC03); / Chapter 7
3. / to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the Conference; / Not in scope of CPM
4. / in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC03), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation; / Chapter 7
5. / to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos.135 and 136 of the Convention; / Chapter 7
6. / to identify those items requiring urgent action by the Radiocommunication Study Groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference; / Chapter 7
7. / in accordance with Article7 of the Convention:
7.1 / to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau:
–on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC03;
–on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations; and
–on action in response to Resolution80 (Rev.WRC2000); / Chapter 6[*]
Chapter 7
7.2 / to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution803(WRC03), / Chapter 7

Draft CPM Report



Introduction to the CPM Report to WRC-03...... i

Chapter 1:Mobile, aeronautical mobile, radionavigation and radiolocation services.....1

Chapter 2:Space science services...... 71

Chapter 3:Fixed-satellite, mobile- satellite and broadcasting-satellite services
below 3 GHz...... 115

Chapter 4:Fixed service including HAPS and fixed-satellite service above 3 GHz...... 169

Chapter 5:Services in LF, MF and HF bands and maritime mobile service...... 207

Chapter 6:Regulatory procedures and associated technical criteria applicable to
satellite networks...... 303

Chapter 7:Future WRC work programmes and other issues...... 391

Annex to the CPM Report – Reference list of Recommendations and Reports...... 405

If the users of this document have any questions please contact the Chapter Rapporteurs as listed in the table below.

Chapter / Rapporteur / WRC-07
agenda items
NTIA- Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 4076
United States of America
Tel.:+ 1 202 4823480
Fax:+ 1 202 5018189
Managing Director
Added Value Applications Ltd.
P.O. Box 106-063
New Zealand
Tel.:+64 9 9142525
Fax:+64 9 9141631
E-mail: / 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
P.O. Box 3270
United States of America
Tel.:+1 540 6597222
Fax:+1 540 6580189
E-mail: / 1.2, 1.20, 1.21
Telecommunication Regulatory Authority -TRA-
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
P.O Box 26662 (Abu Dhabi)
Tel.:+971 2 6118464
Mobile:+971 50 6671515
Fax:+9712 6118484
E-mail: / 1.7, 1.9, 1.11, 1.17
SannoParkTower 40F
2-11-1, Nagatacho
100-6150 TOKYO
Tel.:+81 3 51561150
Fax:+81 3 51560225
E-mail: / 1.8, 1.18, 1.19
Finnish Communications Regulatory
Authority (FICORA)
P.O. Box 313
Tel.:+358 9 6966424
Mobile:+358 50 65424
Fax:+358 9 6966410
E-mail: / 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
Agence Nationale des Fréquences
78, avenue du Général de Gaulle
Boîte postale 400
Tel.:+33 1 45187704
Fax:+33 1 45187313
E-mail: / 1.10, 1.12, 7.1[*]
Ministry of Transport and Communications
28 Nalbandian Street
375010 YEREVAN
Armenia (Republic of)
Tel.: +41 79 772 11 80
Fax: +14 79 772 11 80
E-mail: / 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.1, 7.2

List of the main aBbreviations
used in the draft CPM Report

Abbreviations / Radio Services / RR definition
AMS / aeronautical mobile service / No. 1.32
AM(R)S / aeronautical mobile (route) service / No. 1.33
AMSS / aeronautical mobile-satellite service / No. 1.35
AMS(R)S / aeronautical mobile-satellite (route) service / No. 1.36
ARNS / aeronautical radionavigation service / No. 1.46
ARNSS / aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service / No. 1.47
AS / amateur service / No. 1.56
ASS / amateur-satellite service / No. 1.57
BS / broadcasting service / No. 1.38
BSS / broadcasting-satellite service / No. 1.39
EESS / Earth exploration-satellite service / No. 1.51
FS / fixed service / No. 1.20
FSS / fixed-satellite service / No. 1.21
ISS / inter-satellite service / No. 1.22
LMS / land mobile service / No. 1.26
LMSS / land mobile-satellite service / No. 1.27
MetAids / meteorological aids service / No. 1.50
MetSat / meteorological-satellite service / No. 1.52
MMS / maritime mobile service / No. 1.28
MMSS / maritime mobile-satellite service / No. 1.29
MRNS / maritime radionavigation service / No. 1.44
MRNSS / maritime radionavigation-satellite service / No. 1.45
MS / mobile service / No. 1.24
MSS / mobile-satellite service / No. 1.25
RAS / radio astronomy service / No. 1.58
RDS / radiodetermination service / No. 1.40
RDSS / radiodetermination-satellite service / No. 1.41
RLS / radiolocation service / No. 1.48
RLSS / radiolocation-satellite service / No. 1.49
RNS / radionavigation service / No. 1.42
RNSS / radionavigation-satellite service / No. 1.43
SOS / space operation service / No. 1.23
SRS / space research service / No. 1.55

Other abbreviations:

RRRadio Regulations

App.Appendix of the RR

Art.Article of the RR

No.(Nos.)Footnote(s) in Art. 5 or Number of the provisions in an Article of the RR

RRC-06Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 (Geneva, 15 May – 16 June 06)



DNR(DRR)Draft New Recommendation (Draft Revised Recommendation)

PDNR(PDRR)Preliminary DNR (Preliminary DRR)

BRRadiocommunication Bureau

GSOGeostationary-satellite orbit

non-GSONon-geostationary-satellite orbit

AMTAeronautical mobile telemetry

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Chapter 1


(Agenda items 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6)



AGENDA ITEM 1.3...... 6

1/1.3/1Issue A – Res. 747resolves to invite ITU-R 1...... 6

1/1.3/1.1Background...... 6

1/1.3/1.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 7

1/1.3/1.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 8

1/1.3/2Issue B –Res. 747 resolves to invite ITU-R 2...... 8

1/1.3/2.1Background...... 8

1/1.3/2.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 8

1/1.3/2.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 9

1/1.3/3Issue C-1 –Res. 747 resolves to invite ITU-R 3.1...... 10

1/1.3/4Issue C-2 –Res. 747 resolves to invite ITU-R 3.2...... 10

1/1.3/5Issue C-3 – Res. 747 resolves to invite ITU-R 3.3...... 10

1/1.3/6Issue D –Res. 747 resolves to invite ITU-R 4...... 10

1/1.3/6.1Background...... 10

1/1.3/6.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 11

1/1.3/6.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 11

1/1.3/7Methods to satisfy the agenda item...... 12

1/1.3/7.1further resolves1 of Resolution 747 (WRC-03)...... 12

1/1.3/7.2further resolves 2 of Resolution 747 (WRC-03)...... 13

1/1.3/8Regulatory and procedural considerations...... 14

1/1.3/8.1further resolves 1 of Resolution 747 (WRC-03)...... 14

1/1.3/8.2 further resolves 2 of Resolution 747 (WRC-03)...... 14


AGENDA ITEM 1.4...... 16

1/1.4/1Issue A –Res. 228 resolves 2...... 17

1/1.4/1.1Background...... 17

1/1.4/1.2Summary of technical and operational studies, and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 18

1/1.4/1.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 18

1/1.4/1.3.1Terrestrial component...... 18

1/1.4/1.3.2Satellite component...... 20

1/1.4/2Issue B –Res. 228 resolves 3...... 20

1/1.4/2.1Background...... 20

1/1.4/2.2Summary of technical and operational studies, and relevant ITU-R Recommendations 21

1/1.4/2.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 21

1/1.4/3Issue C –Res. 228 resolves 4...... 21

1/1.4/3.1Background...... 21

1/1.4/3.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations 22

1/1.4/3.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 22

1/1.4/4Issue D –Res. 228 resolves 5...... 22

1/1.4/4.1Background...... 22

1/1.4/4.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 22

1/1.4/4.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 25

1/1.4/5Candidate bands for the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT2000 25

1/1.4/6Methods to satisfy the agenda item...... 28

1/1.4/6.1Methods to satisfy the terrestrial component of IMT...... 28

1/1.4/6.2Method to satisfy the satellite component of IMT...... 30

1/1.4/7Regulatory and procedural considerations...... 30

AGENDA ITEM 1.5...... 32

1/1.5/1Issue A –Res. 230 resolves that WRC-07 be invited1...... 32

1/1.5/1.1Background...... 32

1/1.5/1.2Summary of technical and operational studies, and relevant ITU-R Recommendations 33

1/1.5/1.2.1Spectrum required to support testing of aircraft...... 33


1/1.5/1.2.2Spectrum required to support other wideband aeronautical mobile telemetry and associated telecommand 33

1/1.5/1.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 33

1/1.5/1.3.1Spectrum required to support testing of aircraft...... 34

1/1.5/1.3.2Spectrum required to support other wideband aeronautical mobile telemetry and associated telecommand 34

1/1.5/2Issue B–Res. 230 resolves that WRC-07 be invited2...... 34

1/1.5/3Issue C –Res. 230 resolves that WRC-07 be invited3...... 35

1/1.5/3.1Background...... 35

1/1.5/3.2Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations 35

1/1.5/3.2.1Additional allocations for aeronautical mobile telemetry for testing of aircraft between 3 and 16 GHz 35

1/1.5/3.2.2Additional allocations for use by other wideband aeronautical mobile telemetry and associated telecommand spectrum requirements between 3 and 16GHz 35

1/1.5/3.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 35

1/1.5/3.3.1Additional allocations for aeronautical mobile telemetry for testing of aircraft between 3 and 16 GHz 35

1/1.5/3.3.2Additional allocations for other wideband aeronautical mobile telemetry and associated telecommand spectrum requirements between 3
and 16GHz...... 36

1/1.5/4Issue D –Res. 230 resolves that WRC-07 be invited4...... 36

1/1.5/5Methods to satisfy the agenda item...... 36

1/1.5/5.1Issue A...... 37

1/1.5/5.1.1Method A...... 37

1/1.5/5.2Issue B...... 37

1/1.5/5.3Issue C...... 37

1/1.5/5.3.1Method C1 (5 030-5 091 MHz)...... 37

1/1.5/5.3.2Method C2 (5 091-5 150 MHz)...... 38

1/1.5/5.3.3Method C3 (5 150-5 250 MHz)...... 40

1/1.5/5.4Issue D...... 42

1/1.5/6Regulatory and procedural considerations...... 42

1/1.5/6.1Method A...... 42

1/1.5/6.2Method C1...... 43

1/1.5/6.3Method C2 (5 091-5 150 MHz)...... 44

1/1.5/6.3.1Method C2a...... 44


1/1.5/6.3.2Method C2b...... 44

1/1.5/6.3.3Method C2c...... 45

1/1.5/6.4Method C3 (5 150-5 250 MHz)...... 45

1/1.5/6.4.1Method C3a...... 45

1/1.5/6.4.2Method C3b...... 45

AGENDA ITEM 1.6...... 46

1/1.6/1Issue A –Res. 414 further resolves to invite ITU-R 1...... 47

1/1.6/1.1Background...... 47

1/1.6/1.2Summary of technical and operational studies, and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 48

1/1.6/1.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 48

1/1.6/2Issue B –Res. 414 further resolves to invite ITU-R 2...... 51

1/1.6/3Issue C –Res. 414 further resolves to invite ITU-R 3...... 51

1/1.6/3.1Background...... 51

1/1.6/3.2Summary of technical and operational studies and list of relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports 51

1/1.6/3.3Analysis of the results of studies...... 51

1/1.6/4Issue D –Res. 415 invites ITU-R 1...... 52

1/1.6/4.1Background...... 52

1/1.6/4.2Summary of technical and operational studies, including a list of relevant ITU-R Recommendations and provisions of the RR 53

1/1.6/4.2.1Ground-to-ground radiocommunications...... 54

1/1.6/4.2.2Air-to-ground radiocommunications...... 54

1/1.6/4.3Analysis of the results of studies relating to the possible methods of satisfying the agenda item 54

1/1.6/5Methods to satisfy the agenda item...... 55

1/1.6/5.1Method 1 (Issue A)...... 55

1/1.6/5.1.1Method 1a...... 55

1/1.6/5.1.2Method 1b...... 55

1/1.6/5.2Method 2 (Issue A)...... 55

1/1.6/5.2.1Method 2a...... 56

1/1.6/5.2.2Method 2b...... 56

1/1.6/5.3Method 3 (Issue A)...... 56

1/1.6/5.3.1Method 3a...... 56

1/1.6/5.3.2Method 3b...... 57


1/1.6/5.4Method 4 (Issue A)...... 58

1/1.6/5.4.1Method 4a...... 58