Defining Future-Ready Graduates

KNOWLEDGE (Sometimes also referred to as Academic Content1 or Content Knowledge2)
PATHWAY KNOWLEDGE1 (Sometimes also referred to as Transition Knowledge & Skills2)
SKILLS (Sometimes also referred to as Lifelong Learning Skills,1 Cognitive Strategies,2 or Competencies3)
DISPOSITIONS (Sometimes also referred to as Mindsets3)
  1. Balestrari, K., Sambolt, M., Duhon, C., Smerdon, B., & Harris, J. (2014). The College and Career Readiness and Success Organizer. College and Career Readiness and Success Center.

2.  Conley, D. (2012). The Complexity of College and Career Readiness. Presentation at Actualizing College and Career Readiness Symposium, Washington, DC.

3.  Nagaoka, J., Farrington, C.A., Ehrlich, S.B., Heath, R.D. (2015). Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework. Consortium on Chicago School Research.