Name Date of Birth

Date of initial interview Date of 11th grade interview Date of 12th grade interview

Section I – To be completed by the parent in consultation with the student Please note changes. If the information is unchanged from grade to grade, please indicate this.

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

After leaving high school what do you see your son/daughter participating in? / College Supervised Employment
Vocational School/Training Family/Friend Business
Adult/Continuing Education Military
Independent Employment Other
What type of career/job does your son/daughter seem interested in?
Do you think his/her career expectations are realistic?
What specific skills do you think need to be developed for your son/daughter to reach their vocational goals?
During the school year on average, how many hours each week does your son/daughter work for pay? Where?
What chores or responsibilities does your son/daughter have at home? Are they completed independently?
Following graduation what do you think your son/daughter’s living arrangements will be? / At home Community residence
College campus Other
Own residence/apartment
Residence/apartment with support
Your son/daughter’s current academic program is: / ·  College Preparatory
·  Vocational, with the goal or attending college or post secondary training after graduation
·  Vocational, with the goal of entering full time employment after graduation

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

What school sponsored sports or extracurricular activities is your son/daughter involved in?
Would you consider 1 year or 2 years of vocational training for your son/daughter as part of their high school academic program?
Would you consider Career Exploration Internship for your son/daughter as part of their high school academic program?
Would you consider General Work experience for your son/daughter as part of their high school academic program?
Does your son/daughter have any physical, medical, emotional, or behavioral conditions? Please explain.
If so, how would this impact his/her ability to work?
Does your son/daughter have a permit or a driver’s license?
Does your son/daughter use public transportation?
Upon successful completion of all graduation requirements your son/daughter should earn: / Local Diploma
Regents Diploma
Regents Diploma with advanced designation

In which of the following areas does your son/daughter need instruction/support/resources? Please mark all that apply

Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Conduct basic college search / Conduct basic college search / Conduct basic college search
Conduct financial aid search / Conduct financial aid search / Conduct financial aid search
Computer-based career exploration / Computer-based career exploration / Computer-based career exploration
Computer-based college search / Computer-based college search / Computer-based college search
General career exploration / General career exploration / General career exploration
Completing college application / Completing college application / Completing college application
Completing employment application / Completing employment application / Completing employment application
Selection of appropriate academic/vocational courses / Selection of appropriate academic/vocational courses / Selection of appropriate academic/vocational courses
Develop a resume / Develop a resume / Develop a resume
Obtain an internship / Obtain an internship / Obtain an internship
Obtain employment / Obtain employment / Obtain employment
Job coaching / Job coaching / Job coaching
College interviewing skills / College interviewing skills / College interviewing skills
Employment interviewing skills / Employment interviewing skills / Employment interviewing skills
NCAA Clearinghouse procedures / NCAA Clearinghouse procedures / NCAA Clearinghouse procedures


Additional comments from parent and/or student:



Name Date of Birth

Date of initial interview Date of 11th grade interview Date of 12th grade interview

Section II – To be completed by the case manager either with the student

or following a consultation with the student. Please note changes. If the information is unchanged from grade to grade, please indicate this.

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

What areas of learning does the student like most? Why?
What areas of learning does the student like least? Why?
What motivates the student?
Can the student listen carefully and follow verbal instructions?
Can the student verbally express their ideas and questions to others?
Can the student read and understand signs, directions, and lessons?
Can the student take notes in class, write an essay, and write a letter?
Can the student add, subtract, multiply, divide, tell time, and count money?
Has the student and/or family members expressed any interest to you that would indicate post high school plans? Explain.

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

To what extent can the student demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace?
What changes in the classroom environment does the student need to help learn? How could this impact their future job/career choice if these supports were not available?
What materials or resources does the student need to help learn? How could this impact their future job/career choice if these supports were not available?
Does the student understand their disability? Are they able to explain it to others?
Recommendations for next school year.
Projected post secondary outcomes.


Case Manager’s Comments



Name Date of Birth

Date of initial interview Date of 11th grade interview Date of 12th grade interview

Section III – To be completed by the guidance counselor either with the student

or following a consultation with the student. Please note changes. If the information is unchanged from grade to grade, please indicate this.

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

The student’s current academic program is: / ·  College Preparatory
·  Vocational, with the goal or attending college or post secondary training after graduation
·  Vocational, with the goal of entering full time employment after graduation
Is the student’s academic program appropriate?
How does the student interact with teachers? peers?
Does the student have any significant medical, emotional, behavioral, and/or attendance issues?
What career activities are planned for this school year?
For next year it is recommended that the student participate in: / Remain in current program
Vocational training Internship program
General work experience Volunteer
Alternate school program Other

10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

Upon successful completion of all graduation requirements, the student should earn:
Projected post secondary outcomes
Does the student understand how accommodations are provided at post-secondary programs? If not, please explain.
Has the student researched disability support programs at programs or colleges of their choice?


Guidance Counselor’s Comments