Delivering Sustainable Coasts

The SUSTAIN International Conference with the North West Regional Coastal Conference 2012

18th and 19th September 2012, Southport, UK


Conference Chair: Professor Ann Worsley, North West Coastal Forum

Tuesday 18th September

09:15 Registration and refreshments

09:45 Formal Welcome to the Borough of Sefton

The Worshipful the Mayor of Sefton, Councillor Kevin Cluskey

10:00 Conference Introduction & Housekeeping

Professor Ann Worsley, Chair, North West Coastal Forum

10:05 Keynote Speech - Sustainability and Community at the Coast

Phil Dyke, Coast and Marine Adviser, National Trust and Chair of the Coastal and Marine Working Group, EUROPARC Atlantic Isles

10:35 The Interreg IVC Programme

Thorsten Kohlisch, Information Point Coordinator & Project Adviser, INTERREG IVC Information Point East, Poland

10:50 SUSTAIN: Assessing Sustainability and Strengthening Operational Policy

Maria Ferreira, Head of the International Programme, EUCC, Netherlands (SUSTAIN Lead Partner)

11:05 Refreshments, exhibitions & networking

11:35 Health and wellbeing from coastal communities

Dr Mathew White, European Centre for Environment and Human Health

11:55 The 2012 NW Awards for Coastal Excellence

Professor Ann Worsley and Caroline Salthouse, North West Coastal Forum

12:15 Assessing coastal sustainability - using the SUSTAIN indicator toolkit Patrycja Czerniak, EUCC, Netherlands (SUSTAIN Partner)

12:30 Formal signing of an Agreement between Province of Teramo and local Italian municipalities to provide data on SUSTAIN Indicators for the Regional Observatory on Sustainability

Ragni Massimo, Engineer Expert in Environmental Sustainability and Doriana Calilli, Provincial Manager for EU Policies, Province of Teramo, Italy (SUSTAIN Partner)

12:45 Lunch, exhibitions & networking

Round up of local initiatives contributing to the delivery of sustainable coasts:

13:45 A public information campaign on degradation of plastics in the marine environment: a SUSTAIN Transfer of Good Practice

Patrick McCluskey, Sports & Community Services Manager, Down District Council, Northern Ireland (SUSTAIN Partner)

14:05 Sefton’s Landscape Partnership Scheme

Dave McAleavy, Head of Coast and Countryside, Sefton Council & Chair of the Sefton Landscape Partnership Scheme

14:25 Copeland: Coastal Initiative and Coastal Partnership

Julie Betteridge, Head of Regeneration and Community, Copeland Borough Council

14:45 Fylde BeachCare

Annie Heslop, Fylde BeachCare Officer, Keep Britain Tidy

15:05 Refreshments, exhibitions & networking

Tuesday 18th September (continued)

Round up of North West-wide and regional initiatives contributing to the delivery of sustainable coasts:

15:35 SUSTAIN: Policy Implementation in Teramo, Italy

Giuliano Di Flavio Provincial Manager for Planning and Urban Development and Ragni Vincenzo, Architect Expert in Environmental Sustainability, Province of Teramo, Italy (SUSTAIN Partner)

16:05 Accessing the Coast

Danny Moores, Lead Adviser - Coastal Access - North West, Natural England

16:20 Introducing the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee

Cllr. Derek Antrobus, Chair, Regional Flood and Coastal Committee

16:35 North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority - sustainable inshore fisheries

Alasdair Lindop, Science and Communications Officer, North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority

16:50 Summing up and close

Professor Ann Worsley, Chair, North West Coastal Forum

17:00 Conference close

17:15 Escorted Local Sustainable Transport Fund initiative cycle ride to the Southport coast (Shrimp Route)

Led by Val Hough, Sustainable Visitor Travel Officer, Sefton Council

(Pre-booked delegates only)

19:30 Conference Dinner, Marine Suite, Ramada Plaza Hotel

(Pre-booked delegates only)

Wednesday 19th September

(Pre-booked delegates only)

09:15 Field trip to the Sefton Coast (2 coaches):

Both groups will visit Formby Point to look at the work of the Sefton Landscape Partnership Scheme and the National Trust.

Led by Will Moody and Graham Lymbery, Sefton Council, and Andrew Brockbank, National Trust

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Field trip to the Sefton Coast continued:

Both groups will visit Southport town centre to see a range of regeneration initiatives.

Led by Alan Lake and Andrew Hall, Sefton Council

Group 1 will visit Lifeboat Road to see Sefton’s Biodiversity and Access Project in action

Led by: Ian McAleavy, Sefton Council

Group 2 will visit the UK’s biggest managed realignment scheme at Hesketh Outmarsh

Led by: Tony Baker, RSPB