Minutes: DeLeon Springs Merchants Association, October 12, 2010
Present: Rose & Len Litwineic, Tammy Schuler, Jim & Lori from Suntrust Bank, Amy & Lee Munizzi, Sylvia Crump, Mickey Hiatt, Wayne Smith, Bob Ford, Kathy Boyles (DS United Methodist Church), Andy Natal, Don Malmborg, Sharon Tinaya, Laura Strawn.
Meeting was opened at 10:00 am by Len Litwineic. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as written, except that the Health Department cleanup is now scheduled for October 30, 2010. Tammy provided us with a written treasurer's report.
Guest Speakers: Jim Mitchell is a Business Relationship Banker with Suntrust Bank. He presented information to the group on various programs for small businesses to get loans and advice from Suntrust Bank. He is a native of this area and specializes in helping small businesses. Lori Leveille handles Personal Banking at the north branch of Suntrust at the corner of Hwy 17 and Hwy 92 in DeLand. She offers all types of accounts, and they have a challenge right now for credit card processing. We appreciate their interest in our group.
Committee Reports:
Website-having trouble with the Joining Page, Rose and Len are going to contact Tinker Graphics about spam.
Cleanup-Rescheduled for October 30, meet 8:30 am-11:30 am at Spring Waters Inn. Coordinators are Jim and Andy Health Department at 822-6250.
Health Department PACE meeting-October 14, 6 pm Crime Prevention with Volusia County Sherriff, DeLeon Springs United Methodist Church, 265 Ponce DeLeon Blvd, contact Jim and Andy for questions.
Membership-Sharon visited the Forestry Station and they are interested in what we are doing. She also met Kathy Boyles from DS United Methodist Church and visited Alexxi's Combinations across from the elementary school.
River Of Lakes-Trails are going to be a focus of tourism in West Volusia, with a 10 day huge loop planned near our area. The current grant will probably be used for a brochure for the entire corridor. Amy wondered about the feasibility of planting water-wise plants along the highway, we may try to partner with the garden club for some plantings and Laura will check with the DOT person.
Utility Task Force-Amy reviewed our current progress for the new people present. Please see last month's minutes for recap. The current best plan seems to be with City of DeLand for water and sewer. Some resources are Keith Riger at COD, Teresa at COD for grants, Jim McRae with Health Dept, and Donna King for VolusiaCounty grant writing. Urgency is because of SB 550 which mandates septic inspections beginning in 2011. Water in DeLeonSpringsPark is inspected regularly for pollution, if it is contaminated the park will have to be closed. Andy said there is ongoing well testing in the DS area because of prior contamination. Len said there is contaminated soil under Hwy 17 but they have not yet scheduled a removal.
Laura asked for those who have misgivings to please state them. Wayne said he would have to close the laundromat if he came under new approval from VolusiaCounty and they charged him a $3000/per washer impact fee, plus a large water usage. It is possible that his business would be able to remain under its current monthly inspection through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Laura suggested that we formalize ourcommitmentto explore this idea and the following resolution was agreed upon: DSMA agrees to sponsor the utility committee to present a proposal to landowners on Hwy 17 between Ponce de Leon Blvd and Davis Ave for a central water/sewer system from City of DeLand Utilities. The meeting will be held on November 4, 2010 at DeLeonSpringsUnitedMethodistChurch and landowners in this area will receive written notification of this meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am.Next meeting November 9, 2010 at 10 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Strawn,Secretary, DS Merchants Assn.