Name: Owen Donohoe
Affiliation: Republican
Address: 6265 Arapahoe Shawnee, KS 66226
Age: 63
Occupation: Small-business owner of medical device company
1. Should there be a statewide ban on smoking in indoor public places, such as restaurants and bars?
I do not support a statewide smoking ban. First, I believe this should be a locally based decision made by the voters. Secondly, I do not think that state owned casinos should be allowed to be exempt from the ban, while not exempting private businesses. This would impose unfair and unequal restrictions on private businesses inhibiting their ability to compete fairly and equitably within the free market.
2. Would you support an increase in the cigarette tax to help pay for health coverage for low-income Kansans?
No. I am concerned about where the progression of “sin taxes” takes us. Today we tax cigarettes; tomorrow we are taxing fast food because of its associated health risks. I believe this could become a slippery slope, and I don’t think this is the type of government involvement we want in our lives.
3. Where do you think the state budget can be cut?
We need to be open to across the board cuts. Currently, we are paying $406,000 per day on interest alone for our state debt. We need to focus on paying down our debt, and stop wasting $406,000 per day on interest payments. Once the debt is lowered, we will be able to afford new programs and increase funding for existing programs. I think it has become obvious from the current economic crisis that we must seriously start looking at how we do business. We must become more judicious and prudent with our state budget and how we allocate our resources.
4. Would you support an increase in the age for Kansans to get a driver's license?
The #1 killer of teenagers is motor vehicle accidents, so I think it is a must that we look carefully at the issue of teenage licensure. I would consider support a graduated driver’s license that incorporated restrictions of when teenagers were driving (such as nighttime restrictions), limiting who they were driving with, and increased driver’s education. I would want to be sure that these restrictions would not be overly burdensome to the wide open, rural areas of western Kansas where farming communities depend on the ability of teenagers being able to drive to work and school.
5. Should Lawrence be allowed to keep its same-sex registry without interference from the state?
No. The same sex registry violates a Kansas constitutional amendment recognizing marriage as only between one man and one woman which was voted on, and passed by, the people of Kansas in 2005.
6. Do you support Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' opposition to the two coal-fired plants in western Kansas?
No. It is important that Kansas develop a comprehensive energy policy that is clean and affordable including clean coal, wind, natural gas, and biofuels. There are positive elements to this project: carbon emissions will be reduced by 40%, mercury emissions will be reduced from current rates and construction of the plant will develop a transmission infrastructure for wind farms across the state. The construction of the Holcomb plant would bring 2400 jobs earning over $78 million annually, and employ 300 workers earning $16 million annually.