Desktop Publishing Course Syllabus
Course Description
You will develop proficiency in using desktop publishing software to create a variety of publications; such as marker boards, flyers, business cards, greeting cards, menus, magazine covers, calendars, and promotional materials. Course includes desktop publishing terminology and use of current desktop programs to produce business publishing projects and working with multiple typefaces, layouts, and graphics.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
1. Identify software appropriate for specific tasks
2. Proficiently utilize Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop
3. Identify design principles
4. Define terms related to desktop publishing
5. Create projects incorporating text and graphics
6. Demonstrate transferability of skills between software applications.
FHSD Grading ScaleLetter Grade / Percentage
A / 90-100%
B / 80-89%
C / 70-79%
D / 60-69%
F / 0-59%
Your Reading Material
This course does not use a traditional textbook. Instead, you will be utilizing websites and tutorials. In addition, you will use online resources, as well as handouts provided by the instructor.
Classroom Procedures and Policies
Late Work Policy
§ The business department late work policy is as follows: Our policy is to take 10 percentage points off each day an assignment is late until a grade becomes a 50 percent. Then, the student can make up the assignment for up to 50 percent.
§ No assignment can be submitted within the last week of each quarter.
Guidelines/Rules and Consequences
Please refrain from bringing food and/or drinks into the computer lab. It is our responsibility to take care of the equipment.
1. Follow directions
2. Respect your classmates, equipment and your teacher
3. Be in seat and working on bell ringer when the bell rings
4. All school policies and procedures will coincide
1. WARNING and documentation
2. Complete Action Plan/Call home
3. Detention – This consequence will also include a call home/referral – send detention to office
**profanity/fighting/damage to room – will result in immediate implementation of consequence #3 and/or office referral
Please do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I am here to help and can make arrangements to stay before/after school if need be. I arrive to school early every morning at 6:30am.
Contact Information
Instructor: Angie Winship
Phone number: 636-851-5624
Email address: